Wed, Jun 19 '13, 20:57
Since Hypnochan has been shut down I have been effectively cut off from any source of MC loli pics (except for Sleepymaid of course, who unfortunately doesn't draw much other than Squid-Ops right now). Is it possible to create a seperate Hypnobooru for loli pics to fill the vacuum left by the old "Basement"? I think this would be a great thing to do if there is some imageboard provider that doesn't care about drawn loli stuff...
Wed, Jun 19 '13, 21:03
Well, Vanndril was trying, but...
Wed, Jun 19 '13, 22:19
Well there's always Gelbooru. You can look for loli stuff there until someone comes up with a better alternative. I've been posting my loli manips there since they can't go here. (Even though I've only made one...)
Thu, Jun 20 '13, 05:14
Lost+Name said:
I've been posting my loli manips there since they can't go here. (Even though I've only made one...)

I KNEW that one was yours! If it's the one I'm thinking, Mindwipe and I made fun of the way it was tagged, too. :P

On topic: I had been trying to set one up. I even found a decent host that allowed adult content AND had no rule against loli/shota content. I was set up to pay for it and everything...but, quite plainly, the booru source code from the gelbooru forums - the newest released source, no less - doesn't work properly. The main problem I'm having now is that changing information on the image doesn't properly display after it is changed. I could explain that better, but I'd have to explain how the booru works, in depth, first, and that would take too long and require too much effort.

I'm mostly sure it's a mySQL problem, or whatever that weird alternative version they use is (some newer sort of SQL, I think), and I'm terrible at that. Web design was a hobby for me years ago, so I never really learned all the ins and outs of stuff like that. Simply put, I can't fix it myself because the entire thing is just so far beyond me.

I'd need someone who I can trust who has a decent amount of know-how in web development, mySQL databases, HTML, and PHP. And possibly Javascript. Someone fitting those credentials looking into the issue as a sort of favor is the only realistic way I see this being fixed any time soon. I've already asked on the gelbooru forum thread where I got it, and while they helped me fix a simple problem that required changing two characters in one file, they've yet to aid me on this newer problem. Not that I blame them; there's no error message for this, so it's harder to pinpoint than the other one.

And, if you were asking if we could simply make a new booru on booru.org...nope. booru.org is the site that has the no-loli rule, not the hypnobooru. It's a rule of their host. The host that also owns the servers that the hypnobooru and all free boorus are on.
Fri, Jun 21 '13, 16:49
Vanndril said:
quite plainly, the booru source code from the gelbooru forums - the newest released source, no less - doesn't work properly.

Is it just me who doesn't like the "booru" layout that much, anyway?

I'd love to see a site where loli hypno pics and stories could be posted, but to me, a Booru isn't it. There's already a Lolibooru and it seems to me that a hypno-themed one would only be the same thing with a lot less pictures, and a lot more smudged eyes.

Some folks, such as yourself and the other manippers, would work wonders with it I am sure, but what's needed just now - in my opinion - is a site for hypnosis themed loli art and writing where community-building and artistic growth is the focus. A place where people have usernames, posting anything - discussions, images, fiction, feedback, requests, etc. - is easy, and all content can be searched and sorted. I don't think a booru is quite the right choice there, though I admit that the 'chan' model may also be old-hat at this stage (besides, it seems like it encourages misanthropy and illegal file sharing in a way that would just get the place torn down again).

I think an easy, searchable and taggable blogging platform with categories would be best.

Here's something I came across recently: http://chyrp.net/

Anyone know of any other stuff like that which is similarly easy to set up, clean and open-source?

I suggest just making a list in this thread, and ditching the booru code for one of those.

To sweeten the deal, I'll also be posting a number of never-before-seen loli hypno stories to the new site, once it's created. That's just about the best incentive I can give. =)

Thanks, Vanndril, for taking the time to research and implement this for everyone. Let me know if I can help in any way: might be able to hook you up with some programmer support if you can't find anyone else, depending on whether I can call in a favor. You can contact me via deviantArt, and my email is on this profile.
Fri, Jun 21 '13, 21:11
Nice to see you again, BluRider.

What you're describing sounds like something the fetish as a whole could use, and not something that should be limited to just loli stuff. That said, I can't say I share your opinion of the booru layout. To me, a booru is unbeatable when it comes to sharing images. Tags, aliases, blacklists, the ability to favorite, links to source material, child posts, all work to make finding images effortless. A blog just can't compare, in my opinion. Perhaps I'm just not giving blogs enough credit, but that's how I feel.

I also think that a booru is perfectly sufficient for what people want now. Since /base/ is gone, there's been no place to post loli pics and manips. A loli Hypnobooru would fix this. You can say it would just be Lolibooru "with a lot less pictures, and a lot more smudged eyes", but you could as easily say that Hypnobooru is Danbooru with a lot less pictures, and a lot more smudged eyes, and that's worked great for us. There's already a place for people to share loli hypno-stories, so that portion of the fetish has already been catered to. It's the images that are in limbo.

A place for community and artist growth sounds great, but I feel like that's what Sleepychan is trying to do with its /art/ board, and, as a whole, Sleepychan is a ghost town. I can't say why, but it certainly seems like they get less activity than our comments and forums. We've also had a few artists artists pop up here, like Lunakiri, kinkyloli, and Nell-Chrome (who has sadly disappeared). To say nothing of the amount of manipper growth we've had here. I'm just saying that, given the chance, a booru can be a place for artists to grow. Perhaps not ideal, but still possible.

BluRider said:
my email is on this profile.

We can't look at that. It's just for password recovery. (Which doesn't work. Yay, free boorus!)
Sat, Jun 22 '13, 07:54

Mindwipe said:
To me, a booru is unbeatable when it comes to sharing images. Tags, aliases, blacklists, the ability to favorite, links to source material, child posts, all work to make finding images effortless.

Personally, I think that Mindwipe summed up the way I feel quite well, in his quote. The booru software covers a lot of the needs of the hypnofetish community (as far as image content), and is, by far, the best IMAGE board-style software that I've seen. Even if half of these features are at least a little bit broken, they still serve their purpose well enough to be considered functional.

I did look around at Chyrp, by the way. It looked like...your basic blog. That's not a bad thing, but I just don't see it fitting the needs we have for an alternative to a booru.

Now, if there were something BETTER than the booru software and it was brought to my attention, then we'd have some decision-making and planning on our hands. Unfortunately, I've yet to see anything like that.

All that said, I do as well wish that there was a site that our fetish's content-creators and all would gather and be an actual, active community. More than it is here, anyway. But the problem with that is that...well, the booru already has the features for that, albeit basic ones. People just don't use them. What kind of features - what kind of website - could bring a real sense of community to this fetish? I think about this once in a while, and the answer I always reach is: "I don't know, but I can't imagine being able to build it from scratch." As much as I'd love to be the guy who brings this fetish the "next big thing" (aside from the booru, alongside Mindwipe), I just don't have the know-how or experience.

And as a side note: now I sort of wish there was a booru-style website (you know, taggable and searchable, with blacklist and favorites and whatnot) for stories. That sounds pretty cool.

BluRider said:
Thanks, Vanndril, for taking the time to research and implement this for everyone.

I would be lying if I said this wasn't for my own sake, too. :P
I just wish something would come of it.

Thanks for that offer of assistance, too. I might someday take you up on that.

TL;DR - QQ QQ I wish I were a better web developer QQ. No, but really, if anyone has any ideas for a software to replace the booru software, bring it up. There can't possibly be any HARM in it.
Sat, Jun 22 '13, 20:11
Dang! I really really wanted to do this. If I had more time I'd really lend a hand on this :(

Even though I don't like PHP much. You know, PHP is absolutely horrible and here's why:

So I'm curious,
Vanndril said:
I even found a decent host that allowed adult content AND had no rule against loli/shota content.

Is that a VPS, dedicated, or shared hosting?
Besides in case someone (like me) wants to give it a go some day in the (likely far) future, I'd like to know which host that is ^^

Also, I agree 100% that even with all its flaws, a booru is the best thing now. It really helps a lot to browse.

I wish it was better for growing a community though - and I wonder if it's possible to make something as comfortable as a booru (or more), but with more sense of community. It's a bit of a small dream to do this, also because I'd like it if my girlfriend had something like this available. And she loves to draw lolis which is a pity.

In short, I could see myself pulling this off from end to end except for the "I have no time at all" part. Sad.
Sun, Jun 23 '13, 08:25
Then I really wish you had the time to do it, man. :P
(I actually read most of that PHP article, btw. Makes sense o.O)

Anyway, to answer your question about the host: it can be any of the three types of hosting you mentioned. They have plans for any of 'em. Honestly, I have no experience with finding hosts that are good. :P But from what I've seen, this is generally considered an at least acceptable host with a high uptime: http://www.hostgator.com/.

I know they've been around for quite the long time, but I honestly never used them. When I went searching for hosts for this, I ended up looking at various host review sites - both the ones that simply have a "vote-rating" system, and the ones where "experienced" web designers post what are practically essays on the performance of hosts they've used - and, while it's not rare to see a ton of good reviews for every host/product on the face of the Earth and beyond, what struck me about Hostgator was that it seemed to lack any real BAD reviews, unlike its competitors.

In any case, I just carefully went over their ToS, particularly the part involving forbidden content, again. Unless I missed something, they do indeed allow pornography and loli content. That said, there could still be a problem if they ever decide that loli content is considered "obscene" (not by law, but by their preference) or if they consider it "child porn", but neither of these are all TOO likely, so it would still be worth the shot.

So, back on topic, I'm considering trying shimmie: http://code.shishnet.org/shimmie2/. If you've ever been to rule34.paheal.net, then you've seen shimmie at work.

It's a sort of gelbooru-software alternative, and is based off of danbooru, the same thing the booru software was based on. The only downside I see is that it really isn't booru. XD I mean, some features are different/missing. For example, there is no blacklist, and I consider that a very important feature.

That said, I'd rather have a deficient site that still works than no site at all.

(You can find a test shimmie here: http://shimmie.shishnet.org/v2/ )

Mon, Jun 24 '13, 17:32
Let's make something happen
Nobody has time for anything these days, but I think my may have access to a programmer or two who is willing to make time for a good cause. I've also dabbled, myself. I think the important thing is to take the first step... so I have gone ahead and done so.

If you can get your hands on a decent domain, I can get us about a full day of an experienced programmer's time. What this means is, we can get a custom website running professional social image sharing software, but we can't go adding too much in the way of features yet: he'll set us up something that works for our immediate purposes, and we will be in touch in the future to add new features (plus people like StemCell might be willing to devote a day or two themselves, to improving the site code).

If we want to take him up on it, it will have to be reasonably soon (i.e. within 10 days), but here's what he's offering:

1. An image sharing website custom-built for our purposes, based on the ZenPhoto CMS ( http://www.zenphoto.org/ ).

2. Support for both image and story content, plus a news section, built in blog, and support for other custom pages.

3. A sexy, modern user interface. Have a look here, for how the pages of the site will look: http://oswebcreations.com/zenphoto-themes/zpmasonry/

4. Support for tagging, user permission levels, content ratings, categories, commenting on artwork (and writing), as well as plug-in support for all kinds of customization and additional features in future.

5. RSS for new content, backup and restore feature (in case the site gets deleted), automatic updates (to fix bugs), statistics for most viewed, top rated, most commented, etc., as well as the most popular tags.

6. Automatic spam filtering in comments, CAPTCHAs for security, automatic compression of oversize images (optional), "protected" pages for members only (e.g. loli content).

6. Fully searchable image library, including search-by-artist and search-by-resolution alongside the normal search by tag stuff.

7. A full suite of admin tools for managing the above, giving us total control of the site.

I don't know about you, but that sounds like the hypno-site of the future to me... and precisely what I think the community needs right now. There's plenty of chans, groups and boorus and such where we can place hypno content: even the loli stuff that started this thread can technically go on Lolibooru under the hypnosis or mind_control tags, and stories could be sent to Piper's Domain. MC Stories has the regular stories; Sleepychan has artist threads and IRL hookups; DA-Entranced offers a supportive community for new artists and writers to hone their skills and/or explore their interests; Hypnobooru covers everything else.

So what's missing? Why do I want to see something brand new appear? Well, here's my answer: I would also like to hear your own, below.

I think what's missing is a place where all of the above is possible, but the focus is on sharing and discussing quality original work, with facilities for artists and writers to post, share, discuss, grow and improve, and all the modern conveniences like RSS, twitter feeds and so forth.

In short, I want a one-stop shop for hypno-news, art, writing and community, I want to be able to watch an RSS feed for new content I am interested in (instead of visiting a bunch of different sites twice a day, many of which never seem to update), and most of all I want to see more original art, stories with a real plot, and quality manips. I don't care if that means male/male stuff, loli stuff or My Little Pony stuff: when it gets posted, it should get tagged, and everyone who likes that kind of thing should see it. As for amateur works that don't meet the quality criteria, there should be links to all the major sites. As for commercial works that aren't legal to repost, there should be links to the creators' sites. As for anything else that's happening in the community – if, say, somebody throws a contest or a new issue of Squid Ops has come out – I want to see that kind of thing right there under "News".

That's what I want out of a new hypno-site, and I feel like this offering could give us exactly what I've been after.

I am only one man, though, so I ask you:

When you imagine the "big new hypno-site" of your dreams, what exactly is it that you want from it, and does the option I outlined above offer (or potentially offer in future, through a plug-in) what you want?

Let's discuss, get everybody's thoughts in here, and make a decision soon. Hopefully, we can all get at least some of what we want, and one or two more weeks from now we'll have the seed of the new hypno-hub of the future.

For that matter, I quite like the name "HypnoHub"... or, in honour of the fallen HypnoChan, perhaps a name like "HypnoClan". What would you name your ideal site, and what would be on it?

We've 10 days and counting to make a decision and to lay the groundwork, starting now, so let's get some traction in this thread.

Over to you.
Mon, Jun 24 '13, 20:43
Wow. That is a lot more functionality than I expected. I feel like I have a dozen questions of my own buzzing in my head right now, and I'm not sure how to put them into text. I think the biggest thing, for me, is: how comparable to a booru will the image board portion be? I stand by my statement that boorus are unbeatable for image sharing, and while I would certainly love all the extra features this would give us, I don't want to lose the features we already have. Otherwise, it feels like an upgrade with an asterisk. Could users still blacklist tags to hide content they don't want to see? What about things like child posts? Could we still link images together so things like comic pages stay together? How about notes? Would we have to forget about translated images?

I need more time to gather my thoughts. I didn't expect to be thinking about "the hypno-site of the future". This would be a major step up from what we're doing here. This site was never meant to be a hub for the hypnofetish community. When Vanndril and I created this site, it was just meant to be a supplement to Hypnochan. A place to store all the images that would inevitably begin auto-saging and eventually be deleted, while also making them easily-searchable. I didn't expect the whole place to go kaput mere weeks after we unveiled it.

I guess thinking about all this just has me slightly overwhelmed. I need a moment. ^^'
Mon, Jun 24 '13, 23:42
Note to myself: This thread is not for reading while on the go 0.0
Tue, Jun 25 '13, 02:06
If you don't mind, I'm gonna move this discussion into its own thread. I think it deserves it. I may make a news post about it later to get more people to weigh in.

Edit: forum #210
Wed, Jun 26 '13, 16:38
I suppose it may be time to reopen this discussion, then:

If we don't quite have the resources to reinvent the hypno-web-circuit, we can at least get a decent loli site together.

Mindwipe's comment prompts me to ask, though, what would the submission policy be, exactly? And who would be moderating?
Wed, Jun 26 '13, 18:25
I assume it would be Vanndril, myself, and Lost+Name moderating, like it is here. And the submission policy would be the same as here, except real-life photos would be forbidden.
Wed, Jun 26 '13, 23:27
Mindwipe said:
I assume it would be Vanndril, myself, and Lost+Name moderating, like it is here. And the submission policy would be the same as here, except real-life photos would be forbidden.

That's what I was thinking when I was going to try to set one up. I mean, honestly, if we were allowed, we'd just let the content be posted here. So the one I hosted would just have been a sister site to the hypnobooru, specifically for loli/shota.

We have nothing against, and in fact, rather enjoy, loli content. It's not like we would avoid moderating it. :P
Thu, Jun 27 '13, 02:56
Well, that sounds fine to me.

What's wrong with this booru business, then? Could we just give that busted booru code of yours to a programmer and have him fix it?

If you don't have a site host yet, where are you testing it, and getting that error? Maybe it wouldn't happen on an actual webhost?
Thu, Jun 27 '13, 03:15
Vanndril has another domain that he was using to host his RAGS games, but it doesn't allow porn, I think (good thing they never found out what's in those RAGS games).
Thu, Jun 27 '13, 05:18
Mindwipe said:
Vanndril has another domain that he was using to host his RAGS games, but it doesn't allow porn, I think (good thing they never found out what's in those RAGS games).

This. And yeah, lol, I very much doubted that they would even bother trying to open the RAGS files. Seems I was right.

BluRider said:
What's wrong with this booru business, then? Could we just give that busted booru code of yours to a programmer and have him fix it?

I'd be more than a little okay with that. :P It's apparent that the peeps on Gelbooru don't feel like taking the time to fix it (which, again, I don't really blame them for). I just find it odd that I seem to be the only one with the issue. It makes me wonder if it's a host problem, but I can't test that without...well, another host.

As it stands, I was still considering running shimmie as the CMS for a loli hypnobooru. But if the actual booru source code were fixed...then I'd use that in a heartbeat. I could have it up in half an hour or less after that point. They made it VERY easy to install. :P
Thu, Jun 27 '13, 16:28
So, what you're saying is...

1. The problem might not even be a problem on the new host.

2. It's really easy to test out.

3. We have a programmer who can potentially fix the database problem, if we do this soon.


4. Either way, we'd have a shiny new loli-hypnobooru.

Why aren't we doing this right now?? =P

Seems to me, even if everything fouls up in a major way, somehow, we could just install a different booru software (such as https://code.google.com/p/my-imouto-booru/ ), or simply use that host to start up that new hypno-link-sharing site, or try out ZenPhoto (which at least would do the job of a loli gallery just fine on its own).

All you'd need to check would be that the new host has PHP 5.2+ (preferably 5.4.7+) and MySQL 5+ (preferably 5.5.27+), just so we're not dealing with some kind of dinosaur. Heck, that may be what messed up the booru on your current server to begin with.

This sounds like a low-risk win-win. What's not to love?

I'm 100% all for kicking this thing off ASAP, if possible.

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