Sun, Jun 16 '13, 21:18
Offering commissions
Thought I may as well post here since most my stuff gets uploaded to this site.
To those interested, I finally decided to start taking commissions.
Sun, Jun 16 '13, 22:01
Ohhhhh, you're plsgts. :D
Tue, Jun 18 '13, 07:04
Hehe, hope ya don't mind all that posting of your work. :P

Glad to see ya here. I'll have to consider...
Tue, Jun 18 '13, 19:03
Totally off-topic, but I think I just realized what your dA and Booru usernames mean. Pretty clever, if I'm right.
Tue, Jun 18 '13, 19:09
I've never been too good at figuring out name meanings.
Tue, Jun 18 '13, 19:37
Well, I hope he doesn't mind me saying it, but if I'm right:

plsgts = PLeaSe Go To Sleep
slmrip = Sleep Little Man-cub; Rest In Peace

Both lines from the first Kaa encounter from The Jungle Book.
Tue, Jun 18 '13, 20:32
Correct. Haha, well done.
Tue, Jun 18 '13, 20:53
Heh, I can't believe I figured it out. Anyway, I may not have the spare cash to commission you, but I'd still like to say keep up the good work; I'm a fan. :)
Wed, Jun 19 '13, 13:12
Mindwipe, I just have to congratulate you, that was some bad-ass deduction skills lol.
Thu, Jun 20 '13, 05:22
Stem_Cell said:
Mindwipe, I just have to congratulate you, that was some bad-ass deduction skills lol.

Yeah, I gotta say: I'm impressed.

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