Sat, Jun 15 '13, 01:45
I've been thinking...
[I realize I spam this forum sometimes. Sorry!]

There aren't many comics out there that are centered around the whole hypno-fetish or just hypnosis as a whole, right? Would anyone be interested if I were to do one? I want to try a comic, see if I can actually keep with it and whatnot, so... yeah. It crossed my mind a bit ago, and I thought I would ask and see if there would be any interest. XD
Sat, Jun 15 '13, 01:56
There's actually quite a few, but no one here is gonna say "no" to more. :P
Sat, Jun 15 '13, 02:07
There are?
I haven't managed to really find any then XD Lol.

But if there's already a good number, then I probably won't. There's onl[y so much you can do, after all XD I don't wantto be just another one to add to the stack or whatever.
Sat, Jun 15 '13, 02:12
Lunakiri said:
There are?

If you're counting doujin/manga, and short comics like those Jimryu makes, then yes. Though, some may argue that most of them are more sex than hypnosis (with hypnosis being a tool for sex). So, if you're looking to make a comic that focuses more on enslavement or something, you would be doing something more rare.
Sat, Jun 15 '13, 02:47
lol. I was meaning a webcomic that follows the theme of hypnosis, for whatever the hell comes of it. [Haven't thought THAT far ahead yet XD] There would be sex, yes, but there would also be just taking advantage of skills or whatever [like... getting them to do something that they hate, just so that you don't have to, or whatever].
I 'unno, haven't actually put any thought into it XD

And I didn't mean just the couple pages, 'cause I know the net is littered with those in all themes.
Sat, Jun 15 '13, 03:26
A webcomic? o.O

Sleepymaid tried to start a hypno webcomic. He rebooted it twice, each time after getting a few chapters in. Then on the third edition, he claimed that it would be SFW. Needless to say, I lost interest.

But that's the only online web comic I know of that was strictly for the hypnofetish community or otherwise mostly based around hypnosis/mind control.

Heh, if you pulled one off, I think that'd be pretty cool.
Sat, Jun 15 '13, 04:13
Maybe I will then.
Once I can do shit digitally again DX
Sat, Jun 15 '13, 08:55
Would like to see some new stuff in the comic branch^^
Sat, Jun 15 '13, 23:21
I really hope you can get a laptop soon :)

More comics is always a good thing.

The trick to not be "another one on the stack", I think, is to have personality. If you add some twist to the story that nobody else dared to (and it's good), it'd be more rare and special.

I think that most of these "good, but few/nobody dared to do it" themes are politically wrong ones. The kind of things that some people like, while some others don't, so you'd hit a niche.

That's just my opinion though. Doing something with many mainstream elements doesn't hurt too, just be sure it motivates you to do more.
Sun, Jun 16 '13, 01:18
I have no idea what I would end up doing. So... I'll probably end up taking suggestions or something. No idea.
Don't even know if there would be any continuity or anything to it. Haven't planned it out yet XD Lol.
Sun, Jun 16 '13, 07:13
Anything starts with an idea what to do :)
The magic is to know how to do it ;)
Don't stop believing in your skills! =)
Sun, Jun 16 '13, 07:52
Lol. I know XD
It's a matter of figuring out a starting point XD
Sun, Jun 16 '13, 18:21
If you decided to do this, I figure there are two main webcomic formats you could follow: you could either tell a single, grand story like a novel would, or you could do single-page character interactions w/o the overarching story (best example:

The former gives a sense of...well...plot, while the latter feels more casual and open, and allows for random little sub-stories at times/whenever the artist feels like it.
Sun, Jun 16 '13, 21:15
Knowing me, I'd probably go with the first. Solely because I like stories, and continuity. XD

I just gotta figure out what the actual story would be... although I DO have a couple of ideas.
Sun, Jun 16 '13, 23:26
Would you mind to tell us some ideas? :D
Mon, Jun 17 '13, 01:36
Ok... what do you mean by that Anno?
Me telling you wht I'm thinking for it, or allowing other people to give me possible ideas?
Mon, Jun 17 '13, 07:33
As I wrote the sentence I meant you to tell us what you're thinking for it :)
But that you mention it giving you ideas might lead to some interesting concepts^^
Mon, Jun 17 '13, 14:33
All I have in mind, is that I want it the characters to be my three girls. Natalia, Isabelle and Arianna [commonly shortened to Nats, Belle and Ria respectively.]

Not much else other than that in mind though. Been toying with a few possibilities, but... I 'unno.

If anyone wants to give me suggestions, I am willing to listen, definitely.
Mon, Jun 17 '13, 23:35
Involve technology like in my commission I ordered from you ^_^
Tue, Jun 18 '13, 02:35
Perhaps. I was thinking that I might have it that there's one big baddie that they gotta stop or something.
I 'unno. TRying to figure out how I could do that, and not have it seem to much like sailor moon or something XD
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