Fri, Jun 14 '13, 23:51
Yup. I'm pissed.
I managed to get my laptop to a usable state. Yay for early b-day gifts.
Then, once that was done, I used the money I had in my paypal to buy my fiancee a b-day gift, since it's coming up a few days after mine.
Go figure, I have to buy the damn wireless accessory kit for my damned intuos. The port for the usb cord is dying. I'm having a hard time getting it to connect DX //cries <-- That is what I'm looking for. DESPITE it being fucking retarded and mandating that it's somewhere in the fucking USA that orders it, that's what I'm after. I'll wait the little longer [get a friend to order it, then ship it to me] to save like 3o bucks.

Whatever. I need about 5o bucks USD now to buy that, so commissions are open, but traditional only again, and no colour [since my pencil crayons are running low. I need new ones DX]

I'm offering sketches for $5, $7 if you want a bit of a blurb with the sketch as well.

I know, five bucks is a bit much, but if I do five bucks a pop, I would still need 1o commissions, and I realize that the chances of me getting that is pretty slim. [Commissions are rather slow at the moment, and that's why I say that]. <-- Sketch Sample
Sat, Jun 15 '13, 23:26
Wait, if the USB port is dying (or is it the cord?), then buying that would help?

If it's the cord that is dying (the cable), then you can buy one for like $1.59 with worldwide free shipping:

(I got three of those)

It's much cheaper than a wireless kit. And I really think it does the same thing...
Sun, Jun 16 '13, 00:46
Lol. It's not the cord. Trust me, I tried switching it already.
It's the actual port.
Sun, Jun 16 '13, 18:25
Actually, now I'm curious, too. Does the wireless accessory part not plug into the USB port of the tablet? I'd assume not, since you're going to use it to route around the USB port altogether. :P
Sun, Jun 16 '13, 21:13
Nope! It doesn't.
It's to the sides, on both sides actually, of the usb port. Battery one on side, actual piece to make it wireless on the other.
Tue, Jun 18 '13, 18:40
Just a silly idea but maaaaybe it's something silly like a bent pin or something. I had luck once by clamping an USB plug with a plier lol.
Wed, Jun 19 '13, 03:42
And I wouldn't know what the hell I was doing to try and fix that. Although, it being a bent pin would make sense regarding how it was so freaking sudden.
Wed, Jun 19 '13, 13:09
Well, it doesn't hurt to take a look. Maybe you can try and pull the pins a bit with something like a small screwdriver so as to ensure that they're making contact.

And failing that, I know this might freak you out, but taking stuff apart, while voiding warranty, is almost always a safe thing to do (with care). If I had that issue I'd just unscrew the thing open and try to see if some cable was cut inside or something (you can test that with any cheap multimeter, it's the setting that has an Omega character for Ohms - or you can go MacGyver and do the same thing with three wires, a battery and a led instead of a multimeter).
Wed, Jun 19 '13, 22:37
Don't have a small enough screw driver, and want to wait until I KNOW that the wireless kit won't work. If it doesn't work, THEN I'll take it apart, but not before. I don't want to risk ruining something that would have worked This is a 26o+ dollar tablet, dammit. DX
Wed, Jun 19 '13, 23:45
I agree...also she doesn't seem to want to blow up the whole tablet if you say
Stem_Cell said: [...]can go MacGyver [...]

If you're not used to work with queasy electronics you can pretty fast turn everything to big shit...260$-shit
Sat, Jun 22 '13, 20:25
Hahaha it's not that hard or dangerous, really! And it's super fun and thrilling, but that may just be me.

Anyway, hope the wireless dongle works!
Tue, Jun 25 '13, 01:21
The wireless kit works perfectly. It gives me pressure sensitivity, registers it, etc. It works PERFECTLY.

Just ONE problem

To charge the damn battery for it, I need to plug my tablet in, needs to get the power from the laptop/computer.
Yet THAT is what is dead.

Guess I'll just save up and buy a new intuos -_-;
Tue, Jun 25 '13, 10:13
o.o' *sigh*
Well...on the bright, the irony of the situation made me laugh. Some bright side, am I right?

Technology and you just don't seem to play well together, Luna. XD

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