Mon, Jun 10 '13, 17:47
Why sleepychan are like hypnochan?
Mon, Jun 10 '13, 18:33
I'm not really sure what you mean. Even if you're not a native English speaker you should still try to be more specific and descriptive.
Mon, Jun 10 '13, 18:46
Sorry, what i wanted to say is sleepychan (all) is identic to hypnochan.
Mon, Jun 10 '13, 18:54
Because people wanted a new Hypnochan. And, actually, it's not very identical at all. There's a SFW board (God knows why), no /base/, no /dis/ (that I see), no /dev/, threads occasionally get deleted for inactivity, and the biggest difference of all: almost no one goes there.
Mon, Jun 10 '13, 20:57
Thanks, so sleepychan was a failed project. As little I can remember hypnochan was more orderly.

But, why hypnochan was deleted?
The past summer i see the posts (pics) all days.
Mon, Jun 10 '13, 21:37
arcolel123 said:
Thanks, so sleepychan was a failed project.

That's up to opinion. In any case, Sleepychan is still up and running, so it's far too early to be talking about it in past tense.

But, why hypnochan was deleted?
The past summer i see the posts (pics) all days.

It received so many DMCA complaints that the host deleted it. Ultimately, /self/ became the site's downfall. We originally posted about the shutdown here: forum #16.

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