Wed, Jun 05 '13, 00:04
Pet Peeves in this Fetish?
I remember long ago in the days of old, I happened upon a single thread in site now lost...

That thread was used to discuss the various irritations that people had with hypnosis and mind control and the affinity based culture centered around it. Since that thread was so popular I decided; why not do something similar here on the booru?

This thread is to discuss your various quarks and peeves about the fetish we share here. Since I know that threads like these might be prone to flaming and hate spamming let me lay out a few ground rules:

1. There is to be no flaming any artists, manippers or writers of any kind. However if you have constructive criticism for people in general that is most welcome.
2. If someone has done something you don't like please be as general and discrete as possible.
3. Always give a clear and remotely understandable reason for your dislike of something.
4. The Collective is off-limits. A somewhat popular thread expressing disdain for the collective once appeared on HC and was eventually removed because it was more or less just an outlet for peoples anger towards something that's just not going to change. The Collective is what it is and nothing said here is likely to change that. If you don't like it then you can simply abstain as you do now have alternatives.
5. You're free to debate anyone about the merits and value of their dislikes so long as you are respectful to them.

That's pretty much it. If I think of any thing else I'll update. Failure to follow any of these rules may result in the edit or deletion of your post.

This is a thread to share and express thoughts, feelings and opinions; meet like minds and maybe even teach and help one another. I hope we can all enjoy this tread for a long time.
Wed, Jun 05 '13, 03:23
Oooooooh boy... I remember this thread from Hypnochan. I generally don't like these types of threads, as they're inherently negative.

In any case, I don't have many "pet peeves" in this fetish... that I know of. There are things I don't like seeing, but they don't irritate me. If I had to pick something, I'd say that I hate it when stories (comics, manga, doujin, sequences, videos) don't show the induction, or use some kind of silly "Poof! You're hypnotized!" thing. Even worse, stories where the hypnosis seems completely inconsequential or unneeded.
Wed, Jun 05 '13, 08:02
I have quite a number of peeves, but I think one I see/dislike the most is the overuse and objectification of Kaa. While many people enjoy the scenario's Kaa may present, very few ever seem to treat him as an actual character and more like just a tool to get to the desired goal. This results in him being portrayed horribly out of character (if at all) and sometimes he just seems like an afterthought on what was essentially just an image of a character with 'Kaa eyes'. It really frustrates me and I wish more people would just create their own hypnotic snake character to use for these scenario's rather than just depend on an existing one who isnt even treated as a character.
Wed, Jun 05 '13, 09:37
I don't know... I just find other "random hypnotic snakes" to be either A.) boring, or B.) just a rip-off of Kaa. So, I feel like I'd be fine if they'd ALL be Kaa. He's never really had much of a character beyond "hungry snake who likes to play with his food and has an affinity for failure" anyway. That said, it's not at all uncommon for a character to be completely out of character in porn (especially fetish porn).
Wed, Jun 05 '13, 15:28
Mindwipe said:
Oooooooh boy... I remember this thread from Hypnochan. I generally don't like these types of threads, as they're inherently negative.

It's true these sorts of threads do carry a degree of negativity but they also help us to get to know one another. I sort of feel like we've been ignoring each other in some ways and this thread will help us understand each other better. Sometimes you have to take the bad with the good as it helps you grow.:)

Mindwipe said:
I'd say that I hate it when stories (comics, manga, doujin, sequences, videos) don't show the induction, or use some kind of silly "Poof! You're hypnotized!" thing. Even worse, stories where the hypnosis seems completely inconsequential or unneeded.

I agree with you there. It's like, 'why even add hypnosis to your story if you don't go in depth with it?' There are all sorts of ways to establish conditions for obedience that don't involve hypnosis but if you're going to use hypnosis in a story you should at least have a general understanding of the potential of the art. Using hypnosis as a quick excuse to further the plot is defacing to the appeal technique itself.

slmrip said:
I think one I see/dislike the most is the overuse and objectification of Kaa.

Mindwipe said:
I don't know... I just find other "random hypnotic snakes" to be either A.) boring, or B.) just a rip-off of Kaa.

Yeah, I've never really been a big Kaa fan, personally, but I can't say I don't enjoy seeing him work his magic now and again.
I can't really consider other snakes to be a "rip-off of kaa" since I have to remember that kaa (the Disney version) is merely derived from a much older version. However "boring" is something I might consider them to be. The original Kaa was unable to hypnotize humans so he doesn't really interest me too much but Disney did such a good job in reanimating Kaa in a way people would like I just have to say I find their version interesting.
I think that's really all it takes to make a good hypnotic snake or hypnotic animal in general (or rather hypnotic character in general). If a character is funny, cool, endearing, etc. in any significant any way it makes that character all the more likely to gain popularity and thus be mass sexualized into a fetish.
Wed, Jun 05 '13, 19:54
I personally "Hate" and yes i used the word hate, people who pretend to be women to try and get a session from me....I will hypnotize guys but honestly...like honestly why pretend to be a girl... drives me nuts
Thu, Jun 06 '13, 01:28
While many people enjoy the scenario's Kaa may present, very few ever seem to treat him as an actual character and more like just a tool to get to the desired goal. This results in him being portrayed horribly out of character (if at all) and sometimes he just seems like an afterthought on what was essentially just an image of a character with 'Kaa eyes'. It really frustrates me and I wish more people would just create their own hypnotic snake character to use for these scenario's rather than just depend on an existing one who isnt even treated as a character.

Yup. I do agree whole heartedly with this. Perhaps... too much so.

I don't know... I just find other "random hypnotic snakes" to be either A.) boring, or B.) just a rip-off of Kaa.

I don't know about this. I haven't ever really felt that comfortable with Kaa myself like that, but then I saw this and decided that maybe thin, white snakes were more my style. ...Gosh darnit Fruedian Slips. Below is what I mean. And then, just because Kabuchimaru is one of my most favorite characters of any series ever, one of him as well - although again, only slightly reflects the original character's personality in that case.



As for others... Yeah, I do have quite a few peeves, I'll admit. I'm not one much for blunt enlargement, it may work if its a part of the story, but if that's the only thing going on in it then I can do without. Finally... the complete erasure of the former personality. This most likely just stems from my fixation with corruption, but when the original becomes nothing more than a body or mindless without any thought of its own... it's honestly a turn-off to me. But that's just my personal taste. Below is a clear example of what I am talking about.


That's... Really all.
Thu, Jun 06 '13, 03:09
Indeed_That_Is_MC said:
the complete erasure of the former personality.

I've always been off and on when it comes to this. I do like it when the personalities are preserved sometimes but there are moments when I think it detracts from the influence the controlling force.
For example, when a girl who, for all intents and purposes, isn't interested in a person in anyway somehow becomes a fanatical and adoring factotum that's awesome but I think it gradually becomes more and more boring after a while. I guess because the longer they stay like that the easier it gets to forget that they aren't naturally like that.
Even though I've said all that, I actually don't care much for the complete erasure of the personality. I just find it boring. What I do like, however, is when the subject is brought in and out of various states of so as to be toyed with. One of these states would naturally be the initial trance-state which might resemble the complete-erasure state but is one that I (perhaps ironically) feel is a lot different.
Fri, Jun 07 '13, 01:49
Hm, my main pet peeve is with silly, childish concepts such as just three swirls of a pendant and poof! all possibility of resistance gone.

I like it when there's resistance, but I can also like it if there's no resistance because of some magical force (even if not my cup of tea), or some technology that the subject can't possibly resist.

In other words, I like it when it's at least somewhat plausible, even if with a bit of stretching.

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