Mon, Jun 03 '13, 03:43
Looking for Hypnochan "mascot"
OK, so there never really was an official mascot for hypnochan, but I do remember some pictures of concepts were drawn up for her, and I seem to recall her most striking features were a yellow sweater with black spirals on it, along with a spiral ahoge. I foolishly never saved the images and I would like to see them again, so after some searching (with no luck), here I am.

Any help would be appreciated!
Mon, Jun 03 '13, 03:46
I have those sketches. They were by DarkHatBoy (DHB). If nobody beats me to it, I'll upload them for you later tonight. ;)
Mon, Jun 03 '13, 03:58
Thank you for the timely response! Much appreciated. :D
Mon, Jun 03 '13, 04:39
It seems I was wrong. I only have one of the sketches. I thought for sure I had the others, but I can't find them. =/

If anyone has the others, please post so I don't feel so bad. XD
Mon, Jun 03 '13, 18:32
I'm pretty sure I have them all. XD
But I don't have time to dig them up and post 'em right now.

*pokes* Mindwipe, if I show up tonight, remind me to hunt them down and post them.
Mon, Jun 03 '13, 23:57
There are even more images of her than I remember seeing, so it's a real treat!

Thanks guys!
Tue, Jun 04 '13, 00:31
Hm, maybe Hypnobooru needs a mascot and we could pick up where hypnochan left off? You know, to keep the memory alive. Would be pretty easy to recreate the post count digits to include the mascot instead of the current characters, except for the time required of course...
Tue, Jun 04 '13, 03:36
I'd love to replace the counters with a custom mascot, but we're short on artists here. Hypnochan had a lot more artists that posted their own work and contributed to the mascot design. It's comparatively harder for us to find someone skilled enough to make custom counters for us purely out of kindness.

If we could, though, what we'd need is ten 68x150 (this is the resolution that all of our current counters are in, though I suppose it isn't required to be this size) .gifs of the mascot, each one holding a different number (0-9), and preferably in different poses, though we probably can't be choosers. I'd also recommend one small change to the mascot design, if we use the same one from Hypnochan: since our background is black, black hair may not work well. We'd need to change it to something more visible (I'd recommend blue).
Wed, Jun 05 '13, 00:15
I believe that we could do our best to lure someone to make these .gifs. To that end, we'd require:

- An official thread about requesting for the gifs (with those infos). I think an admin should create the thread? Sounds more "official".

- A name for the mascot (does it have one?). Then, tag the images that contain the mascot so that an artist can look at them for reference.

- Some descriptions about hair style, color, and outfit. From the images of the mascot posted here, I don't know which style is the right one?

The last point is important: it's also up to debate. The hair color can still be black, shading allows for a black hair on a black background. We just need these details sorted out for an artist to pick it up and do it.

Also, the thread would be useful so that whenever an artist wants to do it, he/she can post before the act, and therefore two people wouldn't be doing the same images unaware of the other's work :P

I'm not sure, my girlfriend is kinda busy at the moment, but maybe I could lure her to try it out, she's good with pixel art. But to show her, I'd need some details (so she knows which kind of character it would be). Same with any other artist I think.
Wed, Jun 05 '13, 03:57
Stem_Cell said:
- An official thread about requesting for the gifs (with those infos). I think an admin should create the thread? Sounds more "official".

I don't think that would help, honestly. The only people who ever check the forums are the more devoted users and people who need help from admins. We could MAYBE make a news post for it... MAYBE.

- A name for the mascot (does it have one?). Then, tag the images that contain the mascot so that an artist can look at them for reference.

I don't know if a name was ever agreed on for her. I remember someone suggesting "Hypno-chan", for obvious reasons.

- Some descriptions about hair style, color, and outfit. From the images of the mascot posted here, I don't know which style is the right one?

I think this image represents the most evolved version of her: post #9240
The constants have been the over-sized shirt with the spirals on the chest and long hair with a spiral ahoge.
Thu, Jun 06 '13, 01:35
If the name is what is being discussed --

...I honestly don't think that Hypno-chan would be the best... choice. I mean, the whole concept of mind control/hypnosis has to do with the mental, correct? Hypno-chan just seems... rather simple for a community based off of the ideal of strong mental power that controls that of another. If we did think of another name based around that presumption, I'd recommend looking at whether she would be from our perspective purely a sub or a tist as well who occasionally is made into a sub. I think that would help narrow down the ideas for a name or identity.

Also, I think a news post would help. The first news post is what helped me realize "Oh... this forum thing exists. Neat."

f we use the same one from Hypnochan: since our background is black, black hair may not work well. We'd need to change it to something more visible (I'd recommend blue).

Indeed, it probably wouldn't work very well. And... Mm... blue. Sorry, this is mostly just personal favoritism talking but, mm... blue. Anyway.

That's all. I think a custom set of counters would look really cool.
Thu, Jun 06 '13, 06:31
We'll worry about giving her a name when/if we get the counters made.
HiG's counter proved that black hair CAN work even with our background. So, we may not have to change it after all (even though I still like blue hair).

As for a news post, we're still thinking about that. Vanndril's "sick" and in no mood to think right now. The only reason I haven't made one yet is I'm really not sure it would make any difference. Most of the artists I know are on this site have seen this thread already.
Thu, Jun 06 '13, 06:35
Mindwipe said:
Vanndril's "sick"

And lazy. :P

But for the most part, I feel the same way as Mindwipe.
Most of the artists that I know of that hang around the booru have indeed seen this thread already. There are always artists we haven't heard of, though...

I dunno, maybe. I don't want to use the news posts unless we have too/Cirno visits again. I don't want to end up making using those a habit.
Fri, Jun 07 '13, 01:58
By the way, I felt a bit sorry for the Cirno guy xD

Hm, maybe a news post wouldn't really help - but just so I ask, interpretations on the characters concept are valid right? Since there are more than one version (even a furry), variations seem to be ok. I'm also ok with blue hair.
Fri, Jun 07 '13, 03:02
Stem_Cell said:
By the way, I felt a bit sorry for the Cirno guy xD

Psst... Cirno's a girl. ;)

interpretations on the characters concept are valid right?

The character was never technically "finished", so I suppose changes could still be made. I don't know if I'd change too much, though, since a lot of input went into making the character look as she does now.

Since there are more than one version (even a furry), variations seem to be ok.

Well, the furry version of the character was because they were toying with the idea of a different version of the mascot for every board on Hypnochan. The other versions were just older concept sketches. For the finished version, I'd prefer to just have one design to use as the mascot and counters (unless someone can come up with a really good idea for multiple versions).

I'm also ok with blue hair.

Who doesn't like blue hair? Honestly? :D
Sun, Jul 21 '13, 20:03
Uploaded a zip with the 10 counter digits done in the style of the "Hypno-chan" mascot here:

I didn't clean up the transparency, so they wont work on a non dark-gray background very well, but I did add the transparency and put the images in the format and file naming that I think the booru expects.
Sun, Jul 21 '13, 21:24
Cool. Downloaded. Vann and I will look at them, and if there's no problems, we'll get 'em up. Of course, there's no telling how long it'll actually take for the booru to update.

If there were any other artists planning on making counters, go ahead, I say. Having options can only be a good thing. If we open up the new booru that we're working on, we'll also need help with banners (but that discussion can wait until we actually get it working).
Tue, Jul 23 '13, 00:14
So... When I pasted these onto a background the same color as ours, the counters are surrounded by a choppy gray outline. I guess that's what you meant when you said you didn't clean up the transparency? I don't think we can use them unless we fix that.
Tue, Jul 23 '13, 05:31
No, I didn't mean for it to be quite that bad. I meant that it would look bad if you changed the background color, but then saved out the gifs with a white matte color instead of #141414. It's a simple fix though, and I re-uploaded the archive with the changes:

And to test I created a quick webpage with all the gifs in a row and took a screenshot:
Tue, Jul 23 '13, 07:37
Okay, so... bad news. I tried to upload the .zip on the booru control panel and was given an error message for each individual .gif saying that its dimensions were too large. Now, obviously they're not, since they're the same size as the ones we're currently using (the max size, if you're curious, is 250x250). Vanndril tried re-saving all the gifs and re-uploading them, but .gifs 7 and 9 refuse to work even after all that. We can't get all of them to work no matter what we do. I'm not sure how or if we can circumvent this error. =/
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