Wed, Oct 10 '12, 02:05
Question regarding needles
I've got a rather good set of images from Kandlin that prominently feature hypodermic needles. It's completely bloodless, but figured it might be best to check before posting anyhow. Would these images be alright to post, or are needle injections not kosher?
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 02:23
It's fine. Go ahead.
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 03:33
Ah, good to know. Thanks!
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 03:46
And for further reassurance: if, for any reason, we decided they shouldn't be allowed, we would just quietly remove them. You'd be in no trouble.

But I don't see how they wouldn't be okay.
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 04:16
Right-o. I was pretty certain they'd be alright, but I thought physical injections might be a little... I dunno, squick-y? You know, it all sounds rather silly now that I'm typing it out. Never mind me.

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