Thu, May 16 '13, 23:53
Changing Tastes
So, inspired by (and similar to) Mindwipe's "Pics That You Love (But Feel Like You Shouldn't)" thread...

As time goes on, tastes change. This is especially true with anything sexual. Examples range from people going from straight as an arrow to homosexual to going from finding something uninteresting to finding it enjoyable.

In this thread, I wanted to ask: did you ever have a fetish or an aspect of sex/sexuality that, originally, you found disgusting, but eventually grew to enjoy?

For me, I used to think bondage was stupid. I didn't understand the appeal, nor did I care to learn of it. Why tie someone up/be tied up? Hell, wouldn't that make it HARDER to HAVE sex? What's so appealing about that? Then, as time went on and my tastes and outlook matured, during my enjoyment of MC fetish stuff, I suddenly realized that the MC pics with SM and D/s undertones were hotter than just the average MC pic. So I explored bondage a bit then, and grew to love it immensely.

So what about all of you? Anyone have a fetish they found uninteresting or disgusting at first, then later on found that they loved it?
Fri, May 17 '13, 00:35

I used to think "What's hot about lesbians? It's not like you'll ever get in on that." But at some point I realized that that really didn't matter to me, and two chicks getting it on is hot. Now it's my 3rd major fetish.
Fri, May 17 '13, 00:45
I used to be big into blondes. Now I can't stand (real) blonde women at all. They're almost as much of a turnoff as stuff I'm viscerally uncomfortable with (furry, vore, gore). In a drawn image, I don't like blonde much, but it doesn't have anywhere near the same effect.

My taste in sub/dom and what gender is in each spot has changed pretty wildly as I've tried to figure out what the hell my sexuality is. I think it started femdom/malesub and has moved through every possible configuration aside from m/m. It's more or less stable at femsub and preferred femdom, but okay with maledom sometimes.
Fri, May 17 '13, 01:35
It's a little difficult to say if I've really changed. I think that all of my likes and dislikes are still the same as they were when this all started for me. (Although now I prefer anime MUCH more than western.)

If anything has really changed for it's that I'm now more accepting of femdom scenarios than I once was. It's not that I wouldn't prefer a female dom become a sub in some way if the moment was right. It's just that I can now appreciate the idea of letting a confident beautiful women take control and I can understand a little why others can get so into the idea.
That's not to say that I've always been totally maledom, though. That's actually something I deem interchangeable for me in my content. It could be a tree, machine, phantom, tentacle monster, meat hole monster, etc, as long as there's femsub hypnosis I'll go with it.
Fri, May 17 '13, 01:37
I used to hate futa. I remember the first time I went onto /d/, I was shocked at the sheer volume of dickgirl content. Then Sleepymaid happened. I believe it was this picture in particular that got me into futa:
It's funny, I remember as a kid I used to fantasize about girls growing cocks. Maybe I just repressed that part of my sexuality when I was told that liking dicks was gay and being gay was icky (I had a... really religious upbringing. -.-) Sleepymaid just helped bring that part of me back out, I guess. I consider myself bi-ish now. (I like cocks, but not masculine bodies. What can I say, sexuality is weird.)

Also, to a lesser extent, femdom. I used to be only into femsub hypno, but then I read this great story (which I unfortunately can't remember the name of) on the EMCA. It was about a high school counselor brainwashing two seniors (a male and a female) into being her slaves. It made being entranced and having someone else think for you sound so hot. Now I flip-flop between femsub and femdom.
Fri, May 17 '13, 01:57
I was never fond of vore. But then thanks to a number of people and artistic loopholes I found it to include, it soon blossomed into one of my top fetishes. And it only helped solidify snakes as my favorite hypnotist's even more so.
Fri, May 17 '13, 02:31
Vorp said:
I used to be only into femsub hypno, but then I read this great story (which I unfortunately can't remember the name of) on the EMCA. It was about a high school counselor brainwashing two seniors (a male and a female) into being her slaves. It made being entranced and having someone else think for you sound so hot. Now I flip-flop between femsub and femdom.

When you give a story such praise, Vorp, it makes me wish you could remember the name too. :P
Truthfully, I have been looking for a good hypnosis themed or subtle brainwashing/MC story for a long time. At this point I barely care who the doms and subs are. (So long as it's not m/m.)
Fri, May 17 '13, 03:03
Oh EMCA... It's not that I really repressed anything it's just that there were things I haven't experienced. Thanks to the EMCA and partly to the chan and boorus, I've experienced a lot of things. One of the things that was really unattractive that I can deal with is male sissy. When I went on Omegle chats, there were always subs who wanted it. After going through a session and understanding why it's erotic, its something that's just there. Granted it's not what I like but I understand the fetish a lot more.
Fri, May 17 '13, 03:16
I think it's safe to say that just about everything I enjoy nowadays I used to hate at some point. It's like adding books to a library.
Fri, May 17 '13, 06:06
I used to love bondage, but... I think I'm falling out of that one.
I also used to absolutely despite futa... but it's growing on me XD
Fri, May 17 '13, 09:16
I love the topic of sexuality. It's just so fascinating.
I'm glad that I made this thread. :P

Lunakiri said:
I used to love bondage, but... I think I'm falling out of that one.

Betcha you just overdosed on it and got burned out. ;)

Lunakiri said:
I also used to absolutely despite futa... but it's growing on me XD

Not sure if literal, or... :P

petal said:
I think it's safe to say that just about everything I enjoy nowadays I used to hate at some point. It's like adding books to a library.

I'm not sure how that analogy makes sense, but I like it anyway!

Lost+Name said:
That's not to say that I've always been totally maledom, though. That's actually something I deem interchangeable for me in my content. It could be a tree, machine, phantom, tentacle monster, meat hole monster, etc, as long as there's femsub hypnosis I'll go with it.

I'm the same way. XD
It's the sub's SUBMISSION that turns me on. The idea that, given the circumstances, they are willing or able to be controlled. It doesn't matter to me WHO does it, just that it happens and the sub is female. I do enjoy it SLIGHTLY more if whatever it is that is the dom is male, though.

Going back to what I quoted from petal's post, I'm much the same way. I'm still interested in everything I ever was, fetish-wise. However, I'm now ALSO into most things that I used to hate.

I have two "levels" of fetishes now: I'm either into them, or understand the reason that they're erotic but have no interest in them. This extends to even the most dark of extremes, such as death and guro fetishes (that's right, I went there!). I can understand their eroticism (that sense of finality and absolute-ness and all), but I just don't care for 'em.

The only fetishes that I still seem to have an actual AVERSION to are scat and extreme portrayals of smell fetishes. Oddly enough, these two bother me more than guro does (yay for desensitization)! Still, even these aversions are becoming less extreme for me as time goes on.
Fri, May 17 '13, 15:16
Vanndril said:
The only fetishes that I still seem to have an actual AVERSION to are scat and extreme portrayals of smell fetishes. Oddly enough, these two bother me more than guro does (yay for desensitization)! Still, even these aversions are becoming less extreme for me as time goes on.

Haha, that's really interesting, because some of the only things that still really turn me off are things I find physically "icky", such as smell and scat. I wonder why...
Fri, May 17 '13, 21:32
I have no idea about the bondage aspect. Mabe it's because I haven't been with a partner for awhile that has been into it? I dunno.

And lmao. I didn't even realize my wording there. But no. NOT literally XD
I blame sleepymaid, been looking at her stuff for awhile now, and ... well, she does a lot of futa. So... yeah.

I 'unno for sure, but it's not so WTF for me now XD
Fri, May 17 '13, 22:06
petal said:
Haha, that's really interesting, because some of the only things that still really turn me off are things I find physically "icky", such as smell and scat. I wonder why...

That IS interesting because that's basically how I am, too. That similarity is intriguing.

Lunakiri said:
And lmao. I didn't even realize my wording there. But no. NOT literally XD

I figured that was the case, but I wanted to have my fun. :3

Lunakiri said:
And lmao. I didn't even realize my wording there. But no. NOT literally XD
I blame sleepymaid, been looking at her stuff for awhile now, and ... well, she does a lot of futa.

Sleepymaid is the very reason I don't particularly dislike futa now. I'm at the point where I can just ignore the fact that there's a penis on a girl in pics that are otherwise really hot to me, and it's all his fault. :P
(Thanks, Sleepy!)
Fri, May 17 '13, 23:02
Vanndril said:
Sleepymaid is the very reason I don't particularly dislike futa now. I'm at the point where I can just ignore the fact that there's a penis on a girl in pics that are otherwise really hot to me, and it's all his fault. :P
(Thanks, Sleepy!)

Haha, this sums it up rather nicely. Altough there are extremes where it's hard to "ignore" like this one:

To me the actual change was from robot fetish to mind control. Now I only find robot fetish/ASFR hot if it has MC in it.

The thing that didn't change is my opinion of pictures that look too silly. I can even put up with futa and scat given enough motivation, but porn with Kaa, Sonic, My Little Pony or swinging watches, I can't even understand these. (They're popular, so people must really like them, and I'm no one to judge - I'm just saying it's not straightforward to me how people get turned on by certain things in particular.)
Sat, May 18 '13, 15:07
Something I've just awakened to realizing about my tastes - I wouldn't really call it a big change but it's worth noting. I've taken a liking to seeing dark haired, kuudere -like females with hime-ish cuts being deeply entranced. I think it's because they're typically dominant and powerful characters in any series they happen to appear. It's tough to say. I guess, I'm kind, of odd like that.
Sun, May 19 '13, 01:33
Aye, L+N. The stronger and more willful the now-entranced person was before, the hotter it is when they fall. :3

I've always been that way.
Sun, May 19 '13, 06:28
Come to think of it, there's another one for me.

Cum. Or rather liquids from either male or female. Almost doesn't matter what it is [I still have ones that will just make me hurl DX]
I still don't like to see a pic that is overloaded with it, but... I won't shy away from pics with some.

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