Thu, May 16 '13, 05:18
Searching for a pic
Apologies if there is a similar thread buried elsewhere among the threads already here, but I am searching for a very specific picture to show a friend of mine and am coming up short.

The image is a text manip from a male's pov, with the central focus of the image being two very large breasts sitting on a glass table, mostly propping up the woman to whom they belong. The content of the text is a simple scenario in which the male protagonist is invited into the huge-breasted, lingerie-clad woman's house for milk and cookies. He deduces, too late, that the milk is, in fact, HERS, and is effectively entranced by and addicted to the woman's milk. She nurses him, then invites him to bed.

I've searched this booru high and low for this image and cannot find it for the life of me. I've scoured likely tags like huge_breasts, lactation, lingerie, and femdom with absolutely zero luck. It's entirely possible I saw it on /hyp/ before it was taken down, and am mistaken in my memory of it being ported here to the booru, but I could have sworn I'd seen it here once before. Any assistance in tracking down this image would be very greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Thu, May 16 '13, 08:48
Is it drawn or real?

I'll skim through now and reply again if I see anything, but if I don't then...

If it's real: search for (w/o quotes) "manip text real"

If it's drawn: search for (w/o quotes) "manip text -real"

That should narrow down your search considerably.

IF you cannot find it like that, it is probably not uploaded. The only other explanation is that it's not properly tagged, and with how Mindwipe is about those things...
Thu, May 16 '13, 17:59
It's drawn. Kind of an exaggerated anime-esque style. I'll give that a try and see if I get anything. Thanks for the suggestion, Vanndril!
Thu, May 16 '13, 19:10
This doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I don't think I've seen a pic like that here. Now, I can't recall all 7000+ images that have been posted here, so I may just be forgetting.

From the sound of it, this is a viewer-sub image? If it were here, it should be tagged with "pov", (but sometimes tags get left off). That said, viewer-sub manips have been pretty rare here thus far.
Fri, May 17 '13, 10:21
I did a check of all the "pov" tagged images, too, Mindwipe, and I tried "text" when I was first searching for the image, but had entirely too many results to work with. I tried combining a few of the likely tags together and got fewer images to look through, but the same result. It's entirely possible I saw this image on hypnochan when it was still up and running, but if anyone HAS uploaded it here, I'd appreciate the heads-up.

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