Sun, May 12 '13, 14:39
Google Subliminal Messages.
Today, 5/12/13, Google has their logo changed into something else (as per usual).

However, something is def. not usual... and that's the fact that as soon as it loads, on most likely popular and well known search engine, a shape descends that proceeds to sway and swing back and forth, back and forth.

Alright, I'm not trying to say that it's a conspiracy but... How easily could one take it as such...? A major conglomeration like Google that literal MILLIONS, or at least hundreds of thousands, use each and every day, having the possibility of sending a subliminal message could have quite scary effects depending on how effective it was. Oh, it also doesn't tell you what the event is without clicking on it. If you go all the way through it, it lets you make a simple, very simple picture.

Anyway, I saw the Google logo this morning and it reminded me of you all. Just thought I would share that. (Tis also what finally made me finally make an account on here to use on the forums after.............

Frick. Since the chan went down. I learned about the fact that that existed in its dying days, then found this place. Been my hypnohome ever since, so thanks.)

Sun, May 12 '13, 15:42
Who actually uses the Google homepage to search? I've never done that and never seen anybody do so. I only directly go to Google if I want to use their reverse image search or something.

Also Google's semi-motto is "Don't be evil" and I certainly believe our computerized masters unquestioningly.
Sun, May 12 '13, 20:14
I use Google's homepage to search. It's just a habit I've formed. :P

Anyway, I looked at it, and chuckled. Nothing at all to worry about, but still an entertaining thought.
Mon, May 13 '13, 20:15
Well, I don't see it so I guess it's the US home or something. :P

If this was serious though... come on, subliminal messages just don't work :)

Alien said:
Who actually uses the Google homepage to search? I've never done that and never seen anybody do so. I only directly go to Google if I want to use their reverse image search or something.

Also Google's semi-motto is "Don't be evil" and I certainly believe our computerized masters unquestioningly.

I only go to the page for the occasional doodle really.
For reverse image search, you can either use a bookmarklet or instruct your browser to use the direct URL for the reverse search (such as creating a new search engine that is just "reverse search this URL". You just need to append an image URL (like ) to this URL:

And... I would say that Google is way better than Apple but it's becoming closer and closer to Microsoft in ideology and practices.
Mon, May 13 '13, 20:20
Google is fine... Everything is fine... @_@
Mon, May 13 '13, 20:45
Oh, I see what's happening here. It's incredibly obvious to me that, after the whole escapade on April Fool's day, and after Daiyousei stopped her from being a puppy, Cirno went to work for Google and help them with their subliminals.

<.< >.> <.<

*tinfoil hat*
Mon, May 13 '13, 23:56
Short answer: Google is our friend, they love us so very much, they... RUN! RUN AWAY NOW! HURRY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! THEY'VE ALREADY FOUND ME!

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