Mon, May 06 '13, 22:33
The Scarcity of Manippers
Hey all,

I've just been browsing a few theme-relevant sites and I've noticed something. I might just be me but does anyone else think there are not as many manippers for this community as there used to be. I remember the collective being full of different manips and now even those aren't coming in as often as they used to. They're hardly any anime updates at all. However, the worst part is the lack of text manips. (Well maybe that's just for me.)
I don't really know. I might be wrong. I just feel like things in the manipping community aren't as active as they used to be. (Not that I'm really one to talk since I haven't made anything in over a month :P)

Your thoughts?
Tue, May 07 '13, 00:49
Not sure, because I stopped visiting the collective a long time ago. I don't think manipping has really slowed down much here, though (it may seem like it, because a lot of the backlog has been cleared out now). And I think we've had more text manips than not, at least recently. I know almost all of my recent manips have had text.

Some of our manippers have been less active, but I'm sure there's reasons for that.
Tue, May 07 '13, 01:03
I guess there's just less of a focus on the scene. Sue-Chan's husband isn't posting on the collective that much these days, TiechoNorth stopped a while ago and I've not seen much from Lola, though she has "high profile femsub in this community" syndrome which all but drove Shadowednavi away last time she tried directly interacting.

In these parts more or less every active manipper is still about spare perhaps for Deathwish who we may have scared off due to a large number of low quality image posts.
Tue, May 07 '13, 01:35
bellchan said:
she has "high profile femsub in this community" syndrome which all but drove Shadowednavi away last time she tried directly interacting.

This community (by which I mean, the hypnofetish community in general) REALLY needs to learn how to control themselves when it comes to real-life femsubs. I remember when Faustus showed up on Hypnochan, posted a picture of herself, and said something about wanting to be hypnotized for her next shoot, and it was like blood in the water for a bunch of horny hypnotists who couldn't keep their pendulums in their pants. Not sure if that's really what sparked her first long hiatus as people speculated, but the point is subs are people, not prey.

In these parts more or less every active manipper is still about spare perhaps for Deathwish who we may have scared off due to a large number of low quality image posts.

I'm not sure if it was really the low quality posts that made him leave (he seemed to get over that), or if it was the people (person?) commenting on his manips being bad and voting them down into the negative numbers.

On the plus side, we've had some new manippers here, too.
Tue, May 07 '13, 02:13
bellchan said:
"high profile femsub in this community" syndrome

What is this exactly
Tue, May 07 '13, 03:15
Alien said:
bellchan said:
"high profile femsub in this community" syndrome

What is this exactly

Where a female is openly present in a hypnosis community and cannot escape the attention of potential maledom predators. I've witnessed it first hand. It's not pleasant, fun or nice in any respect.

Lola and Faustus both ended up with naughty pictures of themselves circulating the internet thanks to these dicks.
Tue, May 07 '13, 03:35
Mindwipe said:
I remember when Faustus showed up on Hypnochan, posted a picture of herself, and said something about wanting to be hypnotized for her next shoot, and it was like blood in the water for a bunch of horny hypnotists who couldn't keep their pendulums in their pants.

Nice one, there. ;P

Mindwipe said:
On the plus side, we've had some new manippers here, too.

That's true. I just wish that manips posted here received the same kind discussion and accolades that they once did on the collective.
Tue, May 07 '13, 04:03
Lost+Name said:
Nice one, there. ;P

Thank you. I was quite proud of that one. XD

That's true. I just wish that manips posted here received the same kind discussion and accolades that they once did on the collective.

I remember about a month ago, I was chatting with Vanndril while browsing everyone's favorites to see if my newest manips had gotten any faves. I said something to him along the lines of "I wish there was an easier way to tell if anyone liked my manips. Like if they actually TOLD ME." Vanndril had said basically the same thing to me before. Hilariously, my viewer-sub manips are the only ones to get any "substantial" number of comments (and that's at least 50% of the reason I kept making them).

We can't force people to comment, though (and I'm very thankful for those that do comment). And the sad fact is that the booru is less convenient for discussion about pics than, say, Hypnochan was.
Tue, May 07 '13, 06:05
bellchan said:
Lola and Faustus both ended up with naughty pictures of themselves circulating the internet thanks to these dicks.

That's pretty goddamn scummy. Was it ever found out who exactly did this, and was anything done about them?

Mindwipe said:
I remember about a month ago, I was chatting with Vanndril while browsing everyone's favorites to see if my newest manips had gotten any faves. I said something to him along the lines of "I wish there was an easier way to tell if anyone liked my manips. Like if they actually TOLD ME." Vanndril had said basically the same thing to me before.

Personally, I don't use the favorites at all. If I really like a picture I'm saving it to my harddrive over a favorites list. I've been doing that for years and hadn't really seen a point to the favorites until you mentioned this.

As for comments... I really should comment more, but I'm, like, a congenital lurker. I only get into or start a conversation if I'm really annoyed at something or ready to nerd out about the subject.
Tue, May 07 '13, 06:50
Alien said:
I've been doing that for years and hadn't really seen a point to the favorites until you mentioned this.

Honestly, if more people commented or voted up pics, I wouldn't rely so much on looking through everyone's favorites. It's very time-consuming and inefficient. Commenting is always best, since even anonymous users can comment, while only registered users can vote and favorite.

And I used to not favorite either, but I started once I realized how much I was relying on it.
Tue, May 07 '13, 23:46
For my part I use the fav function ..but I'm afraid about 'naughty pics' of Faustus...Do you mean the ones she posted on the collective? btw she is also a model...Pics are her job (>.>)
Wed, May 08 '13, 04:25
On the note of the comments, I usually don't leave one due to my apprehension of dealing with "artists". In my experience, a lot of people get defensive if you leave anything but praise.

On the note of Faustus and pics, I've never seen a pic of her actually naked (that I can recall) so it's possible Mindwipe and the others are referred to some full nudes that were meant for private viewing rather than mass gawking.
Wed, May 08 '13, 04:53
Shaobody said:
On the note of the comments, I usually don't leave one due to my apprehension of dealing with "artists". In my experience, a lot of people get defensive if you leave anything but praise.

It depends on what you mean. In my opinion, if you don't like a pic, the best thing to do is just ignore it and move on. No need to comment, saying "I don't like this". But if you want to say something constructive, and as long as you're polite and respectful about it, most people won't mind. That said, if you really like a pic, it's good to comment. Sometimes, artists and manippers just need to hear that their work is being enjoyed.

On the note of Faustus and pics, I've never seen a pic of her actually naked (that I can recall) so it's possible Mindwipe and the others are referred to some full nudes that were meant for private viewing rather than mass gawking.

I'd like to clarify that I know nothing of the "naughty pictures" of Faustus that bellchan mentioned. All I remember is Faustus posting a pic of herself on Hypnochan (which was removed for being on the wrong board) and having a few more pics of herself on her collective page.

Anyway, I think this thread was about manippers?

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