Sat, May 04 '13, 07:53
Hey kinda new here so pardon my noobish but for manips I was under the impression that it was solely adding a story/text to the different parts of pictures, but by reading some of the comments its actually just editing in general?
Sat, May 04 '13, 07:57
Correct. "Manip" is short for "manipulation", and usually refers to editing a pic in some way. Technically speaking, pics that just have text added are captions, but we group them together with manips.
Sat, May 04 '13, 08:08
Ahhh good to know maybe ill upload a few I have laying around my hard drive but I edited them in paint so cant promise super quality ^_^
Sat, May 04 '13, 08:19
Well, do keep in mind that we judge for quality and we're usually a bit stricter with manips.

Paint tends to be a very lousy program for editing pics, but some people can do good things with it (it's also how I started).
Sat, May 04 '13, 08:29
I understand, mostly all I do is do something with the eyes not so much with bodies and such, but all I can do is submit them and if they get turned down that's life right?
Sat, May 04 '13, 08:42
Right. That's how I started out as a manipper: just editing eyes in Paint. In fact, some of my old Paint manips are here.


Though I kinda wish they weren't, because they mostly just embarrass me now. That said, if you want to keep making manips, I'd recommend downloading GIMP. It's free, and you can make things look a LOT better than in Paint.
Sat, May 04 '13, 09:15
I do it for occasional fun so probably stick to Paint till I find a pic that is begging for it but I cant do in Paint ^_^ and really those aren't too bad, some of mine if you look really close you can tell were there are a few discolored pixels DX but just out of curiosity not gonna do it yet but looking at the adding thing do we need to give a source because honestly I cant remember were I get a lot of the pics I used XD
Sat, May 04 '13, 20:11
The source field is optional.

And I still recommend GIMP. It's just soooooooooo much better than Paint at everything.
Sun, May 05 '13, 19:02
Let me reword what Mindwipe is TRYING to say: you should probably get GIMP because it's not only better, but also EASIER. Trust me when I say that, once you get used to the new paintbrush and pencil tool options, you'll save time by using GIMP. Even more so if you learn to use the other features.

Plus, the smudge tool at 100% Rate (an option for it) can be used like the brush tool - you know, where you color-picker the color you need for that section of the eye - without using the color picker.

It also makes it easier to clean the image afterward, as sometimes things start to look...jagged, due to the nature of pixels. You can use the smudge tool at a lower rate percentage (I usually use 30% or so) and smudge out the jagged spots, blending them in with the rest around them.

It's your choice whether you get it or not, but I highly recommend it. Don't be intimidated by the learning curve though, since all you need to really learn to mimic what Paint does is the pen and pencil tool with the new, simple, but useful, options.

Anyway, if you're unsure about your manip quality, feel free to upload them and we'll take a look. No harm in that, since if they don't quite meet standards, we can always remove them. And if they do, we can always keep them.

Also note that, if you're ever interested in learning a little more about manipping eyes, feel free to approach Mindwipe or myself, and probably MMD (Lost+Name, I call him MMD because I can :P) if you're interested in manipping more than just eyes, since those are our respective specialties.
Mon, May 06 '13, 00:35
Speaking of which, it would be great if you guys would post those manip tutorials you made from the Hypnochan days again. I can never get my stuff to come out right :/
Mon, May 06 '13, 03:07
Regarding tutorials, there are very good ones that are not MC/hypno-specific but might serve as well, and tutorials for Photoshop (which there are many) mostly apply to GIMP too.
Mon, May 06 '13, 06:59
I'll take that into advice but might wait till I get a new comp my current one is ancient and has limited space as is. Also uploaded about 10 pics I thought I did mostly well on but one was taken down almost immediately was it too close to loli or was there another reason(not really expecting an answer since I don't know who took it down)
Mon, May 06 '13, 07:02
Too close to loli. I left a comment on it, but I didn't know how long you were gonna go on posting, so I just went ahead and took it down.

That said, you did about as well as can be expected with Paint. Reminds me of my old stuff. You should have no trouble moving on to GIMP, if you choose to keep going.

And replying to an earlier post, I never made a tutorial (was working on one, but never finished), but I can try to write a quicky later.
Mon, May 06 '13, 07:16
Ok I understand saving for a new comp so might do it when I get it but thanks for the info and thanks to the people that added/edited tags on my pics, I would have died if I tried to do Natalia's full name XD
Mon, May 06 '13, 07:25
Oh! And in response to the comment you posted on the Iris pic: the correct tag for that type of thing is "hypnotic_accessory". ;)
Mon, May 06 '13, 08:37
petal said:
Speaking of which, it would be great if you guys would post those manip tutorials you made from the Hypnochan days again. I can never get my stuff to come out right :/

This is the closest we ever had to a tutorial. It's more like a mini-tutorial.

Vanndril said:
First thing you'll need is GIMP. You can download it for free at www.GIMP.org. Once you have it the rough miniguide below can help you get started with minimal knowledge of image editing programs.

Mindwipe and I (as we use the same style) generally solely use GIMP's Smudge tool. Yeah. I know right? One tool.
It's not complicated at all.
This is how I personally do it.

Step 1: 100 Rate (not opacity! leave opacity for the smudge tool alone or you get very strange results) Smudge Tool - Smudge away any obvious light-reflective spots of the eye with the base color of the corresponding area of the eye.

Step 2: The eye will look crude at the moment due to the forced 100% rate smudge. Sometimes there is even still a little light-reflective spots persisting. Use a 20-30 rate Smudge Tool to remove any remaining white spots and smooth out the "borders" between different shades/colors of the eye.

Step 3: Use a 10-30 rate Smudge Tool to put the finishing touches on smoothing out the eye.

Step 4: Fix the eye borders (the border between the iris and the whites of the eye). They don't have to be "complete" eye borders, just make sure they look alright at 100% zoom. Use the 100 Rate Smudge Tool or Paintbrush Tool (w/ appropriate border color) for this.

Step 5: Repeat step 3 and 4 until both the eye borders and the smoothness of the shadings of the eye are satisfactory.

Step 6: Have manip.

A few things to note.
1: When you manip this way you notice most eyes have a U shaped different-colored area at the bottom of the eye. Keep this if you can and remove any light-reflective spots from it. Keeping this adds detail to the eye and is usually the main difference between a solid-color eye and a well-manipped eye.
Note: Sometimes these U shapes are too bright and resemble light-reflective spots. Just smudge a darker color from the surrounding eye into and across the U to darken it, then blend it in.

2: It seems like a lot of work in writing, but it's really not. It's very simple and easy to learn. Once you learn what you need to do you can pump out the average manip in under a few minutes, sometimes as quickly as under A minute.

3: What I just posted are general guidelines. They will guide you, but they are not always 100% correct. Every eye that needs manipping is different and there are various difficulties in certain eye-designs. As such most of this style of manipping, after the basic guidelines I posted, is practice. You have to get used to the "feel" of what you need to do for each eye type.

4: This method of manipping is not perfect. It's UNGODLY HARD to manip certain eye designs. Imagine trying to manip multigradient-color eyes (think: rainbow eyes) with the smudge tool. *shivers*

Hoorah, WayBackMachine!
Mon, May 06 '13, 09:23
I wanna add some tips to the above.

First, remember that the colors in the eyes tend to be darker at the top and lighter at the bottom. So, whenever possible, I recommend smudging from the SIDES. This makes it easier to blend it all together later.

Second, when repairing the eye borders, the spot you repaired will sometimes come out a lighter color than the rest of the border. This is usually because the borders tend to be thin and the smudge tool likes to grab the lighter-colored surroundings and blend them with the border. It may not be noticeable, but if it is, you can fix it with the burn tool. Select the Dodge/Burn Tool, set it to Burn, resize it to the size of your border, and run it along the repaired area until it looks the same shade as the rest of the border.

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