Wed, May 01 '13, 03:47
Record of Agarest war
Basically, just a general discussion thread for the game series. Who did you pick to marry in each Generation? what do you think of the game series overall? to those of you who don't know what Agarest is then I direct you to the wiki:

For Agarest Zero its: Gen 1) Linda and Gen 2) it's Mimel

Agarest 1: Gen 1) Elaine 2)Sherufanir 3)Noah 4)Hilda 5)Dyshana

agarest 2, I haven't beaten it yet but I plan to go for: Gen 1) Victoria 2) Vanessa 3) Sophia

As for what I think of the game series overall...I have mixed feelings. I like the multi generational concept the story presents but I also think it's wasted as I was expecting the world to evolve significantly as you progressed from main hero to main hero but...well it doesn't. I also dislike certain gameplay elements like the "Turn" system in the first game which seemed counter intuitive with what certain side quests wanted you to do. I know I'm being kind of vague here but I don't want to turn the opening post into a giant text wall (even though I've probably already failed to prevent that).
Wed, May 01 '13, 11:34
Well, you jumped into this off-topic posting immediately, didn't ya? XD

Never played the game, but it doesn't look half terrible. I might have to look into it once I have some spare cash.
Sun, May 05 '13, 19:39
I haven't played Record of Agarest war but I've just recently started playing Valkyria Chronicles. I think you've done some manips of Silvaria,Sol, right? I'm up to chapter 9 and I'm personally finding gameplay to be progressively difficult. Still the plot has really kept me interested and I'm really getting into the character designs(even the obscure ones). Anything you could tell me about the game without giving to much away?
Sun, May 05 '13, 22:37
Valkyria Chronicles for PS3 is one of my favorite games ever. I think some of the character designs, including Selvaria, were done by Raita, that h-doujin artist that always draws ridiculously skinny girls. As for the game itself, I can imagine it being difficult if you don't just use Alicia to cheat :)
Sun, May 05 '13, 22:51
Ah valkyria chronicles...I have yet to beat either one or two because I tend to be a horrible strategist. (also I apologize in advance for this long post)

As for Agarest: Gameplay wise, (aside from being ballbustingly difficult) it plays similar to Disgaea in that it's an SRPG although there are certain aspects that feel outdated. The game also has dating sim elements as you have to build a relationship with each of the three heroines.

Also, one of the main marketing factors is that the story takes place across multiple generations of heroes, by which I mean that you start as one guy, then eventually you choose a bride for him from one of the three heroines introduced during his story and then you play as his son and repeat the process for him.

Each Main Hero's story arc is basically an abridged version of a typical JRPG plot but they also tie into the overarching threat of stopping the resurrection of some pantheon of evil gods that almost ended the world in ancient times. Because the game tries to cram so many stories into one, Characterization naturally suffers. It's not bad so much as it is overwhelming. The party members you acquire all feel distinct and well established but very few of them actually get any decent form of development.

TL;DR: The game is fairly mediocre in both gameplay and story but It isn't terrible. However, if you have literally any other game you're thinking of buying in the SRPG genre, chances are you'll have a better time with that than with agarest.

Also, and this is more of a personal problem, I dislike how the game has no English dub. I'm not saying I dislike the Sub form but I just feel no reason to let the actors finish speaking when I can easily read the text box and skip to the next line. Actually, I was able to understand the story better with Voices turned off since I didn't have some dude talking into my ear in a language I didn't understand while I tried to read the dialogue.
Sun, May 05 '13, 23:55
Valkyria Chronicles on PS3 isn't that hard. Scouts (and especially Alicia) are craaaaazy overpowered. There's pretty much no challenge in the game that can't be perfect-cleared by throwing a well-prepped Scout at it. I don't remember specifics (aside from why Alicia is even more ridiculous than most scouts) because I played it like three or four years ago, but I distinctly recall Scouts being laughably unbalanced.

I haven't played Agarest, but a friend of mine did running commentary while playing the first PS3 game. The impression I got is more or less what Sol said - profoundly mediocre with a kinda interesting generational idea.
Mon, May 06 '13, 00:14
Sol420 said:
Also, and this is more of a personal problem, I dislike how the game has no English dub.

This is what kept me from getting it. Although, I didn't know there was an option to turn off the voices. Probably still would have skipped it, though. The only thing that caught my attention was the art.
Mon, May 06 '13, 04:49
That was the same for me. I found the game in a gamestop and the art style (and rather low price) caused me to buy it. most of the CG's are beautiful...but few and far between. Actually...a few of them might make for some decent manip material now that I think about it. Guess I know what I'm gonna do in summer.
Mon, May 06 '13, 06:13
Sol420 said:
Guess I know what I'm gonna do in summer.

I hear that. :) I'll keep my eye out for these CG's while I'm playing. You're right about the graphics too, it makes me wish I knew how to rip models from discs. Ah well, I'd probably just do weird H&MC stuff with them anyway; especially with the minor characters. I've always had a thing for subsidiary characters. I'm not entirely sure why.... hmm....
Mon, May 06 '13, 22:05
How'd this thread get locked? O.o

*unlocks* >.>

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