Sun, Apr 28 '13, 07:24

Hey guys.

Alright, so here's the deal.
I know that I have some fans here.... and I thank each and every one of you for that...

But I was wondering, would any number of you be willing to commission me to help me out with something? I desperately need to get a new laptop, mine is dying and quite badly at that.

At any rate, I'm offering commissions, again.
This time with official prices!

If you wish to commission me,comment here, email me at dez . zii . rae @ hotmail . ca [no spaces], or on dA. Just..

I need a new laptop, and this one is just about dead. So please, if anyone can help out, I'm more than willing to do art in return

I'm at the end of my rope. I need a new laptop. This one has been fucked since shortly after I got it, and I'm pretty sure it's the tech dude that did it, but I have no idea. [Long story].

Help a fellow hypno fan, and one of the hypno artist's continue with her art?
Sun, Apr 28 '13, 09:38
You heard it guys....
A little big jump from 7$ to 20 o_o
I'll see ...maybe I find 20$ on my paypal..
Sun, Apr 28 '13, 18:05
Anno1404 said:
You heard it guys....

Pffff...Hahahaha! That's the spirit!

Price hike was expected. It's not just for fun at the moment, as she actually NEEDS the money for something important.
Sun, Apr 28 '13, 20:53
A Lined and shaded pic can be done in 24 hours, an unlined pic takes at least twice as long to do.

And yeah, I dodn't really want to do it, but it's still not as high as a few people have told me I could go. So, we shall see if I have any luck in this =)
Mon, May 06 '13, 01:22
Just bumping this up to let people know that I am still looking for, and accepting, commissions =)
Thu, May 09 '13, 10:18
Guys! HURRY UP! Luna needs a new laptop!!! 10$ from 700$ already achieved!!
Get your commissions or don't! :DD *evil laughter*
Thu, May 09 '13, 11:46
I... I don't wanna burn in hell...
Fri, May 10 '13, 08:24
burn in hell?
I would hate for anyone to burn just because I need a new laptop. Not really fair, and makes me come off as greedy...
Sat, May 11 '13, 03:18
Lunakiri said:
burn in hell?
I would hate for anyone to burn just because I need a new laptop. Not really fair, and makes me come off as greedy...

That so? I dunno, I heard Hell was nice this time of year.
Or wait...was that during the Winter...?
Sat, May 11 '13, 06:09
Probably winter, 'cause then it's cold o the surface and the difference would be nice.
I think...
Sun, May 12 '13, 01:37
Corrected it ;)
Sun, May 12 '13, 03:27
Now it's not as threatening! XD
Sun, May 12 '13, 06:44
Anno1404 said:
Corrected it ;)

Lunakiri said:
Now it's not as threatening! XD

But internet hell threats are the BEST threats...!
Sun, May 12 '13, 07:48
Vanndril said:
Anno1404 said:
Corrected it ;)

Lunakiri said:
Now it's not as threatening! XD

But internet hell threats are the BEST threats...!

Never done me any good though. SO you can keep 'em =)
Sun, May 12 '13, 23:23
Shouldn't we/I advertise your commission call? Or are you afraid of too much money? :D
Mon, May 13 '13, 02:52
Feel free to advertise for me, lord knows I probably never truly will. I don't want to come off as pushy ^^;;
It's the main reason why I don't do so well for commissions, I think. Or at least part of it. I don't really put myself out there repeatedly.
Mon, May 13 '13, 06:17
Lunakiri said:
Feel free to advertise for me, lord knows I probably never truly will. I don't want to come off as pushy ^^;;
It's the main reason why I don't do so well for commissions, I think. Or at least part of it. I don't really put myself out there repeatedly.

Aye, I believe we've had this conversation before. :P

I'd put word out, but the only places I could do that at, that I go to normally, are here or in chat with Mindwipe. Neither of which would help you in the least. XD
Mon, May 13 '13, 21:49
Lol. I know that.
But my b-day is coming up, so maybe I'll be able to get the money for a new laptop for it from my family. I ' unno. We'll see.
Mon, May 13 '13, 23:25
Oh..When's your birthday? o.o
And did the HDD health diagnostic programs help anything?
Mon, May 13 '13, 23:30
Didn't turn up anything DX

And end of June.
1 2>>>

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