Tue, Apr 23 '13, 07:11
Installing Saimin Yuugi
Sorry I already made a post over here,but I figured I should post where everyone is looking as well:

Really frustrated with the installer. I don't ever download eroges, so a little help could be appreciated.
Tue, Apr 23 '13, 22:24
where did you go to download the game?
Tue, Apr 23 '13, 23:18
From the ge-hentai link.
Tue, Apr 23 '13, 23:33
UPDATE: using HF AppLocale, I was able to install as a japanesse locale administrator. But now the application hits a caution screen. I wonder if it's some form of DRM or not.,kGccO64#0
Wed, Apr 24 '13, 08:31
Now is this game written in Japanese?
Wed, Apr 24 '13, 20:38
fossilbrand said:
Now is this game written in Japanese?

Aye, it is.

FrustratedInstaller said:
I wonder if it's some form of DRM

If it's the same error message I got, then that's exactly what it is.

I set my locale back to English (US) and tried to run the game, getting an error message and a small window that I had to force-close (wouldn't close otherwise). Setting my locale back to Japanese, I tried to run the program again and it worked fine.

Your locale must be Japanese for this game to run as well, not just install.

Does that solve your issue?
Thu, Apr 25 '13, 01:36
Hey thanks Vanndril. I'm new to applocale stuff. I downloaded HF Applocale, which touts itself as Applocale+ essentially. Anyways HF applocale give me the right click option to run as japanesse, and it still doesn't, I haven't, however, tried the original applocale way of doing it. UPDATE: still the same error darn....
Thu, Apr 25 '13, 06:55
Hm...that's odd. I can't think of any solution off the top of my head.

I currently have no idea, sorry.
Fri, Apr 26 '13, 04:15
Tested it. I installed the game - no Applocal needed - just straight from the Disc, started it, worked. Attached AGTH with the code in the thread, worked fine.

No Problems at all.

Oh btw. my regional settings are set to Japan. This basically saves you a lot of headaches and if you are playing a lot of these games, this is the best solution. You could always set it back to your old country when you finished the game.

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