Thu, Apr 11 '13, 22:37
I Need [IDEA] Help!
Hey guys.
Ok, so I'm not going to go into detail, but I need some help with ideas.
What would you all do, if you had a smart, intelligent, career driven woman turn into a bimbo?
Thu, Apr 11 '13, 23:28
Totally not my thing, but I've read one too many MC stories about that in past years. The most common gig seems to be to have her continue her job - now as a bimbo - and fuck everything up. Maybe screw/blow a few coworkers and her boss or something.

In fact, that's just about EVERY SINGLE BIMBOFICATION story I've ever accidentally found and skimmed through.
Thu, Apr 11 '13, 23:48
Ok, to be honest, that wasn't my intent, really XD Lol. Not what I was thinking, and I think I'll avoid it if it's that over done.
Fri, Apr 12 '13, 02:05
Yeah, I figured that wouldn't help much. :P
I don't understand the appeal of the scenario. Like, I really don't get it. *shrug*
Fri, Apr 12 '13, 06:30
Did this just spontaneously happen to the woman? Does the main character like or hate this woman? I would think the character would try to find out how it happened. If he likes the woman, he might strive to keep people from finding out in order to save her career. Of course, this means spending a lot of time in close quarters with a sex-crazed bimbo!
Fri, Apr 12 '13, 15:43
First thought from title 'ideas (general)' but bimbofication?...nope ...I'm out..But what Vandrill (:P) said seems fitting to those stories
Fri, Apr 12 '13, 21:53
Anno1404 said:
Vandrill (:P)

<.< >.> <.<'
Sat, Apr 13 '13, 00:21
Personally I enjoy the premise, but then again, I enjoy SympatheticDevil's writing.
Sat, Apr 13 '13, 10:09
I would cast the stupid hideously misproportioned demons out of her.
With my dick.
Sun, Apr 14 '13, 15:10
I think Anonymind has the right idea, go full deconstructionist on the bimbofication genre and focus on the actual aftermath of a woman that used to be responsible and trustworthy now having obscene bouncing proportions, is unable to refuse advances from anyone, and cannot accomplish any task that requires extended focus. It would actually be a pretty bad as far as fallout goes and without some sort of revenge or completely evil manipulator back-story the guy/girl hoping to get the benefits of having a bimbo around would have to constantly keep tabs on her to prevent her from being the free prostitute for the area.
Sun, Apr 14 '13, 16:05
HypnosisIsGreat said:
I think Anonymind has the right idea, go full deconstructionist on the bimbofication genre and focus on the actual aftermath of a woman that used to be responsible and trustworthy now having obscene bouncing proportions, is unable to refuse advances from anyone, and cannot accomplish any task that requires extended focus. It would actually be a pretty bad as far as fallout goes and without some sort of revenge or completely evil manipulator back-story the guy/girl hoping to get the benefits of having a bimbo around would have to constantly keep tabs on her to prevent her from being the free prostitute for the area.

That is not a deconstruction. That is examining the realistic consequences of an idea. The two are not at all the same thing.
Sun, Apr 14 '13, 18:12
Sorry, didn't mean to confuse writing a story with the actual mechanics of deconstruction for anyone reading my post. I assumed that since this thread had basically already deconstructed the not-so-complex bimbo genre and the OP had hinted that this would be a narrative that story discussion was the actual goal.

If the lack of distinction bothered anyone else Tropes has a good write-up:

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