Thu, Apr 11 '13, 16:14
Question Regarding Child Posts
I'm new to this booru scene and have recently been dabbling in manips.
My question is first off, how to do childposts, and secondly, would it be recommended to put the orginal unmanipulated image in them. Just in case someone sees an image they like and would want the original without hypno stuff all over it.
Thu, Apr 11 '13, 20:00
Zko said:
My question is first off, how to do childposts

Every post has an ID number. It's the first entry under "Statistics" on the left (you can also see it at the end of the URL). To make a post a child post, first post both the parent image, and the eventual child image. Then, click "Edit" on the post you want to be the child and put the parent post's ID number into the "Parent" field. Save changes, and the post will now be a child post of the other image. (Note that child posts shouldn't have tags as they can't be searched, anyway, and parent posts should contain any relevant tags for child posts.)

would it be recommended to put the orginal unmanipulated image in them

No. If you want to share the original, unmanipped image, post a link to it in the source field (assuming you know where it's originally from).

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