Sun, Sep 23 '12, 08:35
[Poll] Unfair Rule?
There's a pole over at the link below that will largely shape the future of how this site will be run. Take a look, it's important, and all will be effected.
Post # 780.
Mon, Sep 24 '12, 00:13
Poll Relocated
I've moved the poll to the suggestions board here:
This board displays IDs, so assuming there aren't twenty people sharing an ID, everyone should have a fair chance. (I really hope there aren't twenty people sharing an ID o_o)
Mon, Oct 01 '12, 06:27
Poll Closed
Our poll is now closed and option B has won, which means our rules on quality control will stay. However, we hear the opposition's points, and so, we intend to revise our rules to make them a bit clearer (though they will obviously still be subjective). Please give us a few days to get that worked out. In addition to that, we are also planning on modifying our expunging process for pics that are deemed poor quality, so as to make it a bit more transparent and democratic.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

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