Mon, Apr 01 '13, 02:51
Poll. [Ignore post count]
I'm doing this on dA as well as here.

Pick one of the following, or suggest another. Whatever option has the most votes in 48 hours [so 9PM EST on April 2nd] will be drawn =) [dA one is a week, just so I can split them a bit].

Ending on: April 2/13 9.ooPM EST
--Stay [just stay there, awaiting orders]
--Masturbate [censored on dA]
--Dance [Harm girl style]
--Worship [pick a body part.]
--Clean [or other maid duties]
--Anything else.

Pick and let me know! =)
Mon, Apr 01 '13, 04:48
lol. Could be female/male or whatever too. =)
I'm looking for ideas, mostly.
Mon, Apr 01 '13, 04:53
Okay, where'd my post go? Anyway, I said I'd vote for foot worship if it was female/female. Otherwise, I'd vote for cleaning (nude, if possible). Posting it again so it isn't lost.
Mon, Apr 01 '13, 04:55
Yeah, that was weird. Disappearing posts...

Anyway, as I was gonna say before MW's post up and left for no reason: I'll mimic his votes. Foot Worship if yuri, nude cleaning if else.

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