Sun, Mar 31 '13, 23:45
Ok, so I'll just be flat out with this.

For fetish pics. Hypno or otherwise [hypno moreso at the moment though], what do you like to see?
Do you like age regression?
Anything. Lemme know!

I want to do a small series of pics where my two OC's fall victim to plenty of hypno things. So I want to know what you all would want to see =D
Mon, Apr 01 '13, 00:25
Hmm... I'll be honest, all I really want to see in my hypno porn is girls made into helpless, subservient (and often horny) puppets.

Some specific things I do enjoy, though, are dollification (being made into a doll-like plaything, basically) and human pets (girls acting like puppies and kitties are adorable).
Mon, Apr 01 '13, 01:15
Hmmm... I'll keep those in mind. I haven't tried the whole doll thing yet, at least not intentionally [may have come across unintentionally with something I've done].
Mon, Apr 01 '13, 01:30
Just about any pic with a totally empty, unresponsive person would fit what I mean by dollification. Though, in my case, specifically, it's seeing someone in that state being played with that I enjoy. At least occasionally.

I'm not into doll joints or wind-up keys, though. So, I don't actually like doll transformation.

Oh, and maids are always fun. Or any type of servant, really, but that goes back to the very first thing I said.
Mon, Apr 01 '13, 01:49
Robotization is always good. I don't much care for bulky, metallic robots, but sleeker, more humanoid bots (see: are great.

I like anything that signifies mindlessness. Slack jaw, eyes rolling up into the head, drool, all that good stuff. Happy trances are also fun; making the subject love obedience so much that it disobeying just seems inconceivable.

As far as inductions go, can't go wrong with hypno-screens. They're a classic.
Mon, Apr 01 '13, 03:47
I like Age Regression including loss of bladder control.

Additionally I like it if the girls kind of turn insane and have a mix between empty eyes and ahegao, with a wicked/insane smile proclaiming that they are subservient subjects of the controller. Bonus points if they say something absolutely unfitting for their personality like a victim hating the guts of the controller screaming something around the lines of "i will bear you children, make me pregnant".

I personally do not like Bimbofication or Robotization. Half of the fun is having the victim do everything by themselves and the controller only stearing them in the general direction of it. :)

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