Fri, Sep 21 '12, 23:17
1000 Images
So, yeah, barring any possible deletions, we hit 1000 images early this morning. Holy crap.

(Note that this number does not include any child posts that I haven't noticed yet. So, we may have actually hit this milestone earlier.)
Sat, Sep 22 '12, 08:11
So "un-childing" a few posts means we hit the milestone a little earlier, but who cares? :P

Point is, this is a pretty big accomplishment. So, I just want to thank all of you guys that have been uploading, tagging, and translating pics. You guys are awesome. Even if you're just favoriting or commenting on pics, or just lurking, thanks for being here. Thanks to the moderation team (both of you) for helping this place run smoothly.

Now, let's see how far above 1000 we can go!

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