Sat, Mar 30 '13, 03:56
Hypnosis AVs Reviews and Discussion (NO FILE SHARING!)
So, this is something I wanted to do for that blog that I'm still planning on making eventually, but until I finally do it, I decided to make a thread for it here. This will be for sharing your reviews and thoughts on adult videos/hentai you've seen that focus on (or at least feature) hypnosis/mind control. However, and I cannot make this clear enough, there is to be no sharing of files here. We can't risk it, sorry. Of course, nothing's stopping you from Googling the names or item numbers of anything that gets talked about here. ;)

Now, I've got a pretty decent number of these types of videos, so I'll probably post in here semi-regularly, but anyone who has a video they'd like to talk about is encouraged to do so. You don't need to be as descriptive as I am in the first post. In fact, I think I may have been TOO descriptive, though I was mostly trying to make up for a lack of images or sample clips. Perhaps I'll figure out a way to add screenshots later, but I'd rather not put them on the booru.

Now, most of the vids I'll talk about are JAVs, but note that any adult video is fine to talk about (I suppose it doesn't even have to be particularly "adult"). As such, I'll probably just post the item numbers for my reviews, unless I don't know them (it's usually easier to search for those, anyway). So, enough intro, I'll get us started. Brace for lots of text.
Sat, Mar 30 '13, 03:58
MDYD-740 Review
As a note, let me state that none of my reviews will make mention of sounds, since I watch all my JAVs on mute. Don’t see much need to listen to something that I can’t understand, and anything that isn’t speech is just noise. So, my apologies if audio is really important to you. All of my reviews will focus on the visual aspect of the videos.

That out of the way, I’ll start this review by saying that the hypnosis is clearly faked. So, if authenticity is a deciding factor for you, you may want to look elsewhere. If fake hypnosis doesn’t bother you, though, I think you’ll find plenty to like here. I should note that there is only one point in the video where I found the presentation of the hypnosis to be laughable, which is more than I can say for many similar videos. It certainly won’t fool you into thinking this isn’t entirely acted, but it feels more like a hypnosis manga, where you’re willing to look past the obvious flaws in the induction for the sake of the goodies that follow. And, in this case, there are plenty of goodies.

Before I get to that, however, a little overview of the cast and what little I can decipher about the setup. The star of this show is the sexy submissive, whom Google Translate tells me is Yui Hatano. Let me just say that I find her GORGEOUS. Obviously, YMMV, but I doubt anyone would find her UNattractive. The male lead, I have less positive to say about. He’s not offensively ugly, but it’s obvious they weren’t searching for anyone good-looking for this part. And that fits, since he’s playing a middle-aged desk worker who uses hypnosis to screw a beautiful woman. The only other actor is an even less-appealing male who is, apparently, the male lead’s boss and female lead’s husband. He really only appears here and there (mostly to speak to/yell at the male lead), except for the final scene. All I can truly gather is that the male lead wants to screw his boss’ wife, and he uses hypnosis to do it. Maybe there’s some other motive going on, but that’s really all you need to know.

It takes a few minutes for things to get started. After a scene with the man and his boss, the wife finally enters, and our lead speaks to her for a while before snapping his finger in front of her face (for some reason, the snap is shown 5 times from different angles). Since I can’t understand anything being said, this kinda comes out of nowhere. The wife reacts to this with a small jerk and widened eyes, followed by a soft smile and slight bow. It’s a quite pleasing shift in expression, really. After a slight bit more talking, the man takes his bags and leaves, but conveniently leaves something behind, which of course becomes the setup for him to return.

And upon his return, the hypnotic hijinks truly begin. After a short chat the scene moves to the couch, where the woman removes her necklace and the man uses it as a pendulum to put her under. The induction is quick (like I said, it’s clearly faked), and with another snap of his fingers (and another 4 shots from different angles), the woman drops asleep. This first scene doesn’t do anything too special. Essentially, the man just plays with her for about 20 minutes while she’s unconscious. But for a quick rundown: he plays with her nipples, admires her ass, undresses her, performs cunnilingus on her, gives her a thorough finger-banging, and is just about to undress himself before being interrupted by a cell phone call (I assume from the boss). He gives the woman one final suggestion before running from the room, while still buttoning up his pants. Soon after he leaves, the woman wakes up, clearly unsure why she’s naked.

The next scene makes things much more interesting. We appear to change locations, though I can’t be sure. In any case, it starts with both the man and woman standing in a hallway. The woman appears to already be entranced as she stands stiffly upright. After speaking a few words, the man snaps his fingers and the woman falls on all fours. He sends her crawling down the hallway this way, while following closely behind her. She appears to be acting like a cat for this part. The cuteness stops soon, though, as the man removes his pants and the woman proceeds to give him head. Soon after, the woman removes her clothes (while teasing herself a little) and the action moves to the bed, where she continues to service the man in different ways (and also gets some cunnilingus from the man). The actual intercourse starts after this, and lasts for a good while and through multiple positions (and ending all over the woman’s face). All that done, the man comically exits, and another scene transition comes in.

The next 2 scenes are simple enough to condense into one paragraph. In the first, the man calls the woman from work and activates a trigger that makes her furiously masturbate. After a while of that, he knocks her out, and we get another transition. The next scene is probably my absolute favorite. The man comes to visit her just as she’s about to clean the floor of her house, and with another magical finger snap, she’s suddenly trembling, seemingly on the verge of orgasm. Another command, and she strips naked (minus her slippers) and begins mindlessly cleaning while nude. Her blank expression is fantastic during this, as is the sexy way she poses while cleaning. I really wish this part could’ve lasted a while longer, but it quickly gives way to another round of fellatio (not that there’s anything wrong with that), and eventually ends with a mouthful of cum. Then another convenient cellphone call, and the man leaves the naked woman squatting on the floor, her mouth still wide open, searching for a phantom cock.

Then comes the final scene, and is where the video hits its low point, in my opinion. Up until this point, the boss character has been reserved for in-between parts, but this scene forces him into the middle of the action…sort of. The point is, the lead character hypnotizes him using the same necklace he first used to entrance the guy’s wife. But whereas his wife’s induction didn’t look completely silly, his does. After putting his boss under, the lead has him do things like rub his shoulders, and of course, watch as he fucks his wife. And…well…that’s what he does. From there until the end, it’s just him fucking his boss’ wife while he watches. Then, he knocks them both out, and the video ends. Maybe it’s the NTR nature of this scene (more so than the scenes where the boss wasn’t present) or maybe it’s just the appearance of the boss that is inconvenient for my boner, but whatever the case, I just didn’t enjoy this part of the video.

In closing, if you can put up with some unconvincing hypnosis, some NTR, and a male lead that likely won’t do your erection any favors, you should be able to find SOMETHING in this video to like. For me, the best part is unquestioningly the naked cleaning bit. It’s a sexy display of hypnosis that does not involve a direct sex act. Something that is unfortunately rare in many of these videos. But if the sex is what you come for (heh), then the second full hypnosis scene is my recommendation.
Sat, Mar 30 '13, 14:10
Just watched it and I agree with most, if not all of you points.

Aside from the hypnosis not down well, the way the womand acts in certain situations doesn't make sense. When he tells her to be a cat, why doesn't she immediately be more playful and bright? How can she undress herself if she thinks of herself being a cat (she unbuttons her shirt like she is used to use her hands)? Why does she have sex like a human female, when she is supposed to be a feline? Why does she say "I'm cumming!" in japanese? Cat's don't talk, they make sounds!

Also with the cleaning up scene. If you live in Japan, in this kind of house, you will have someone to clean up the house and not the wife doing it (and you don't clean up in this kind of outfit anyway).

The 2 best scenes for me were the ahegao/white eyes at the end of the cat scene and the creampie at the end. A pity it is censored, but at least the censoring isn't as bad here as it could be.

There's one more point. Japan, why do you always let me down? You include a urination scene in every fricking of these movies, except all the hypnotism and age regression ones. I've yet to find one hypnotism/age regression AMV that has a decent amount of urination in it (or at least 1-2 beautiful scenes of it).

I am also a bit disappointed that he always tells them at the end to forget everything. I would have loved a permanent personality change in the wife. At least we got a "to be continued" sign at the end of the movie, so let's hope for some maid and "hai goshoujin-sama" or "oniichan" action that japan is so popular for.
Sat, Mar 30 '13, 19:13
I would say that this video is actually one of my very favorites that I currently have. Maybe it's because it's still relatively new to me, and I haven't had time to get sick of it yet, but I just really enjoy watching it. Particularly the cleaning scene and the first sex scene (and the preceding stuff). The additional flaws you mentioned don't really bother me. I actually wasn't sure if I wanted to review this video first, since I was afraid I'd be too positive. But I didn't want the first review to be a negative one, so I went for it, anyway.

A pity it is censored, but at least the censoring isn't as bad here as it could be.

I do actually have... 3?... hypnosis JAVs that are uncensored, but well... I don't have a lot of good things to say about them besides "they're uncensored". I'm sure I'll get around to reviewing them (and all of my hypnosis AVs) eventually. I'd love to update this thread daily, but that's unrealistic, I think. Even just skimming through the video to refresh my memory of the events in it, this took quite a while to write. Probably would be easier to review a 30 minute hentai than a 2 hour JAV, but perhaps not as informative.

Anyway, I'll have more JAV reviews/overviews/opinions to share soon enough. I just finished downloading another, and it may be the next one I post about, since it's still fresh in my mind.
Sat, Mar 30 '13, 21:38
Guess I'll have a go at this.

Girls Gone Hypnotized: Pleasure Unit 817

I've got... really mixed feelings about Girls Gone Hypnotized. On the one hand, a lot of the stars are really hot, and for the most of the part are pretty decent actors. On the other hand... the videos are really same-y. I only own a few of their movies, but from what I've seen, they tend to follow the same formula: Girl shows up at guy's house, guy hypnotizes girl, girl walks around like a zombie for 20 minutes occasionally interspersed with her acting out commands. It's all very silly, but I've found enough to like in them to warrant buying a few of their movies. Plus they're cheap as hell, especially considering how much most mind control AVs cost.

Anyway, onto the movie proper: Pleasure Unit 817 probably my favorite of the GGH movies I've seen. It's part of a larger "Pleasure Unit" series, wherein women are transformed into mindless automatons. Judging by the previews, every video in the series is pretty much the same.

The video begins with the star, Hallie, knocking on the door of our friendly neighborhood mind controller. She's looking for her friend, who I presume was the victim of the previous Pleasure Unit video. The guy whips out what looks like a PlayStation Move with spinning lights attached, putting Hallie in a trance. She falls unconscious.

When she comes to, she's tied to a chair and stripped down to her underwear. After realizing the situation she's in, she starts pleading to the man to let her go. This is my least favorite part of the video, honestly. I get that there's a fine line between mind control and rape, but... this gets closer to the latter than I'd like. It's kind of uncomfortable.

The man then switches on an electronic spiral device. Hallie's pleas fade, as she enters into a mindless stupor. Her blank expression throughout this bit is excellent. A robotic voice starts issuing commands, draining away her will. When it finishes, he head slumps over and her eyes close.

The next bit is without a doubt the hottest part of the movie. The mind controller pulls Hallie's head back, causing her eyes to slowly open and roll up into her head. He lets go, and her head slumps back down. The robotic voice declares that it's about to begin "Pleasure Unit programming." A goofy sound effect plays, and Hallie snaps to attention, her eyes intently fixed straight ahead. Her acting throughout this part is just fantastic. She really sells the mindless look. This scene is in the trailer if you want to see it:


The robotic voice then continues issuing commands, which Hallie parrots back. This scene goes on for a bit longer than it needs to, but she does a great monotone. The video then cuts to a shot of Hallie standing at attention, wearing an "817" necklace. The mind controller snaps his fingers, and the video devolves into what all GGH videos seem to: the mesmerized girl walking around a room, repeating mantras. I'll give this one props for saving it for the end: with the other videos I've seen, it takes up a good 75% of the runtime. This one cuts it down to a manageable four minutes. Still, it would have been nice to see it removed entirely.

After a bit, she's ordered to strip. She does so, all the while continuing her mantras. Cue more walking around. Finally, she's ordered to pose like a statue. She does so, and the mind controller takes the opportunity to feel her up. Fade to black.

This is a largely enjoyable video that suffers from the same trappings most of GGH's stuff does: too much walking around, too much mantra repetition, not enough actually happening. It would have been better with about half of the runtime cut. Plus... that "pleading for help" scene. Squiiiick. D:

That said, there's enough to like about it that I can recommend it. The star's hot as hell, and she gives a great performance. No lie, the entrancement scene is one of the best I've seen in a mind control AV. So yeah, I'd give it a recommendation, provided you're willing to put up with some really repetitive scenes.
Sun, Mar 31 '13, 06:16
ANX-023 Review
I almost never see hypnosis JAVs that have no male involvement outside of the act of hypnotism. So, when I saw this video revolving around hypnotizing two girls into playing with themselves and each other, and nothing else, I had to download it. I came away from it semi-disappointed, however. The video delivered on its promise of being purely female-oriented, but a dramatic shift in presentation left me confused, and the video quickly went downhill, ruining my excitement for what SHOULD have been my favorite parts.

So, onto the description. The first half of this video is in the sort of stage hypnosis format. You know what I mean. No plot, just the hypnotist, his subjects, and the things he makes them do. I generally enjoy this type of setup more in JAVs, since knowing the language isn’t necessary to grasp what’s happening. During this part of the video, the hypnosis seems not at all unrealistic (the second half is another story). I can’t say whether or not it’s real, but it’s believable enough. That segment lasts for a little more than an hour. Then, the show suddenly switches to a drama-style format. The shift is so drastic here, that I’m not even completely sure if it’s tied in with the first half of the video or not, beyond having the same actors in it. Even the filming style changes from a single camera, amateur video-style look, to a multi-shot television-style look. It feels like watching two similar, yet completely unrelated videos rolled into one, and I’m not a fan of that development, but more on why in just a bit.

The video stars two cute young women by the names of Kotomi Asakura and “ear hemp wading” (thanks, Google Translate!). I don’t know which is which, so I’ll have to address them as “long-haired girl” and “longer-haired girl” for this review. The only other participant is the male hypnotist, whose face is always blocked by a huge mosaic. As I said, the girls are quite cute. They have a different kind of appeal than the sexy housewife appearance the woman in the last video I reviewed had, and that’s all I really have to say about the cast.

The video wastes no time getting to the hypnosis, which isn’t surprising in this style of video. The first part is 90% inductions and deepening. The girls are sitting on a bed in bath robes, thigh-highs, and slippers (I will explain why I find this strange in just a moment), and are then given the old yen coins on strings to hold and watch as they swing back and forth. I’ve always enjoyed pendulum inductions where the subjects hold the pendulums. There’s no payoff to this part, as the girls don’t go blank or fall asleep. The hypnotist just takes back the pendulums after a couple minutes, and it becomes clear that that wasn’t the entire induction. Next, he brings in a metronome, sits it on the bed, and starts it moving. We’re then treated to the girls relaxing as it ticks back and forth. The longer-haired girl seems to relax more, as she actually slumps a bit and lets her head drop, whereas the other girl just closes her eyes and not much more. The hypnotist stops the metronome, and the girls wake up, before he starts it again. Watching the 2 girls relax again as the metronome starts ticking is a treat, and this time they actually fall back, asleep.

The hypnotist then rouses the longer-haired girl, sits her up, and has her focus on a penlight for a few seconds, before touching her forehead with it, knocking her out again. After rocking her in a circular motion for a few moments, he then stands her up. He does the same to the other girl. He next has the two massage their breasts, and the longer-haired girl seems to get particularly turned on by this, as she seems to practically orgasm from it. He wakes her up first, giving her a look at her friend, still rubbing her breasts. After waking them both up, we get a couple more shots of the hypnotist using the penlight to knock them out and give them suggestions. Then the scene ends. This is why I find their wardrobe strange, because there’s no need for it. They could’ve worn their regular clothes and it would have affected nothing. I have no idea why bathrobes and thigh-highs were chosen.

The next scene is a mixed bag, but has some of my favorite bits in it. The girls are dressed normally in this scene, which is in a different location. It’s also directly in front of a glass wall, which is a horrible place to film, because of the havoc it wreaks on the lighting. In any case, we start by having the not-as-long-haired girl watch the old yen coin pendulum for a bit to put her under. The hypnotist then gives her the suggestion to fall asleep every time her friend touches her forehead, and wake up whenever she claps her hands. This part goes on way too long for my tastes. It’s cute watching the girl play with her hypnotized friend and all, but there’s only so many times you can see this same thing before it gets old. Once that finally ends, the hypnotist gives the longer-haired girl a plastic whistle, and the time stop portion starts. The hypnotized girl freezes every time her friend blows the whistle, which, unfortunately, isn’t very different from the part that preceded it. The longer-haired girl freezes her friend, moves her around in whatever way she wants, then unfreezes her and laughs, rinse, repeat.

Then, we move onto something more interesting, which is having the girl mimic whatever her friend does, though it takes a while for it to become truly interesting. After a bit of playing around, the longer-haired girl strips to her underwear, and her friend mimics. The hypnotist then reveals that, SURPRISE, the other girl is hypnotized too, and knocks her out with a gentle forehead poke, and she falls back onto the couch, her friend still mimicking her. The clever hypnotist then has the longer-haired girl begin masturbating, which causes her mimicking friend to do the same. Watching the two masturbate is one of my favorite parts of the video. After that’s over, a suggestion is apparently given to make the two act like lesbians, and the rest of the scene revolves around the two making love to each other for a good while. There’s a point in the middle of this part where the hypnotist puts them both under again, and has the longer-haired girl stand frozen, with her tongue sticking out, before giving the other girl the go ahead to have fun with her. It looks strange at first, but gets better. The scene ends after the shorter-haired girl brings them both to orgasm, and the hypnotist wakes them up.

Following the seemingly completely out of place scene transition, everything this video seemed to be about changes. I’ve already gone on for a long time, so let me try and summarize the last half of this video. It’s a bunch of lesbian scenes broken up by a couple of scenes of the girls visiting the hypnotist, who seems to be acting as a fortune teller (or at least has a crystal ball). The first scene is of the two girls sleeping over, and the lesbian sex starts almost immediately. It’s all great to watch from a yuri fan’s perspective, but if not for the preceding scene with the hypnotist, I wouldn’t think this scene had anything to do with hypnosis. The next scene has the two at school, and the shorter-haired girl pulls out a glowing stick reminiscent of the pen light from earlier. It’s unclear from her friend’s reaction whether this has any effect on her, but she remains stationary for the rest of the scene, so maybe. Cue more lesbian sex, and we’re back to the hypnotist. The final 2 scenes lose me completely, as they involve both of the girls being made to believe that the longer-haired one has a penis. So you end up with some phantom handjobs, fellatio, and dry humping. This is NOT what I want from my girl-on-girl porn. I want lesbians who make love like lesbians, not… this. Watching one girl lick the air near the other’s crotch is not as interesting as watching her ACTUALLY LICK HER CROTCH.

And that’s all there is. Honestly, I can only recommend this because it’s one of the few hypnosis JAVs I’ve found with almost no male involvement. The second scene does some interesting things towards the end, but the stuff that precedes it is rather repetitive with little payoff, and the stuff that follows it seems less hypnosis-related and is much harder to follow. This feels like a video that had no idea what it wanted to be, though that may just be due to my inability to understand the language. Still, if you like girl-on-girl stuff, you’ll enjoy several of the scenes here, regardless of the hypnosis.
Sun, Mar 31 '13, 06:21
Glad that this thread has already gotten some use from someone besides me. I wasn't going to post again right away, but I wanted to go ahead and review that JAV before I forgot too much about it. But man, I swear my reviews don't seem that long when I write them. Of course, these are 2 hour (give or take) videos, so I guess some length is to be expected. I just hope that my walls o' text don't scare people away. ^^'
Sun, Mar 31 '13, 07:20
Well, I must be honest, I'm not the wall-of-text person, myself. So I also don't like to write them, and here goes a list of recommendations (meaning they're all likeable by my standards) and very short reasons:

I guess this is about a girl being lured into voice acting (seiyuu work) and being hypnotized instead. Mostly she being frozen, felt up and looking cutely helpless.

This one is hot, I think. Especially because of the acting, for me good acting does wonders. Expect plenty of varied scenes and locations, and even some choking on the girl! Which did the trick for me.

Cute obedient schoolgirl acting like a nice sister.

Very hot. The girl is very hot and the acting is very hot. It seems to be some sort of office scenario gone wild through hypno.

The two last "stories" in this compendium are quite hot. The last one has a schoolgirl frozen while repeating things with such a robotic, monotone and yet cute voice (and cute face) that's just perfect.

I have to admit that I like this because of the sheer amounts of drooling, cock-junkie chained prettiness. But it's some sort of aphrodisiac doing the MC rather than hypno. Very hot for me.

And this one is about android nurses on a hospital, "treating" patients. You might not like robot girls but I do, so YMMV. I found it also pretty hot, minus the fact that those blue contact lenses "weren't perfect...".

Ahegao fun, lots of it, on a pretty girl!

Ahegao again, I just love it.

As an aside, I only mentioned JAVs because I'm pretty sure we all find it easy to search for english titles, but if I have to come up with a favorite english one, it'd be "The Brothel 2" by MC Theatre. It's just really, really awesome.
Sun, Mar 31 '13, 07:52
Stem_Cell said:
Cute obedient schoolgirl acting like a nice sister.

Heh. I've actually been torrenting this video all day. It may be the next one I review.
Sun, Mar 31 '13, 16:13
After you started the threat, I've been watching JAVs the whole day. Watched almost 30 of them (with faster speed of course) and I have found only 1 (!!!) I could call good. That would be "GAR-311 - My Natural Enemy, Bullying Gals Are Turned Into Infants Through Hypnotism" which not exactly hits my taste, but it comes near to it. It's basically Age Regression to Infant level (would have prefered them to regress to an older age because the crying can be a bit annoying) but the hypnotism scene and the acting is done very well! It's actually kind of believable that these 3 girls got regressed to babies. If you are into Age regression through hypnotism, i highly encourage anyone to have a look at this JAV.
Sun, Mar 31 '13, 20:24
Okay, so I watched SMA-661, and I'm not going to do a whole review of it. Mainly because it doesn't even feel like a hypnosis video. Outside of 3 terrible inductions, the hypnosis feels like it may as well not be there. It's just a boy hypnotizing his tsundere sister to be a little less tsun and a little more dere. Everything is just a personality change to make her love her brother. That would be fine, if there were any substance to it. They don't even show her tsun tsun side much. There's only a little of her turning her nose up at her brother, then ridiculous induction, then happy fun time.

The girl's cute, but that's all the positives I really have to say about this video. It's a real shame, because I often love hypno-incest mangas, and the idea of changing a girl from cold and uncaring to warm and loving SHOULD be really interesting. It's just presented terribly. I don't recommend this one.

Side note: I've decided that the problem with my reviews is that I do too much play-by-play. That wouldn't be a problem if the vids were shorter, but at their usual length, it means I go on for too long. So, for my next review, I'll try to do less of that and make my walls of text not so tall.
Sun, Mar 31 '13, 23:08
Mindwipe said:
It's just a boy hypnotizing his tsundere sister to be a little less tsun and a little more dere.

Haha, I usually either watch the video because the MC is good, or the girl is good-looking and it has some sort of excuse for MC. Since it's in Japanese and I don't understand shit, I can come up with my own version for what happened...

Mindwipe said:
Side note: I've decided that the problem with my reviews is that I do too much play-by-play. That wouldn't be a problem if the vids were shorter, but at their usual length, it means I go on for too long. So, for my next review, I'll try to do less of that and make my walls of text not so tall.

Well, with cases like JAVs, this is really true. Some are two and a half hours long... and have like a couple dozen scenes.

Hypnomangaeditor said:
After you started the threat, I've been watching JAVs the whole day. Watched almost 30 of them

My balls sore in heartfelt condolences.

Hypnomangaeditor said:
and I have found only 1 (!!!) I could call good. That would be "GAR-311 - My Natural Enemy, Bullying Gals Are Turned Into Infants Through Hypnotism" which not exactly hits my taste, but it comes near to it.

If I was too picky my porn folders would be very lonely.

Besides there's the Pizza Theorem:
and most porn-gathering happens in the "saucy pizza" period. Thus a boatload of crap gets stuffed in said folders. And it's even decent next time I'm "pizza-hungry"!

By the way this talk is making me hungry.

Regarding that video though, the theme is ok, but I hope the crying isn't too obnoxious.
Mon, Apr 01 '13, 03:18
Funny enough after those 30 JAVs i found 3 other good ones (not themed hypnosis) and 2 Anime Visual Novels (also not hypnosis themed) that were AMAZING. Been playing the games for 10 hours to get all the endings (also done in that RPGMaker Environment, seems to be popular these days).

So sure, you may have a valid point here with the Pizza Theorem, but these finds thoroughly crushed through it. I think hypnotism is simply not done well in most of the videos. Look at the scene in GAR-311 - The Induction is so well done - sadly it is the only induction in 2h which is not enough for my taste. Personally I'd prefere several small inductions - the first one being very subtle and some kind of a test if it works, while they get more perverted with each future induction. MDYD-740 did this part well, but like it was previously mentioned, the hypnotism scenes looked fake and the acting was terrible - aside from the naked cleaning scene which was good.

Btw. being picky is a good trait. When I posted my first manga manip here, Mindwipe bashed me into shape by repeatedly requesting a redo till the quality was decent. So yeah, I have high quality expectations from everyone else as well. Nothing wrong about it. So far, these JAVs do not meet them and several Hentai Manga/Anime FAR surpass them in every aspect.
Mon, Apr 01 '13, 04:40
CETD-043 Review
Okay, time to try out writing a shorter, more to the point review. This video is more in that “stage hypnosis” style that I talked about before. As in, there’s no plot, just hypnosis for fun. I’m gonna be lazy here and not try to look up the names of the 2 women in it (that didn’t exactly work last time, anyway), but I can tell you that these women look a bit…well, older, than the girls in the other videos I reviewed. How old? I’m not sure, but at least mid-late 30s, possibly 40+, I’d say. That’s not to say they’re ugly, though. They’re attractive…enough.

It takes quite a while to get to the hypnosis in this, about 17 minutes. It starts by having the first woman (they’re introduced individually to start) lie on the floor while the hypnotist induces her (the woman is wearing a sexy little nightdress during this part). There’s a jump forward during the induction, so we don’t see the entire thing (probably for the best, as it would drag on for a while). Once the woman looks nice and relaxed, the fun starts. In this case “the fun” refers to two strange men fucking her in various ways. Nothing really stands out to me as worth describing, but there’s LOTS of sex to enjoy here (if you want).

The next scene introduces the other woman in the video, and, as far as I can tell, contains no hypnosis. The scene directly after it, however, is my favorite part. We start with both women sitting on a couch and undergoing an induction. It may be worth mentioning that the woman who was hypnotized in the earlier part seems more responsive during this. Again, we don’t see the entire induction, but upon waking them both up, they begin carrying out the suggestion to make like lesbians. I’ve made it clear that I love yuri, so this part is just awesome to me. The two kiss, undress, finger, and finally scissor until they cum. The hypnotist only occasionally enters to tap them on the forehead, I assume as some sort of trigger or something.

Then, we fade out to another scene of the two women in another induction in a different location. They’re both dressed in see-through lingerie for this part. After they relax, they’re given a simple instruction: masturbate. And they do. Perhaps not surprisingly, the woman who seems more responsive to hypnosis gets more into this than the other, and the camera focuses on her most of the time. The final scene comes after that woman cums, and doesn’t appear to involve hypnosis. It’s just a sex scene with the more responsive woman.

As you can tell, this is really only about a 50% hypnosis JAV, so the “bang for your buck” (or “bang for your time”, since I doubt any of you are buying these) aspect is a bit low. That being said, if you like seeing girls hypnotized to act like lesbians, this one’s got a scene for you. It’s really only for that scene that I kept this video, but the masturbation scene that follows ain’t too bad either. I’d like it if younger women were chosen for this video, but I’d still say it’s good for a quick fix.
Sun, Apr 07 '13, 08:01
Um...where are you guys finding all these videos from?
Sun, Apr 07 '13, 10:35
Just Google any of the item numbers posted so far + "jav", and you'll find tons of sites that share JAVs. Then it's just a matter of finding one with download links that work for you. The site I personally use is javarchive.com (I hope I'm not hastening its demise by posting it here). Search for 催眠 on whatever sites you find to see videos tagged as hypnosis. There are also torrents for these videos... sometimes. Maybe I just suck at finding them.

I've been meaning to write another review for the past couple days. I'll get on that soon. I still have over a dozen videos left to cover.
Sun, Apr 07 '13, 16:14
FWIW, here's how I find them:

1) Google translate some things in japanese to get keywords (as Mw mentioned, 催眠 is one).
2) Look for videos in JAV blogs (there are plenty) and find one that interests me.
3) Google ABC-123 torrent (where ABC-123 is the JAV's code).
4) If the above fails, look for file hoster links.
5) Download through either uTorrent or PyLoad (for the latter, I use a plugin so I don't have to type recaptchas either, and leave it work overnight).

The crux of the problem is in finding what you want and the links. More often than not, there *are* links, somewhere.
Tue, Apr 23 '13, 05:36
PSSD-273 Review
This is one of those “best of” collections for a particular actress, but I’m too lazy right now to look up her name. There are essentially 4 long scenes taken from different videos that the actress starred in. The 2nd and 3rd scenes are hypnosis-focused (the other 2 don’t involve hypnosis at all). I’m not sure what videos they’re taken from (though I am familiar with the series), but I’d like to find them. Because the video is so long, it was split into 2 parts for the download, which means the first hypnosis scene is at the end of the first video, and the second video starts with the next scene. If you’ve seen many videos from Audaz, you’ll be familiar with the hypnotist called “RED”. The hypnosis scenes in this video make use of his services. This is one of those no plot videos. Just fun with hypnosis and an attractive woman.

The scene starts with some talking that, awesomely enough, becomes an induction ending with the girl falling back onto the bed they’re sitting on, asleep. After RED wakes her, another induction (this time with a lighter) follows. As with all videos RED is in, multiple knockouts occur after this, though there are thankfully less of them than some of the other vids I’ve seen. Something to note is that this woman doesn’t always close her eyes completely when she’s knocked out, and she has a strange habit of crossing her eyes when she’s under. Some people may like this, but it just comes off as weird to me most of the time. It’s also something I usually associate with bad acting, which bothers me, because most of these videos with RED seem real to me.

In any case, after that last knockout, we get to watch her relax on the bed for a bit before we move on to a catalepsy demonstration. This is kind of a cliché in hypnosis, but it’s really cool (and arousing) to watch her go from relaxed and limp to stiff and rigid, and back again. RED stiffens her and has another man help him lift her about 3 times. Despite its simplicity, this is probably my favorite part of the first scene, helped by the fact that I love full body shots of hypnotized girls sleeping. The next part focuses on making her smile like an idiot while crossing her eyes and drooling all over herself… Yeah. From my favorite part to my least favorite part, but others will probably love this. She also seems to orgasm at the end, so there’s that.

After that, we get to watch her strip to her underwear. Quite sexy. There’s also some kind of increase in sexual sensitivity here, though I can’t decipher the details. It seems that the tips of her fingers are made into erogenous zones, though, because she’s made to touch her index fingers together at one point, and this seems to excite her greatly. She eventually removes her underwear, and the last part of the scene seems to have her thinking that her clitoris is some plastic thing in a ring box that some guy plays with. Orgasm and scene transition.

The next scene starts out weird, with the woman dressed in ridiculous-looking clothes. There’s a brief induction with a small box with a light in it, which is made into a trigger; then she’s made to flash, dance like a moron, and… walk an imaginary tightrope? Honestly, I prefer to imagine that this part doesn’t exist. After a knockout, she’s made to frantically undress (THANK GOD). She may be scratching at imaginary insects during this part, I can’t tell. Whatever the case, once she’s good and nude, a new command has her sensually laying on the bed and soon writhing in pleasure. Another knockout, and we move on to the time stop portion with some help from a random guy. You know what to expect from this type of scene. However, one part I want to draw attention to is where RED has the girl frozen while the man fingers her. She’s completely unable to move her body despite the intense stimulation, until RED taps her head to release her. The moment he does is so great, as you can actually see the woman come to her senses. Some more finger banging, and the woman has a squirting orgasm. After that is sex. Lots of sex... And a cross-eyed woman with a mouth full of cum.

Aside from some parts that I find truly odd, and the woman’s sometimes off-putting habit of crossing her eyes, I quite enjoyed this video (as I do most of the videos RED is in). I’d much rather have the individual video(s) that these scenes were taken from, but the best of collection is fine. The catalepsy scene and the frozen fingering are probably my favorite parts. I actually enjoyed the final sex scene quite a bit as well, though I can’t say that there’s any particular reason for that. I’d give it a solid recommendation.
Thu, Apr 25 '13, 16:39
Mindwipe - you may want to look at SDMT-889 and SDMT-901. Both are quite good.
Thu, Apr 25 '13, 19:30
I have SDMT-901, but I've only skimmed through it. Based on that, though, I moved it off of my computer and onto my external hard drive. Nothing really struck me as something I'd fap to more than once if at all. Not sure what it was, just didn't get interested in watching it.

I didn't download 889, I think because 901 seemed to me like the more interesting one, and if I wasn't interested in that one, I didn't think I'd like the other.
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