Mon, Mar 25 '13, 03:06
Manga, Doujin, Anime Manip Requests
Since more people are getting into manipping manga and the other manip thread is getting a little long I decided to make a new one for Manga, Doujin, and Anime images exclusively.

So if you find an image of either categories that you'd like to see altered in some way post the link to it here. Feel free to be descriptive if you had something specific in mind.

Note: if you have a western or live action image you want to see manipped post it on the all purpose manip thread here: http://hypno.booru.org/index.php?page=forum&s=view&id=29
Mon, Mar 25 '13, 06:32
when you say manga/doujin manips, do you mean like the sequence of sakura pics that were just posted or something along the lines of one of those age regression comics like :http://hypno.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7446
Mon, Mar 25 '13, 07:02
I'm pretty sure they were both attempts at the same thing, Sol. :P

My only concern about this thread, though, is how one would request what amounts to a collage.
Mon, Mar 25 '13, 15:42
@Sol420, Like Vanndril said I think those fall under the same category since they are both manips of manga/doujin images. What difference did you see between them?

@Vanndril, It would just be a matter of being descriptive. A person would (preferably) find a manga/doujin with the art style and characters that they like and post the link to it on this thread. Then they would write a description of the plot and possibly the dialog they wanted someone to make out of it. The request should naturally be within reason.
Mon, Mar 25 '13, 16:19
The main difference was that the sakura version seemed like someone just edited the dialogue on the pages while the age regression one was like someone cropping out certain sections of a particular doujin and manipped them to fit into an MC story. But thinking about it now, it's pretty clear they're the same deal so...yeah.

I guess what I was initially asking was would you simply be editing the dialogue and the eyes without restructuring the order of the pages or would you be rearranging the pictures to fit in with the narrative?
Mon, Mar 25 '13, 17:15
I suppose all of that would be up to the requester and the one who takes the request. If the requester has something specific in mind and it's doable given what they've provided then the request taker can decide how to proceed in altering the image.

Although, if would make it simpler, people can always just post a story idea with dialog suggestions without an image reference and see if someone takes the request. It just would be a lot easier if they gave as much help to the manipper as possible.
Mon, Mar 25 '13, 18:46
I want to be wrong, but I doubt any manga manip requests would get fulfilled.
Mon, Mar 25 '13, 19:22
Odds are at least better if you ask, right?
Mon, Mar 25 '13, 20:55
Puuh, taking requests for this might be quite hard ... I think you'll need some serious skills to pull it off. I am sure Lost+Name has them and I am veeeeeery slowly getting the hang of it as well, but why not - fire away. :)

Maybe multiple people take the request and we can see what they all create out of the idea.
Tue, Mar 26 '13, 16:59
I guess there's no point in waiting around. I'll make the first request.

Title: "CC Assortment"
link: http://www.fakku.net/doujinshi/cc-assortment-english

original narrative: Lelouch gets frustrated with CC and jokingly uses his geass on her to make her listen to him. It doesn't work but she decides to humor him.

My request: an exasperated Lelouch uses his geass on CC, fully knowing it won't work, in a half-hearted attempt to get her to take him seriously for once. much to the surprise of both of them, it actually works. Sexy time ensues.

other details: TBH, the actual dialogue of this doujin doesn't really need to be altered that much to fit with my requested narrative. Also, I'd like for someone to include a small scene where CC tries to resist the geass command and fails but I can't really find a spot where including that would be practical.

anyway, that's my request. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Tue, Mar 26 '13, 23:57
Do we have to only use that Manga/Doujin, or is it fine if we use any Manga/Doujin of that series as long as we follow the general synopsis with the mentioned characters?
Wed, Mar 27 '13, 00:23
I would appreciate it if you used the doujin I mentioned, but if you find something that is easier for you to work with then by all means, go for it.

Actually this might be a good thing to bring up in the opening post. If the request MUST center around a specific manga or doujin, you should specify it.

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