Thu, Mar 21 '13, 21:36
Thoughts on Hypno-Fetishism?
How do you feel about it? What got you into it? What potential do you see in it?

Consider this a general discussion thread on the subject itself. Don't feel restricted to the initial questions. There are a lot more I wanted to ask but I couldn't think of any. I might update later.

For now it's just a general discussion thread about our mutual interest. Enjoy talking because I enjoy reading.
Thu, Mar 21 '13, 22:08
Thu, Mar 21 '13, 23:54
I'm pretty sure the Jungle Book was what got me into hypno-fetishism - and seeing that we have over 300 images of Kaa in this Booru, I know I'm not the only one. For a while, I wasn't even aware that there were other people who shared this fetish. Then I found the EMCA. I was on cloud nine.
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 01:22

... -_-'
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 01:25
Lost+Name said:
... -_-'

You asked. :P

In all seriousness, I'll probably post some REAL discussion later. Hilariously enough, I already wrote this whole personal introduction thing for the hypnofetish blog that I'm still planning on making. So I may just copy/paste that. XD
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 02:09
Okay, serious reply time.

Vorp said:
I'm pretty sure the Jungle Book was what got me into hypno-fetishism

Same. I'm 100% sure that's where it started for me. Waaaaaaay back at 3 years old (or at least, that's as far as I can remember watching it).

Vorp said:
For a while, I wasn't even aware that there were other people who shared this fetish.

Same again. In fact, for most of my life I thought I must be the only person who felt like this about hypnosis. It wasn't until around the age of 15-16 that I had both an internet connection AND privacy, and that eventually led to my realization that I wasn't alone. I found deviantART first, then came the collective (didn't stay there long), then came Hypnochan.
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 04:42
What got me into hypnosis was Sailor moon, I think...I'm not sure what the exact origins are except that I've been fascinated by it since around middleschool.

I think part of the appeal is giving someone a sense of control over something they normally don't have control over IRL. The ability to make someone do and act however we want has been a part of everyone's fantasy at some point. throw in versatile application towards any fetish and we have a done deal.
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 05:04
I'd say that my hypnofetish came from any one origin, but as far as I remember, it's always been a part of me.

I watched a ton of TV as a young child. EVERY time an MC/Hypnosis scene in ANYTHING came up, I remember being extremely interested in it. Any episode that contained it instantly became a long-time favorite.

The Jungle book was a good one. Aladdin was another. Thundercats. Sailor Moon.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Naturally, like any here, I like hypnofetish. Probably more than most, though. It's not just a huge fetish for me - it's my dominant fetish. It's my fetish of fetishes. I wonder how many other people are that way about it.
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 05:45
Vanndril said:
I wonder how many other people are that way about it.

I can't fully answer that but I can tell you that it's certainly that way for me.
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 06:04
Thirded. Though there are times where my foot fetish closes in on it.
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 06:28
Fourth'd. I like me some monstergirls, but mind control's definitely my biggest fetish.
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 07:03
Yeah Vorp, me too. I used to say I had a non-human humanoid fetish, because it included things like monster girls AND more normal-ish things like elves and full-sized fairies and kemonomimi. Nowadays, I just call it my subhuman fetish, despite the lack of grace in the name.

This thread reminds me of an anonymous-style survey I made once, with the intend of posting a link here and then sharing the info with everyone after, like, a week. It was a survey about hypnofetish - why you like it, how much, when, etc.

I never got around to posting it, but since people seem interested in sharing that sort of info, maybe I should reconsider, if not just to sate some curiosities.
Sat, Mar 23 '13, 04:33
Honestly? It was that Kim Possible episode with the MC chip. Made me feel weird at the time but in retrospect it was my first experience with the fetish that I can bring to mind.
Sat, Mar 23 '13, 08:50
I know I saw the jungle book and was interested but it really didn't spark for me until an episode of Pokemon when hypno and drowsee were hypnotizing the elderly and they accidentally got the kids and Misty. Then Internet > hypnochan > booru > yes. Normally I would wonder what it's like to be under but now as I grow older, it's leaning towards the dominating aspect. Though not to say I don't still think of it the other way.

Also anyone else think that even taking normal pictures and thinking about them in a hypnotic sense makes it that more enjoyable?
Sat, Mar 23 '13, 08:53
fossilbrand said:
Also anyone else think that even taking normal pictures and thinking about them in a hypnotic sense makes it that more enjoyable?

I do that all the time. And that's often how manips are born. ^^
Sat, Mar 23 '13, 17:10
That is indeed how manips are born. Gotta see the manip in the image before it's made. :P

I think, to an extent, everyone does that.
Sun, Mar 24 '13, 13:13
I loved the idea of mind control/hypnosis since 1st grade. but it hasn't turned into a fetish until i was 15-16. what got me into this fetish was youtube. i would watch anything related to hypnosis. Then i found hypnochan, an amazing community that sheared my thoughts. the day it went down i was lost. but a week later i found this place. I love this fetish and it will prosper for as long as people live.
Mon, Mar 25 '13, 19:33
If I remember correctly, it was the Scooby-Doo episode with the monster clown and Daphne. Something about that scene and the episode really got me into hypnosis. I must've been about 10 or 12 when I saw it. From there, my fetish spiraled into what it is today (hormones helped). Thanks to hypnosis and the pursuit of porn, I became aware of so many other media and even other fetishes. I couldn't imagine where and who I'd be right now if I hadn't discovered this wonderful thing called hypnosis.
Tue, Apr 02 '13, 02:07
Kinda started with the Kaa thing when I was a lad.
But I think it really went full force when I stumbled across
Sue-Chan's hypno work. Then...I just went nuts. :3
Tue, Apr 02 '13, 23:54
Sue-chan was actually one of the first hypno-artists I found. XD
I used to be all over her work, checking her site for updates.
She just doesn't update enough for me to do that daily anymore, but I still check once in a while to see if she made anything new and delicious.
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