Tue, Mar 19 '13, 20:51
Age Regression Story ideas
I noticed that quite a few people liked this in my Manga Manips. I want to collect some ideas what you would like to see or imagine. This is by no means a request thread, but I may built some of these ideas into my manips.

So what kind of story development would you actually like to see? If you have a manga that would fit, I would appreciate a link as well. If you found a story on the Web, that would be fine too. Anything that can be an inspiration is welcome. :)
Thu, Mar 21 '13, 05:13
Just throwing out personal preferences here really but I like it when the focus is on using age regression to bypass someone's inhibitions or barriers. I'm not into the target of the regression really acting and dressing like a kid unless it is as a way to get them to put on clothes that are too tight/revealing for their older physique or to be ok with something normally unacceptable to them like running naked through a sprinkler or something more devious like regressing a married person to the age when they were single.

I suppose age regression to a point at which the person was still embarrassed about sexual things could be a fun premise as well. Sort of a relive your first time thing. But once it gets to mommy/daddy, baby talk, or incontinence it has stepped closer to another fetish than age regression/mind control for me.
Thu, Mar 21 '13, 11:25
I think there's a wide misconception of Age Regression.

(Mental) Age regression always includes the Victim Mind to be regressed to a younger age were part of her personality/knowledge changes. If this includes losing a feel of shame, then that's okay(like running around without clothes as a result of that). The main aspect of this is that the victim is being fine with it, she doesn't know that anything is wrong, it's pretty normal for her to do that.

What it does not really include is making the Victim younger, yet mostly still being around the same age while maintaining all her knowledge. If you make someone think she is no longer married (let's say she married with 26, is 27 and you make her think she is 25) then this isn't really what age regression is all about. This is more of an induction where you directly change a certain memory/perception of something. Making her think she is single again does therefore not really count as the stereotypical Age regression, even if you make your old girlfriend think she is still together with you.

Age regression always has a part of "personality change" on a fundamental level with it. That is why in almost all cases, the victim is regressed to an age of 12 or younger. It often comes with lowering the IQ as well, but the main aspect is, that the victim either thinks of herself as being this old (while retaining her skills but not really using them conciously), or having only the skills/knowledge of a person that age (or both).It doesn't necessarily include incontinence or some change of toilet behaviour, but in most cases it does.

Making a long married couple think they are teenagers again and having their first time again sounds kind of cute. I like that idea, but I am not sure if I can realize it in one of my manips. If I think of something like that, I would probably do it like a tsundere childhood friend / sibling / cousin being regressed to a younger age where she was still mostly dere, innocently talking about herself becoming the bride of the controller. There're actually manga's out there doing that already (and they are great), but I can always change up the story or simply use a popular series to archive the same effect I guess.
Thu, Mar 21 '13, 19:05
I think HiG hit the nail on the head for my personal preferences. I have a hentai anime where a man hypnotizes a small group of adult women and regresses them to middle school-high school age to relive relationships that went bad (or something like that, the translation was terrible). It was pretty good.

Other than that, the only age regression stories I've enjoyed are incest mangas where the brother uses hypnosis to regress his stuck-up sister to an age when they were best friends. I guess I just like age regression as a way to turn someone who's stuck-up, quiet, or self-conscious into someone innocent and playful. That's really what I'd like to see more of.

Yeah, I'm no help.
Thu, Mar 21 '13, 20:55
Can you give me the name of that anime or do you have a DL link?
Thu, Mar 21 '13, 21:43
Sailor Fuku Shinryou Tsumaka

There should still be download links for the subbed version out there. Be warned, though, that the only translation I found for it is pretty awful. Some bad grammar, misspellings, and generally nonsensical sentences. I should also mention that, while I consider it "pretty good", it's nothing too special.

Here is the synopsis copied from another site:
Synopsis said:
Nozomu is a student in the field of psychiatry. Recently he had submitted a report where he writes how women's current distresses originate from past mental conflicts, especially during adolescence; and by removing their past afflictions with hypnotism and making them experience a satisfying school life, their depression would be cured. His report gets discarded as a far-fetched theory so Nozomu takes it upon himself to prove it in practice. He manages to get three girls for his experiment: Mirai, his mother, Kyouka, Mirai's friend, and Izumi, his old friend. Like this, his grand experiment involving "married women in sailor's uniforms" starts....

As a final note, the censorship is obnoxious in it. HUGE mosaics.
Thu, Mar 21 '13, 23:15
Okay I watched it but to be honest this was a pretty bad one. The hypnosis was superficial at best - there was no sign of it on the 3 women and age regression wasn't mentioned at all. The only thing that could have been a clue were the sailor uniforms.

Then it's basically he swings the pendulum and then they fuck - problem solved. Errrh what? I am already someone who wants a lot of talking and explanation what the hypnotized person was hypnotized into, but this is just ridiculous. No explanation at all. I could get over the animation not being goog, i could get over the mosaic being horrible and even over the voice acting and the mother/son incest (which I really hate), but the story is just nonexistant. Good Hypnosis needs to be a mindgame in itself and for that you need a decent story, or at least ANY story.

*Sigh* oh well, i might have expected to much from that one.

On a Sidenote my next Manip is already in the works. It will be on a lighter theme than the last one (seems like not a lot of people liked the pee drinking one). However it still will have the urination theme in it and I went quite heavy on the image editing in that one. Also will be brother/sister incest - but I decided on this manip before starting this threat.

Please keep ideas coming, Links to good hypnosis/mind control mangas would also be appreciated. I have not found a lot of mental age regression ones yet.
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 01:13
I guess when all is said and done, I'm just not a big fan of age regression. At least not in the forms that seem to be most common. So I'll probably just keep my mouth shut for the rest of this thread.

Looking through my saved manga, I only have 2 age regression stories. One is translated and the other isn't. Here's the untranslated one:

Edit: Here's the translated one
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 13:48
Ah yes, Maji Saimin Love Bitch - That's the first really good one that can be called mental Age Regression. I'd love to see a translation - but we probably never will ...

I didn't know the exhentai one. I think it is good, not awesome, but good. Definetly worth one of my Bookmarks for future reference.

My past Manips all made the victim pee in some kind of childish behaviour. I really like that in my manips. I also like to have the controller do something really evil to the victim.

Best examples of evilness in hypnosis can be seen in Hypnolove (Saimin Gakuen), Dreamnote and Gakuen Saimin Reido. I just love these Anime to death. The Saimin Gakuen Game even had a scene with mental Age regression and a sidestory with planting an incontincence induction into a girls mind. Sadly these didn't make it into the Anime.

I like to take these as a reference and then somehow spin in the Age Regression if possible. Of my 4 Manips I labeled only the first as Age regression, because the other ones were more of an induction style, planting a memory. The next one will probably feature a little age regression again.
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 19:18
Hypnomangaeditor said:
My past Manips all made the victim pee in some kind of childish behaviour. I really like that in my manips. I also like to have the controller do something really evil to the victim.

Best examples of evilness in hypnosis can be seen in Hypnolove (Saimin Gakuen), Dreamnote and Gakuen Saimin Reido. I just love these Anime to death.

Aha. Now I understand. Yeah, I'd be of absolutely no help in this case. I've ranted to Vanndril before about how much I hated those three anime, because of the soul-shattering heartlessness of the main characters. That kind of evilness isn't something I enjoy in hypnosis stories (and urination isn't either).

So, I'll do what I said I was gonna do last time and shut up so that people with real ideas can post. I hope someone is able to give you some real inspiration. I may not be a fan of the content of your manips, but I can't fault the execution.
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 23:51
Well although I might not be of help I just wanted to say that you are right up my valley Hypnomangaeditor. I have allways liked the age regression topic and I have allways found those anime to be quiet good.
Thu, Mar 28 '13, 01:09
Just to clarify I do see the difference between telling someone to relive a previous moment in their life and regressing their personality to more simplistic, younger state. What I didn't communicate very well was that I was thinking more along the lines of a married woman who has settled into a married way of life being regressed to the personality she would have had as a single woman out looking to pick up a guy, etc.

I also like trying to turn things around which in this case would be a story about age progression. The only context I can think of that might be fun is for a young woman to be age progressed to where she feels the pressure to make a baby before she gets too old and somehow work that into getting the girl? I don't know, seems kind of lame now that I wrote it. And this one definitely walks the line of actual personality change due to mental age modification vs. just building a coercive suggestion.
Thu, Mar 28 '13, 01:37
Mental Age Progression doesn't actually make sense (I never heard of such a Story at least). Age Progression only exists as the physical component, where the body progresses in age. You have to experience something to relive it. If you get something implanted in your mind that isn't there (fake memories, altering of memories, change of certain common sense things etc), well did you watch inception? That is basically it. There's no regression/progression anywhere there. Mental Regression resets the mind to a previous state (more or less, memories get lost, but basic information is kept).

You can't hypnotize a high schooler to be grown up (doesn't know what it means), but you can hypnotize to change the personality so that he/she acts based on that information (e.g. have more patience, think more before acting, stop doing certain stupid stuff). But you would need to be very specific about it and outline it in detail to make it work - it'll never be perfect. You'd make the illusion and the personality would basically be lost, because you'd have to rewrite it. Mental Age Regression basically keeps the personality (of that age) while changing the mental age of the person. This makes for a much more believable and easier to unfolg story.

So why am I discussing the science part of fiction again? Ah yes - Story. I'd be pretty much unable to use it in a believable manner in any Story. The idea of getting someone to become pregnant was actually something I have been thinking about for a while and I may use something like that in the future. But you'd only need to plant that one command into the victims head. There's no need to progress the age via a fake personality.
Fri, Apr 05 '13, 17:03
Well this might not be of any help, but i read this story the other day and I thought it was a good one. As I said, dont know if it will help, but I kanda wanted to share it. Hope you can get something out of it!


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