Mon, Mar 18 '13, 06:00
Squid ops
So...yeah...I haven't been on squid ops in a while. I checked it out a minute ago and now it seems the premise has changed again. I don't really mind it but it just seems like the project is starting to become a bit...unstable as of late. At the risk of sounding like an idiot, is there a news feed or blog that sleepymaid has that I just don't know about? Or maybe an archive of the older pages?
Mon, Mar 18 '13, 07:04
Not that I know of. It looks like Sleepy removed the forums from his site too (or at least took down the link). Maybe something will show up on Sleepychan? I know someone created a thread about the latest reboot shortly after it went up, but he expressed minor negativity about it, so he was immediately shouted down and insulted and the thread was gone the next day. For archives, I know there was a Squid Ops gallery on E-Hentai for the very first version, but I don't think the second was ever posted anywhere else.

As for the comic itself, I'm sorry to say that I've lost interest in it now. Two reboots is at least one too many, especially when Sleepymaid claimed to have several chapters already planned out for the last reboot. I just don't feel like getting into this one when past experience says it'll start over again once it starts getting interesting.
Tue, Mar 19 '13, 22:51
I...actually have the high-res version of the second chapter of the first incarnation of Squid Ops, but I'm not sure if Sleepy wants the older versions up anywhere, so...

I'll probably post it eventually anyway, and see if anything happens.
Wed, Mar 20 '13, 00:45
I have the first chapter of the original and the colored pages of Mk II, which Sleepy gave out with purchase of his .zip for...whatever month it was. I don't see why Sleepymaid would object to posting them, since he isn't selling them anymore, but at the same time... I'm kinda hesitant without knowing for sure.

I've actually considered deleting them from my hard drive several times. Every time I look at them, I get bummed wondering what could have been.
Wed, Mar 20 '13, 06:09
isn't there a way to contact sleepy directly if you're unsure about posting the older versions? Like an email or something?

As for the comic itself...I understand that a project will have multiple revisions before it's finally ready to be released but two reboots before any real progress is made in either version is kind of pushing it.

Still holding out hope, though. 3rd time's the charm as they say...hopefully...
Wed, Mar 20 '13, 14:58
I've pretty much decided not to get into any reboot until he has at least 5 completed chapters out. I might browse them for nice images, but I won't get "into" it until then.

There probably is a way to contact him. I've honestly never looked. I'm not quite as careful as Mindwipe is, though, so I'll probably end up posting mine eventually, word from Sleepy or not. If Sleepy has a problem with it when I do, he'll surely tell us, and we can handle it from there.

Maybe I'll upload it the next time I decide to upload something, now that I know it's something so rare.

Edit: Actually, I have the bonus images, too. The agreement upon purchase was that they were not to be shared. Maybe I'll ask him after all.
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 04:34
'Kay, so here's the deal as far as uploading Chapter 2 of the first incarnation.

I contacted Sleepy, and he said it was fine, but requested that it not be posted until this incarnation has three chapters, because "It just feels weird when there's more pre-boot than current content."

I suppose that makes sense, from the artist's perspective. Posting what I've got from the first incarnation before the new version kicks off would only serve to make people want more of the first rather than the newest. So once the new reboot hits 3 chapters, as he seems quite sure it will, I'll post it. The bonus content included.

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