Wed, Mar 13 '13, 15:57
Origin of Your Alias?
How did you come up with your alias?

My alias is a parody of the manga titled "Lost+Brain". How about you?
Wed, Mar 13 '13, 19:06

I wanted an MC-related name for Hypnochan. I liked Transformers as a kid, and it was the best I could think of. XD
Wed, Mar 13 '13, 20:28
Mine really doesn't have an origin. I needed a name on Hypnochan, so... I decided on Vorp. No story so to speak, just came up with it on a whim.
Wed, Mar 13 '13, 20:47
Well...I was creating a character in a game I once played. This game didn't have default character names, so I HAD to think of something. So I was mixing a matching words in my head, then skewing their pronunciation, in order to find a name I liked.

My character was an elvish assassin, and when I thought of "Vandril", then read it as "Vhandrl" or "Vandrl" (my own pronunciation of the name changes between those two at any given moment XD), and I felt it was perfect for my character.

Over time, I grew attached to the character and the name, and I started using it, or its alternative spelling, Vanndril, just about everywhere.

For those who have seen my collective gallery and read my old, admittedly meh-quality text manips, you all probably remember mention of the persona I used there, named simply "VL".

Those are initials. The V stood for Vandril, and the L stood for Lo'rde
(Lo-red, NOT Lord), which was my character's RP family name.
Wed, Mar 13 '13, 21:24
There are two names I use frequently but for this site, the "Sol" in my name comes from...this is kind of embarrassing but...it comes from the name of the main character in a fanfic I wrote (still writing it, technically) which, in turn, was taken from the name of the roman god of the sun. the "4/20" is just the day after my birthday.
Thu, Mar 14 '13, 17:59
Just from my borderline obsessive love of Ah! My Goddess :)
Fri, Mar 15 '13, 07:19
There's a colonialisation game called Anno 1404 ...and that's where my name comes from^^
Thu, Mar 21 '13, 05:00
Well, it's kind of a long story. There's this thing called hypnosis where you can induce a state of consciousness in which a person apparently loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestions and I find it to be pretty awesome in the context of a form of submission deeper than could achieved without it. I wanted to capture the essence of my intrigue with this concept so I condensed it down into my rather elegant nom de plume :).
Thu, Mar 21 '13, 05:54
HypnosisIsGreat said:
I wanted to capture the essence of my intrigue with this concept so I condensed it down into my rather elegant nom de plume :).

Lol, I see whatcha' did there... and I learned some new terminology. Awesome HIG is Awesome.
Thu, Mar 21 '13, 10:27
I suppose I got the image of "guy in suit and top hat with a question mark for a face" when I thought about a hypnosis-related persona, so my alias just kind of became that.
Fri, Mar 22 '13, 06:00
It's a reference to an older strategy game called Dragon Force. It's the name of the castle you go to before the final battle.
Sun, Mar 31 '13, 07:30
To be honest mine is because as a teenager one gets hyped up about the silliest of things, especially when further hyped up by the media like Stem Cell research. So I thought it was so cool at the time and I needed a secondary nickname that I used it, and just didn't change it since.
Sun, Mar 31 '13, 23:49
Err.... An old Naruto OC >>
Lunakiri Ishizu XD Lol. Just stuck with Lunakiri since then
Mon, Apr 01 '13, 03:38
Well, I had that Idea with editing Manga into Manips. I thought I'd post one under this synonym, then be yelled at as pervert and then disappearing again, having used the nick only once.

Looks like I'll be around a bit longer though ...
Tue, Apr 02 '13, 02:06
Well, due to the fact that I tend to act in ways the opposite
of what most consider "normal"...Reversed1 seemed to fit.

I go backwards! Especially when told to when entranced. XD
Tue, Apr 02 '13, 03:17
Alias? Some people call me "⑨", but they're just making fun of me! >_<
Sat, Apr 06 '13, 18:49
I tended to lurk anon on the Hypnochan. And I needed a name proper, and so, "Anonyfruit".
Tue, Apr 09 '13, 00:19
Many years ago now, I needed a nick on some online forum or other, and voyeur sorta describes me, so I dropped the U and went for it. If I had been planning further ahead, I'd have gone with Vhoyer, which makes it a little more distinctive.
Sun, Apr 14 '13, 10:26
My favorite race in elderscrolls was the Argonian.
Sun, Apr 14 '13, 12:00
The origins of my alias, I guess that it comes from the fact that i dont like mixing real life and online life, so I try to stay as anonymus as I possebly can be, and thats how I thought of ___ a few months ago and thats what i have been using on all the booru's I am now a member of.

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