Tue, Mar 05 '13, 23:23
Lost. Chatter Thread
Wed, Mar 06 '13, 01:55
This looks very promising. Hope my descriptions didn't get too flowery. :)
Wed, Mar 06 '13, 02:14
Don't worry, it was fine =)
And I'm glad you think it's promising! I"m curious as to what will happen with this one, since the other one apparently died.
Thu, Mar 07 '13, 18:43
For the life of me I could not find what to do with this one. For me there was nothing really to latch on to that I could work off of. I was about to call this a dream sequence or some sort of hypnosis mumbo jumbo until something real actually happened. I tried my best to go along with it but I think the most I offered up was hypnotic wordplay.
Thu, Mar 07 '13, 20:45
fossilbrand said:
For the life of me I could not find what to do with this one. For me there was nothing really to latch on to that I could work off of.

^This is the reason I haven't added anything yet. I'm still trying to get some kind of feel for this story. Right now it feels kinda... I don't know... shapeless? I mean, I guess that's kinda the point with interactive stories, to let the participants shape it, but I feel like the last story gave us a lot more to go off of.

On the plus side, I think it's moving in a direction where it can take a more coherent form, but I still don't think I'm ready to add anything yet.
Fri, Mar 08 '13, 23:43
How about all the lurkers and non lurkers? How do you feel about all of this? Do you just like to read? Do you feel some stories are meh? Do you want to contribute but are afraid? Speak your mind people. This is all for you. Toss around ideas. Stirr up the hornet's nest , so to speak. ENGAGE!

To show that I'm not just all talk here is a question that we haven't really addressed but should. How much eroticism do we want in our stories? I was fully prepared for some stuff to go on in the first one but nothing really happened. For this second one it seems unavoidable so how far do people want to go with this or would go with this?
Sat, Mar 09 '13, 21:11
I feel the problem with these forums is we have few visitors to it, let alone lurkers. XD But I have no way to tell, I suppose, so it's just speculation.

The level of eroticism could be just about anywhere from nonexistent to dominant-in-the-story. Some stories naturally take that turn, while others just glaze over it. The real problem, I feel, is most people feel awkward writing heavily erotic scenes. They're just not used to it.
Tue, Mar 12 '13, 06:23
I added a bit to the story. (I use that word loosely of course)
Seeing as how I tried to abruptly end the last story I thought I would make amends by giving this one some "meat". I put a slight twist in and left it where it should be easy for someone else to pic up where I left off. I already have a lot of ideas for this story so I hope more people get into it. Even if it's just the same set of people it'll still be fun to see where it goes.
Thu, Mar 14 '13, 19:46
So it's been two days on this story and no update. I'm thinking about adding more soon. Any objections?
Thu, Mar 14 '13, 20:39
No objections. I was waiting for at least two people to get ahead of me before I add in more. I'd say that those who are into it, please go ahead and post when you can.
Thu, Mar 14 '13, 23:16
No objections here. Sorry I haven't written much, I've been busy with schoolwork as of late. Now that I'm on break, I should have more time to contribute.
Thu, Mar 14 '13, 23:54
Vorp said:
No objections here. Sorry I haven't written much, I've been busy with schoolwork as of late.

Story of my week. Midterms...blah. Barely have time to porn, dammit!
Well, just have Friday and next week now, then I'll be on vaca as well. Hopefully I'll get the chance to add something then, if the story's still around.

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