Tue, Mar 05 '13, 23:21
Hey guys! New story!
No pic accompaniment this time though, sorry! I just... I started writing this last night, and thought it might be fun =)

At any rate, a few rules.

Don't be too fast with it.
-Meaning: Don't drive to the end like a cheetah. Let it flourish a bit.
Don't Post too often
-Let there be a post or two before you post again, all right? Unless it's dead, or something.

... Might add more later, can't think of anything else at the moment XD
Tue, Mar 05 '13, 23:22
She awoke with a start and looked around. It didn't take long before she realized that she had no idea where she was, and no recollection of how she got there. The last thing she remembered, was that she was on her way to her piano teachers for her weekly lesson. That's it, she couldn't even remember if she reached her destination or not. Everything was a blue, a haze, after she left the house and locked the door behind her.

She carefully sat up. As she moved though,s he found it far more difficult that she would have expected it to be. Her head was spinning, and everything felt heavy, as if she had weights attached to every joint in her body. It was bad enough that it was interfering with her breathing, but for some reason she didn't care. It didn't even click that she couldn't breathe properly. All she could feel, was the weight of her body, and the airyness of her head. She couldn't feel the plushness of the bed, the silk sheets, the amazing down comforter... nothing. She didn't even notice that she was nude under the blankets, or the shackles on her ankles. Nor did she notice what was violating her.

“I... where... where am I?” She wondered as she looked around, hardly a sound coming out of her mouth as she spoke. She brought a hand up to her throat, despite the sheer amount of effort that was required, and found a collar. It felt like it was made of metal, smooth metal that felt like it was probably very shiny. She knew it was, and didn't know how she knew, but also didn't care. There was nothing for her to care about, aside from trying to figure out where she was. She knew though, that to do that, she would have to get out of the terrifyingly large bed.

It didn't matter what direction she looked, the bed was never ending. It stretched for as far as she could see, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to crawl off it. It didn't matter that it was so large, the sheer weight of her limbs would make it all but impossible. She couldn't even do something as simple as pull her knees up to her chest, curl up on herself for comfort. There was nothing she could do, and she hated it.

“What the hell is going on!?” She asked, anger in her faint and weak voice as her hand that was at her throat dropped to the bed. It hit the surface with about as much weight as an anvil hitting the surface of the ocean. She couldn't understand why it was that there was so much weight to her, why she could barely move, and she wanted to know why. She desperately wanted to know what was going on, where she was, what was happening to her... everything. She wanted to know everything.

She tried to get the covers off of her, to no avail. The more effort she put into it, the harder it all seemed to get. As she was failing with the blankets, she also failed to notice her surroundings. There was a thick fog starting to fill the room, and it was getting hard to see. She was losing all her senses now; the fog was making it hard to see, or hear since it was extremely dense. It seemed to coat her tongue as well, making it nigh impossible to taste anything, all she could smell, was the empty scent that the fog had, and she couldn't feel anything because of …. reasons she didn't know.
Wed, Mar 06 '13, 01:47
The creamy, cushiony fog enveloped her like warm fleece. She was struck by a brief pang of panic as she noticed her fading senses, but that feeling quickly dissipated as she breathed in more of the opaque haze.

She was no longer aware of her body's position in space, or even that she had a body. As far as she was concerned, she was an extension of the fog, or maybe the fog was an extension of her. It didn't matter. All that mattered was that she was floating along, basking in that euphoric sensation.

She wasn't sure how long she floated about in that mist; time no longer seemed to have any meaning. It could have been minutes, it could have been days. But at some point or another, that wonderful disembodied sensation was interrupted by the device in her slit whirring to life.

She was only dimly aware that she had feeling in her waist again. The concept of "feeling" was so far removed from her that she may as well have just tasted a loud noise, or heard a foul smell. As it continued buzzing, however, it became increasingly difficult not to notice...
Thu, Mar 07 '13, 18:41
She tried moving her hand to where the vibrations are. Dragging her hand through the heavy blanket. Using every ounce of strength she has in her fingertips to try and get to where it is. The hard part about this is the fog. She would focus on her hand going down further and further. Then this fog would cloud her vision and would be all she could focus on.

After catching herself multiple times, her fingers finally made their way all the way down to the buzzing. This was the only thing to pierce the fog inside of her mind. To make her feel anything in her cloudy mind. Fingers dangling, she tried to reach for the vibrations but found that she couldn't reach for it. Something was holding her.

It spoke in a smooth low voice. "Tell me, how do you feel?"
Tue, Mar 12 '13, 06:12
She could feel a set of warm moist hands stroking down her long golden brown hair. Her body slowly rose limply on its own against the weight of the blanket. The voice whispered yet again... "Is this to your liking, my lady...?" It spoke more clearly then before and the signature within was almost familiar. "Nnn... n-no..." she managed to gasp. "Tell me where I am...! What's happening...?!" In that moment she could feel her head slowly beginning to clear. The vibrations died down some. As the fog started to settle she took notice of how quiet it actually wasn't. Gradually pushing away the stillness in her foggy mind was faint tune; all too familiar to her. It was a simple yet distinct tune played in moderato on a ballroom grande piano. The song was played masterfully, far more so than she had ever done. Little by little it brewed a deep well of powerful and nostalgic feelings within her. "This song... my favorite... song..." the words pored passionately from her with a stream of drool as she was enraptured by the flood of fog and feelings.

"This song is everyone's favorite," the voice said calmly and more clearly than before, " but I believe none loved it more than you. Can you remember its name?" With that question she was sent even further into nostalgia. She didn't have the answer but she wanted it. She wanted it so badly, yet her mind did not race. Rather it waded steadily against the current of emotion. It was almost as if she was being pulled backwards. The sensation of the forces acting on her mind were stupefying. Her face relaxed, her mouth hung agape with more drool and her eyelids fluttered as her mind reeled back through deeper euphoria. She simply wanted to remember, nothing else mattered. She hardly even noticed that the vibrations had picked up once more. She could feel she was getting closer. Then, all at once she thrashed with the surge of feelings running through her body as she came to the answer. The song's name. She spoke it in a listless dreamy voice. "...Enchanted... Beguiler..."

"Wonderfully done, my lady..." the voice spoke clearly and refined. With that utterance everything became still and fair within her. She could remember everything. Her weekly lessons had ended seven years ago when her long admired music teacher passed away. Yet still, this resonant and feminine voice which emerged from the whisper was sharply familiar.

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