Mon, Mar 04 '13, 08:50
Hypnosis keys
All right, so I'm curious.
What all are the main 'keys' that you guys like for hypnosis.

For clarification, the main things you look for, for hypno pics. Like... fave eye style? Or whatever, really.

I just want to know. I'm thinking I might start a project where I do at least one pic to encompass a certain preference or something. Get up to like... 2o pics? in the set. I have no idea.

Even if I don't do that, I"m just curious =)
Mon, Mar 04 '13, 09:28
Empty eyes. Empty eyes are JUSTICE. (Kaa eyes, spiral eyes, and heart eyes are good too).

Facial expressions are also important, but these can vary greatly. From looks of captivation and wonderment; to tired, out-of-it expressions, to blissful/joyful smiles; and, of course, dull, expressionless faces. I pretty much like anything that doesn't look like they're in pain. XD

Induction-wise, I love to see classic things like pendulums and relaxation inductions (though the latter is hard to capture in a pic), and also fantastical things like magic, hypnotic eyes, and hypnotic music (siren-style, not like subliminal messages).

And for acts... No real preference on that, really. Could be anything from acting like an animal, to stripping, masturbating, dancing, becoming a maid, saying words of submission, or just sleeping. XD
Mon, Mar 04 '13, 19:36

As far as eyes go, spirals and whitewash have to be my favorites. Glowing or discolored eyes can also be really effective.

Drool is great. It really sells the mindless, zonked-out look.

Though it may be cheesy, I'm a big fan of the zombie walk. It's a classic. :)

As for means of induction, I love anything tech-related. Machines, headphones giving subliminal messages, all that good stuff. Hypnotic smoke/gas is also good.

Also, as Mindwipe said, you can't go wrong with hypno-eyes.
Tue, Mar 05 '13, 23:58
Mindwipe said:
Empty eyes. Empty eyes are JUSTICE. (Kaa eyes, spiral eyes, and heart eyes are good too).

Facial expressions are also important, but these can vary greatly. From looks of captivation and wonderment; to tired, out-of-it expressions, to blissful/joyful smiles; and, of course, dull, expressionless faces. I pretty much like anything that doesn't look like they're in pain. XD

Induction-wise, I love to see classic things like pendulums and relaxation inductions (though the latter is hard to capture in a pic), and also fantastical things like magic, hypnotic eyes, and hypnotic music (siren-style, not like subliminal messages).

And for acts... No real preference on that, really. Could be anything from acting like an animal, to stripping, masturbating, dancing, becoming a maid, saying words of submission, or just sleeping. XD

Been a while since I got to say that I think Mindwipe and I are twin clones. He pretty much wrapped up my preferences.

But I'd like to add something...keep in mind that it's often not any one of these traits alone that make a pic awesome. For example, a dull facial expression isn't so exciting. Even a dull expression with just empty eyes isn't that exciting. But a dull expression with empty eyes and the character in question taking an action that seems like something someone wouldn't normally do while having that expression? That's exciting.

For example...
Doesn't hit the MC fetish one bit. Isn't exciting.
Still doesn't quite do anything.
DING! Fries are done.

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