Sat, Feb 23 '13, 23:38
Any Interactive Hypnosis Stories?
I'm looking for some good (and obviously finished :L) hypnosis stories. Like a choose your path kind of story where you take different actions with different results. Anyone know some?
Sun, Feb 24 '13, 00:50
I recall there was a really good Teen Titans CYOA where Raven gets a magic ring or something that lets her control minds. She hypnotizes Starfire with it and, well, that's where the path branches. It was linked to on Hypnochan, but, well... yeah. Anyone still have the link to it?

There's also an entire section of hypno CYOAs on Chyoo. Pretty sure most of them aren't "finished" per se, but a good number of them are super lengthy. Probably my favorite from the entire site is "Goldeneye", in which a guy gets hit by a glowing meteor and gains hypnotic powers:

"You've Got Mail" isn't terribly long, but it's hot as hell:

And if you're into furry, ChaosCroc has a story on there called "Rouge's Recruitment":
Sun, Feb 24 '13, 06:04
To be honest, I've never found an interactive erotic MC story that was both finished and good. I know a few good ones that are perpetually ongoing, but that's it.
Wed, Apr 03 '13, 05:46
Nice finds
Fri, Apr 05 '13, 01:06
Well I am truly sorry for being to lazy to go and find links for you, but if you search for it on a Place called writing.com you can find a lot of stuff. After all it is a website dedicated to fanfics and just fiction in general, and interactive stories has its own search category :)
Sat, Apr 06 '13, 05:55
*Cracks Knuckles*
As a long time lurker, I've built up a pretty decent collection of stories (well, links at least). Much of which is from Writing.com.
Admittingly, 90% of them is complete junk, but I've found a few good ones.
Now lets see...

-The Transformation gun is what it sounds like. While it does, well, mostly transformation stuff, an entire function is dedicated to pure mind control.

-A new day's a bit of an odd one. It has vore, mind control, cloning, body control, etc... I skip a lot of it (not my kind of thing), but you might find something interesting. Lot of putting people into trance. That's a thing.

-What it sounds like. Happy Hypno Holidays is you take a holiday, add an item that can hypnotize people/control reality, and have fun! Halloween timeline is a personal favorite for obvious reasons.

-Not a personal fan, but I can't really leave this out. It's such a huge MC story I can't ignore it. Especially since most of it avoids what can be considered "hardcore." Just give it a shot, but don't expect to finish the entire thing...

-It's a naruto thing, so if you're not into that, don't bother. Still, as the title suggests, it's all about hypnosis, and it's pure abuse. Really, some of the storylines abuse hypnosis to a way that's a bit... odd. Not the best writing at times, but interesting for anime fans.

I have more, but this'll do for now, especially since The Mind Control Wig can hold people off for a long time... None are finished sadly, but that's the way interactive stories go. They don't end.
Sat, Apr 06 '13, 06:53
Hah, The Mind Control Wig is just about the only story that I like there.
It has some surprisingly sexy parts.
Sun, Apr 07 '13, 15:26
Do you guys like it in hypnosis stories if there are options that do not lead to a hypnotic end or where the hypnotist is instead hypnotized?
Mon, Apr 08 '13, 09:18
You mean where the entire path ends, as in wrapping up the story, and no one is hypnotized? I guess that would depend on the story.

I like the latter, too, if the hypnotist is female. :P
Mon, Apr 08 '13, 19:21
Yeah. I was just wondering if people are more interested in story or in the eroticism that stems from the stories.
Thu, Apr 11 '13, 03:07
Well, let me put it this way. I once started reading this really goddamned hot MC story. It had a well-designed story and everything.

I dropped it 8 chapters in, when the author dropped any and all eroticism and MC from the story and focused only on the plot progression.

Was it a good, erotic MC story? Yes.
Was it a good story? Yes.

It was still great, but I lost interest when he scrapped the MC. It may have been an awesome story - one I may read one day because of how well done it is - but it's not what I'm looking for when I read erotic MC stories.

Extrapolate from that what you will.
Thu, Apr 11 '13, 22:10
Vanndril said:
Extrapolate from that what you will.

So basically what I'm hearing is use bacon to hypnotize catgirls. K. :D
Thu, Apr 11 '13, 22:27
fossilbrand said:
So basically what I'm hearing is use bacon to hypnotize catgirls.

This is the correct answer... to everything.
Thu, Apr 11 '13, 23:29
fossilbrand said:
So basically what I'm hearing is use bacon to hypnotize catgirls. K. :D

Wed, Apr 17 '13, 00:40
Well finally found how I can contribute to this fetish of mine. I like stories so why not make it harder and write interactive stories. I'm going to try to fulfill the requests for a finished interactive story that should be good. Unfortunately my first story is going to be generic and not involve catgirls or bacon. Should be out in a few days, already have the premise worked out I just have to write the dang thing. I'm aiming for this work to be read over and over again cause hey that's the point of chosing your own adventure.

I decided to go with chyoo because A. I like simple interface. B. I don't like ads or even the 0.0002 seconds it takes to load them. C. By not having ads, you can read my dirty smut and people looking over will be none the wiser *thumbs up smiley face bleh* and D. This is something that whoever has an account can sign up and fill in a section should I want a group project on this.

I also see a prompt to add in the reader's name which I wont be doing for the first one but maybe later. But my one questions is that it gives the option of maximum threads, what exactly is that in chyoo terms? Is that the amount of options I can present or something different? If anyone can answer my question that would be awesome. Words of encouragement also good. Themes or different sources of mind control works as well. Don't worry, I'm thinking for my next story it will involve some sort of tech control. I just don't know if I want it in the future or believeable present.
Wed, Apr 04 '18, 18:33
Vorp said:
I recall there was a really good Teen Titans CYOA where Raven gets a magic ring or something that lets her control minds. She hypnotizes Starfire with it and, well, that's where the path branches. It was linked to on Hypnochan, but, well... yeah. Anyone still have the link to it?


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