Mon, Feb 18 '13, 22:01
Picture Day.
All right! Here is the community story =D
That is the picture in question.

Now, some rules.
Do NOT post, please, unless you are adding to the story. If you need to chatter about this, or comment, please do so here ::;s=view&id=108#1109

Pleasepleaseplease do a minimum of a few sentences, and please have them worthwhile. Not just something like "And then this happened. And she did this. And she said hi" or some shit. Have something with substance.

All right. IF this does well, I'll do up another later =D
Next post will have the first bit of the story =D
Mon, Feb 18 '13, 22:01
She sighed as she stepped up to the doorway. It was picture day, she had to get her photo taken for the yearbook, and she hated that detail. She really, and truly, did. There was nothing that she hated more, really. She hated getting her photo taken, always had, and probably always would.

She made her way into the room and the photographer told her to sit on the desk in front of the backdrop. She nodded as she made her way over, but didn't say anything. She did have to wonder about the design on the backdrop though... a spiral? Really? Wasn't it normally clouds, or a bookcase, or something? She didn't get a chance to puzzle over it, though, before the photographer got her attention, got her to look at the camera and smile.

"All right, Adrian. Smile!" He said cheerily. She did as she was told, and he took her picture.
Mon, Feb 18 '13, 23:29

Adrian winced. The camera's flash had... well, it hadn't hurt her eyes per se, but it had certainly done something to them. She just couldn't put her finger on what. At least this was all done with. Adrian started to get up, but was halted by the photographer.

"Just wait a moment, we still have to take a couple more."

Adrian groaned. She knew they were going to make a big to-do out of this.
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 01:06
'... Why? Dammit. I just want to get out of here and go back to class.' She thought with a bit of a growl. She wasn't interested in this, but knew she didn't have a choice, solely because of the fact that she was part of the yearbook comittee this year, and as such her photo was required.

"All right." She said with a fake smile, all the while cursing this, and almost envisioning rather violent deaths for the man at the camera.

As the camera flashed, the feelings of irritation and annoyance that she was stuck there, continued to fade while the off feeling that she couldn't pinpoint seemed to get stronger...
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 01:19
“Don’t you have enough yet?” she asked in a voice that didn’t sound nearly as irritated as she meant it to.

“Almost. Relax your shoulders a bit.” *FLASH* “Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?” *FLASH*

Adrian blinked. The constant flashing was starting to make her feel dizzy. “I didn’t sign up for an interview...”

“It’ll help you relax.” *FLASH* “Let’s see... Do you have a boyfriend?” *FLASH*

“...No...” Adrian blinked again, shocked that she had even answered the question. “Hey! Don’t you think that’s a little personal?”
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 04:00
"Not at all." *FLASH* "After all, you're here to get your picture taken." *FLASH*

Adrian's head felt foggy. It was getting a little hard to think. What was he saying? She noticed that something he said didn't feel right. She didn't feel right.

"I..." she paused as the camera gave another flash, "Are we done yet? I think I need to go..."

"Not quite." *FLASH* "Stay right there." *FLASH* "If you move, we have to start all over again."

'That's right,' she thought, the cameraman's words passing through her muddled mind, 'if I move now, the picture will come out blurry. I need to stay still and smile.'

"Are you a virgin?" *FLASH*

She thought about it for a moment. Had she ever had sex? It was so hard to think. So hard to remember. "No..." she finally said, absentmindedly. As she replied, she felt a sensation encompass her entire body. 'He's right. Answering his questions does make me feel' *FLASH*

"Do you masturbate? If so, how often?" *FLASH*

Adrian focused intently on the sensation she was feeling. She felt so relaxed. So safe and warm. Without her even realizing it, her lips parted to answer yet another question.
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 04:42
"Y...yes... about once a day..."

*FLASH* "Have you masturbated today?" *FLASH*

Adrian was practically euphoric now. There was nothing in the world more important right now than answering the nice cameraman's questions and losing herself that wonderful, perfect, delicious feeling.

"No... I haven't."

*FLASH* "Do you want to?" *FLASH*

Did she want to? She did feel really good right now. Good enough to just...


Without giving it another thought, Adrian began unzipping her pants.
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 04:49
A message from the one in charge!

Guys, seriously. We want to let others have a chance to post, right?
So... don't move the story along too quickly. Feel free to post plenty, but try and make it so that the story is drawn out a bit, let others come and post their own additions if they wish. =)

And now for my addition

It was slower than she was sure that he would have liked, but there was still a small part of her that didn't care. Why should she..? As much as she tried to reason with that, she couldn't actually do it. Nothing stood up for that logic, but at the same time, nothing stood against it. She just found less and less reason to believe it though, with each flash of the camera.

"......" She was silent as her hand slid under the fabric of her pants, and her panties. Almost as soon as her fingers reached her skin though, she froze and tore her hand out.

"No!" She exclaimed, in an odd moment of clarity.

"Wha... what are you doing to me!?" She questioned, anger in her tone, along with fear.
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 19:39
“Taking your picture,” the cameraman calmly replied.

“What the hell kind of pictures are you taking, you freak?!” Adrian stood up as her voice grew more infuriated. “You were gonna make me masturbate in front of you! I should call the cops!”

“I wasn’t making you do anything. I was just asking questions. You’re the one who started reaching into your pants.”

Adrian recoiled. Was what he said true? She couldn’t really remember him telling her to masturbate... Wait, what did he do? She remembered him asking her questions... What were they? Why couldn’t she remember? She shook her head in disgust. “Sh-shut up! You made me do that somehow!”
Wed, Feb 20 '13, 19:21
“Look” the cameraman said as he moved toward Adrian. “I know all of this seems weird. Trust me I do. But this is what your yearbook director ordered when she got our special package deal. Now you're the last student I have to do for today, so you could either sit down and take the last of the pictures or you can come back in the morning to start off my next batch of students.”

Adrian looked at the cameraman then at that back splash. Looking at the spiral seem to somehow make her feel more relaxed. Her worries of almost masturbating in front of the camera seems to melt away as she continued to stare at that spiral. It's not that she didn't want to be done with it, it's just she didn't want another incident happening.

“Just a few photos and I'm done right?”

“Exactly. Do you want to do them now or tomorrow?”
Thu, Feb 21 '13, 03:10
Adrian still wasn't sure what to believe. The photographer may as well have had "suspicious" written across his forehead. Whatever the case, there was no getting out of this. If he really was planning on doing something weird to her, it wouldn't be a good idea to give him more time to prepare. Besides, she was alert and focused now. There was no way she was going to let herself space out again.

"Let's just do it now, and get it over with," she sighed.

The photographer grinned. "Alright, just sit back down, and we'll finish up."
Thu, Feb 21 '13, 23:01
'Alright... just need to concentrate,' Adrian thought to herself, 'Whatever this guy's doing, I'm not going to let it get to me again...'

"Ready?" asked the photographer, his voice once again dripping with painfully saccharine cheer, "On three, one... two..."


'So far so good...' she mentally mused, 'still lucid as ever...'


'Feeling fine. Just fine.'


'Feeling... really fine...'


'really... really... goddammit!'


'Keep it together! He should be done with this soon.'

Sat, Feb 23 '13, 01:53
'We better be done with this soon...' Adrian thought with a growl as she let him continue to take her picture. With each flash of the camera, though, she found herself seeming to not care anymore. It was slow, gradual, and she didn't even pick up on it. she couldn't, even if she wanted to, truly realize the extent of what it was that was going on.

"We're just about done, Adrian." The photographer said, a rather twisted enjoyment in his voice. He was enjoying this, and she had no idea why. She wasn't going to stop him though, for some reason, she found she couldn't...
Sat, Feb 23 '13, 07:05
*Flash* *Flash*

"You're doing very nicely, Adrian," the cameraman said, his voice still lilting a strange excitement. Though, Adrian seemed not to notice. In fact, it appeared as though she had become rather comfortable with his grimacing tone; so much so that as she sat there almost swaying a serene smile seemed appear naturally on her face as if she had always been that way.

*Flash* *Flash*
"We'll be finishing up very shortly, Adrian," the cameraman said, his tone taking a norm, "Through it all might I say you've been quite lovely." Adrian's head began to tilt as her head swam and her mind waded through the glitz of the flashing lights. The cameraman's words didn't seem to fit her recollection of her behavior but she could hardly remember what seemed like so long ago and to be complimented felt so nice all she could think to do was show her appreciation. "Thank you...," she spoke in a listless manner with a joy the seemed to drearily match what the cameraman had shown. Then all her following words and actions were subsumed by the light.

*Flash* *Flash* *Flash* *Flash*
"Aaaaannnnd done!" the cameraman cheered. All at once Adrian pricked up with a shock her eyes widened her senses seemed... regular. "Wh-wha!?" she exclaimed, "did I fall a sleep?" "Hmm? Did you?" the cameraman asked. "I certainly didn't notice. You seem perfectly awake during the entire photo-shoot. Here, would you like to see a preview of your pictures?"
"I-I, yes, yes I would!" she said sternly. Adrian walked over to the laptop beside cameraman and browsed the temp folder of all the pictures the man had taken. "They look... amazing," she said with surprise. "I'm glad you think so," he said confidently. "They're not even perverted," she said, puzzled, "I thought for sure... with all the masturbating and all." "Ah that, perhaps you deserve an explanation," the man said calmly. Adrian turned to him with soft scowl still on her face.

"You see, I’m a photographer, but in my earlier days I was also a hypnotist," he admitted. "Huh?" Adrian questioned with her scowl mixing with confusion. "I find that the best photos taken are the ones of those in a tranquil state of mind," he stated, "Hence I incorporate hypnotism into my photo-shoots." Adrian cupped her chin; her face straightening. "That would explain things," she said. "I apologize for the personal questions. Those are casual ice breakers I would use during my performances," he stated," I suppose they're not as appropriate for a photo-shoot."

"Well, no, they're not," Adrian stated, "but I can't really argue with your results." Adrian smiled as she tilted her head. "In all honesty, I hated getting my picture taken because I would always look awkward or drunk but these actually make me feel good about myself. I mean, I look great!" she said cheerfully. "I wouldn't mind coming back in to take a few of these." Adrian looked truly radiant as she beamed her beautiful smiling face to the cameraman. The cameraman couldn't help but smile back. "We can do this again whenever you like," he said. "I'm already thinking of dates," Adrian said as she gathered her things. "Be sure you send me the pictures in every standard." Adrian said leaning playfully on the door. "Certainly," the man replied. Smiling still Adrian softly bade "chow" as she closed the door almost skipping away.

The cameraman sat back in his chair and turned his attention to his laptop where he could see all the pictures he had taken of Adrian. The very same images she had seen just moments before, with all exotic poses of the surprisingly flexible girl. He saw all the scandalous outfits ranging from maid to amazons and couldn't help but chuckle as he stared at the surreal joyous expressions of the girl in question. He agreed with her. She looked great. They would have to do it again some time.
Sun, Feb 24 '13, 06:18
She was silent as she left, couldn't help but be happy with the results, but something was still bugging her about them, about him. She couldn't put her finger on it though, and just sighed as she shoved it aside. She figured that she might as well leave it be for now, if it was something important, she would consider it later. If need be.

"He just rubbed me wrong at first, that's all." She said to herself as she went about the rest of the day.


He sat there, smirking at the computer screen. That had gone, far better than he had expected, to be honestly. He knew she was generally rather resistant to hypnosis, of any sort, so he was taking a chance with the camera. Thankfully though, she had fallen victim to it, even if just a bit.

As he scrolled through the photos on the computer, he just grinned. It was a rather perverted grin though, and he knew that he would have fun with her. To be honest, this was going to prove to be one hell of a test for him, to see how long he could keep it going, with just one session.

"Well, at least I have her phone number." He muttered happily.

"And it's her cell. Why she gave it to me, she'll never know. Hell, chances are, by the time she goes to bed, she'll have no recollection that today even happened." He added, a rather satisfied smirk on his face as he looked to the piece of her sleeve that she had left behind. He was planning on using that, too. He had no idea how it would work or even if it would, but hey, he was one to test things out.

"I'll give her an hour, before calling her and making plans. We'll see what happens." He added as there was a knock on the door, his next subject was there.


A few hours later, Adrian sighed as she stripped. It was then that she noticed the torn sleeve. She held the sleeve up and just looked at it, puzzled.

"I... what? How the hell did I tear it?" She wondered before looking around. She didn't have the other half of it on her, and she couldn't recall tearing it, at all.

"The fuck happened today...?" She wondered, just as her cell rang. For some reason, when it rang, she seemed to blank out for a minute. Next thing she was aware of, she was sitting on her bed, waiting for someone. Who? She had no idea, but... someone...

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