Sat, Feb 16 '13, 01:02
Random Question
All right... so... I started sketching out a new pic last night, solely because I needed to take a break from a commission that is giving me a hard time atm.


Working on this, I'm getting so many ideas going through my head for it. Would anyone be interested in reading a short story that involves hypnosis? Could make it like... a community project, for instance. I would post the start, the next person could post the next bit, and so on and so forth. Would anyone be interested in osmething like that?
Sat, Feb 16 '13, 01:03
That sounds interesting. I would be up for that.
Sat, Feb 16 '13, 01:19
Yay! Some interest from someone!
I'm going to wait til I finish this pic though, solely because of the fact that it's what is bouncing around in my skull. Base it around the pic, or something. Maybe do up a series of pics for it? //shrugs.
I actually don't know XD

I'll probably start it up in a couple days then =)
Sat, Feb 16 '13, 03:36
This idea reminds me of the "circle stories" we would write in my high school creative writing class. Those were say the least.
Sat, Feb 16 '13, 03:54
So... are you for or against it?
Sat, Feb 16 '13, 04:04
Count me in for this. :)
Sat, Feb 16 '13, 04:17
Lunakiri said:
So... are you for or against it?

That's a "for", or at least not an "against". I may participate once it gets started. I kinda hope it doesn't turn out like the stories from my creative writing class, though. They were certainly amusing, but that's because they were mostly nonsensical. XD
Sat, Feb 16 '13, 06:04
Mindwipe said:

That's a "for", or at least not an "against". I may participate once it gets started. I kinda hope it doesn't turn out like the stories from my creative writing class, though. They were certainly amusing, but that's because they were mostly nonsensical. XD

I can't speak for everyone else but I've always taken writing very seriously; especially when I voluntarily involve myself.
Sat, Feb 16 '13, 08:15
You take everything seriously when you voluntarily involve yourself, MMD. :P

Like your manips, for example. Maybe one of these days you'll realize just how far beyond "par for the course" the amount of effort you throw into them is.

So yeah, I'd be for this. The only reason this could possibly be bad is because of lack of people willing to mess with the story. So, assuming that's avoided, it could be fun.

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