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Posted on 2013-08-04 06:24:57 by Grim

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6 comments (0 hidden)

Posted on 2013-08-04 09:06:29 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Proof that this is MC and not mindbreak and/or a sarcastic comment on the portrayal of Samus in Other M?

Posted on 2013-08-04 11:41:44 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
To be honest I'm getting really sick about all this. I mean damn it, she followed his orders because she still respected Adam, in a professional sense. (and the whole damn thing was the same old special ability unlock bullshit in all the metroid games. Just was a smug git in it.)

Posted on 2013-08-04 12:46:06 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
@ mindwipe

well, while I can't be absolutely certain, the lead up text to why she is in the bathroom doesn't really suggest mind break, and I'd say the extreme passivity - I mean, she just hangs there, dripping with piss and cum, with her arms hanging down and a far away look on her face - suggests, to me at least, that she's under some sort of control, in this pic

Posted on 2013-08-04 20:19:13 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Anonymous said:
To be honest I'm getting really sick about all this. I mean damn it, she followed his orders because she still respected Adam, in a professional sense. (and the whole damn thing was the same old special ability unlock bullshit in all the metroid games. Just was a smug git in it.)

This. So much this. Somebody gets it. The thing that always pisses people off is the Varia Suit thing. But people should be blaming the decision to ditch the whole "Samus loses all her powers at the beginning" cliche. It was a questionable design choice, and it leads to silly scenarios like Samus not activating a suit upgrade that can't do anything put provide her extra protection just because someone told her not to. Hear that, Metroid devs? We don't mind cliches. Let us find all our upgrades again.


Idk if you've played Other M, but a seemingly large number of people (or perhaps just a very vocal minority) think Samus was extremely passive in that game (see the above about not activating a protective suit upgrade). This seems like yet another commentary on Samus' character in that game. At least the Trishbot version has obvious mind control cues: post #2019

Posted on 2013-08-04 21:01:12 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
Eh, I don't typically get into these type of conversations (just FAP, dammit!), but Other M is one of those sore areas that still bugs me. As Mindwipe already linked to my image of Other M Samus, I think that gets my opinion of what they did to her out of the way.

However, I'll chime in and say I'll FOREVER be bothered by Samus "just following orders" from Adam because "she respects him" because, one, respect needs limits and intelligence still. I equate that to a firefighter respecting his boss, but if he's told to go into a burning building without protection or oxygen, I'd say the orders are stupid and he shouldn't follow them. Similarly, in the game we are shown ZERO reason why Samus should respect Adam. At all. She's saved the entire galaxy a half-dozen times over, wiped out entire platoons of pirates single-handily, committed genocide against the most dangerous species to ever exist... if anything Adam should respect HER. But, instead, Adam in the game is either a sadist or a moron (maybe both) whose incompetence winds up repeatedly getting everyone around him killed. Who wants to follow THAT guy into battle when everything he says and does makes doing your job so much harder? Beyond that, Samus DOES follow everything he says... and he still SHOOTS HER in the back (rather than the Metroid around her) rather than just telling her to stop... and he wasn't even sure if he could hurt the Metroid, meaning he literally put her at death's door rather than helping her in any way.

And don't get me started on the whole "I have to heroically/pointlessly kill myself" scene when they could've just, I don't know, gotten in Samus ship and blown it up from the safety of space. But whatever. Adam's a moron. And there's the saying, "who is the bigger idiot? The idiot of the ones that follow him?"

Also, high heels. Ugh. My ovaries are crying.

Posted on 2013-08-04 21:36:58 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)    (Report as spam)
The high heels were stupid, I agree.

Honestly, I could write an essay on how Other M made a lot of dumb decisions from a gameplay perspective, and how some of those bad decisions leaked into the storyline and made it worse (the game was still pretty fun, though), but I won't do more than nit-pick certain parts of the story. Namely some parts towards the end, where it seemed like they were rushing towards a conclusion. Was it well-written? Not really. But I think some people are far too quick to shout "ruined forever!", especially those who say it ruined Samus' character, which implies that she HAD a character before this game, and wasn't just an emotionless space marine who occasionally likes to talk to herself in elevators.

