Sat, Jan 12 '13, 19:17
Alright. So, I can't sit and ONLY do commissions [Who can? XD] I'll burn myself out eventually, and I do not want that to happen. So!

I want to draw some random pics that would be fitting for this place, but I have no ideas. How about you guys pitch some at me?

If I do a suggestion, I'll add it into the descript when I post it... wherever I post it.

Mostly, I'm just looking for suggestions/ideas. It'll technically be counted as a request for you, really.

Just do not be too specific in it! =D
Give me some freedom XD
Sat, Jan 12 '13, 23:25
I'd post here, but I'm your main source of commissions for a while to come. :P
Sun, Jan 13 '13, 00:10
Hey, that doesn't mean you can't post too =)

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