Fri, Dec 21 '12, 08:34
the perfect setup
a comment made by bellchan somewhere on this site went like this

"no matter how much tits and ass a pic shows, if there's no subtext then it doesn't work for me." that isn't word for word, obviously, but it brings an important point. Half the reason of what makes hypnosis hot is the setup, foreplay, and of course, the eventual subjugation of the "victim."

So this got me curious. What is your favorite scenario? the situations or settings that are almost guaranteed to set you off?

for me, it's a straight woman who is turned lesbian by a friend who secretly held an attraction towards her. Especially if the dom in question takes her time doing it, enjoying her friend slowly come around and eventually submit.
Fri, Dec 21 '12, 14:25
I like a long introduction to really get the subject into it and have them being "coerced" into something that they wouldn't normally do otherwise.
Fri, Dec 21 '12, 15:38
I like stubborn resistance. Insisting that you've never been hypnotized (when you clearly are) or trying to "prove" you haven't been hypnotized (the proof, of course, being something silly).
Fri, Dec 21 '12, 19:35
I like the complete fall. When someone of high self-esteem, standing, or power is completely owned by the forces at work. The induction can be short or long, so long as you feel how they're completely dominated afterward.

Probably why I love corruption, too.
Sat, Dec 22 '12, 14:47
Hm, perfect setup?
I think a cute, young girl being mind-controlled with technology of any sort, whose thoughts are played with. This can include that tasty stubborn resistance at first, or maybe she just wouldn't know what is changing her, but things like she being programmed or controlled in a way she couldn't possibly defeat (hence the preference for tech) turn me on almost always.
Sat, Dec 22 '12, 19:52
Stem_Cell said:
Hm, perfect setup?
I think a cute, young girl being mind-controlled with technology of any sort, whose thoughts are played with.

Off topic, but...
I don't know how you feel about erotic stories, but you'll probably enjoy this:
Mon, Dec 24 '12, 19:12
Vanndril said:
Off topic, but...
I don't know how you feel about erotic stories, but you'll probably enjoy this:

Ahhh, that's nice :)

So I take it I'm not the only one who enjoys this.
What I like about tech is that, unlike old-fashioned hypnosis, it can't be resisted. The same could be said about "fantasy/magic" settings, but they're not my cup of tea (technology feels like the most "believable" idea).
Mon, Dec 24 '12, 21:31
You're most certainly not the only one. I do, too.
Then again, I have so many fetishes, even if most of them are minor, you may as well say I like just about everything. I recently decided that "porn IS my fetish." Heh.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I like it for the same reason I like any other form of Mind Control. However, you're right to say that it does seem more...absolute than other forms, if written properly. Having it take advantage of 'universal weaknesses' in the mental defenses of the human mind gives it a certain feeling of being unstoppable.

There are quite a few others on MCStories that involve tech control, but not many quite as good as that one. Though, admittedly, MCStories is one of the few avenues of hypnofetish I haven't sucked dry on content yet, so there may be quite the hidden treasure trove there.
Wed, Feb 27 '13, 08:31
I think I must have completely missed this thread when it was made, lol. (Even made a duplicate ^-^')

I always enjoy a new and creative setup. I mean who doesn't? So, I suppose my idea of the perfect set up would probably be something involving an ironic twist. Typically, the twist I have in mind is one where a firmly established dom (female) is made into a sub. I know TTT can be a clishe for some but I just like it, especially when it is really well done.

Another sort of ironic twist I really enjoy is accidental H&MC. It's another cheesy cliche but it's one that I can certainly appreciate. Even more so when there's a good story to it. Sad thing is, there's probably less than about 10 of those kinds of images on the booru right now. I really feel that there should be more content like that. Hmm, maybe I'll do something about it.

There's a lot more setups that I really enjoy but nothing comes to mind right now. I'll definitely post more when I think of it.
Wed, Feb 27 '13, 09:34
I think the biggest thing for me is helpless subs. I love scenarios where the victim is unable to resist being put under. Things like hypnotic eyes or forms of magical hypnosis where the sub becomes completely enraptured with no chance to fight back. Of course, that's not to say I don't enjoy a good struggle, and it's possible to show futile resistance in these scenarios.

I also love any time there's intimacy between the dom and sub. Things like the dom whispering into the sub's ear (bonus points if what the dom says references the sub's helplessness), or the sub expressing her subservience.

And I adore happy trances of all kinds. This can kind of be tied to the first thing I mentioned, as a happy trance can signify that the sub doesn't WANT to resist, or is so deep that she can't even think of resisting.
Sun, Mar 31 '13, 07:44
Vanndril said:
Though, admittedly, MCStories is one of the few avenues of hypnofetish I haven't sucked dry on content yet, so there may be quite the hidden treasure trove there.

Yeah, regarding that, this is the reason I like sites with a good browseable structure like a booru. That site might have some nice content but it looks like it was all formatted and structured in MS Word 97 by a single person.
Mon, Apr 01 '13, 03:34
Vanndril said:
I like the complete fall. When someone of high self-esteem, standing, or power is completely owned by the forces at work. The induction can be short or long, so long as you feel how they're completely dominated afterward.

Probably why I love corruption, too.

One of these days Vanndril, we have to make a cooperation of some sorts. That is exactly what I like about control/domination as well. I don't even need the hypnosis aspect of it, i'd also enjoy breaking the mind of the victim.

Most of you pointed out that the initial Setup is important. That's mostly what I have been trying to do with my manips - having an Intro showing the current situation, introducing the victim and then the induction (which takes up a total of 2 rows in my manips, possibly even more). I also like to see the terror in the eyes of the victims when it is explained what happens next to them. Eyes are also the most important in these settings, especially when you make the victim do some outrageous things, or simply turn part of her insane. And it's best if it doesn't end with the first induction, but has multiple/separated ones.

One of the things that I need from almost every hypnosis Manga/Manip is permanent change. I don't like it when the story ends with the last sentence. This could be permanent personality change, an induced trait that sticks with the victim, pregnancy or whatever else comes to mind and has a permanent influence. Additional bonus if it is something humiliating.
Mon, Apr 01 '13, 07:09
Hypnomangaeditor said:
That is exactly what I like about control/domination as well.

*spreads arms* A brother!

Lol, can't deny that. I always found it amusing that, for any control/domination-related hentai I search for, I generally end up looking for characters that are in some sort of high-standing.

I can live with or without humiliation and whatnot, my big thing is the dominance and submission involved. I like the "breaking" of someone's mind so far as they become submissive and docile toward the dom. I prefer they not be COMPLETELY broken, though.
That's my general sweet-spot, anyhow.

Hypnomangaeditor said:
One of these days Vanndril, we have to make a cooperation of some sorts.

I'd be glad to, someday. But whatever it might be, it would have to grab my attention well. I'm actually quite lazy and lose interest in things easily. :P
Tue, May 14 '13, 15:57
Lost+Name said:
I always enjoy a new and creative setup. I mean who doesn't? So, I suppose my idea of the perfect set up would probably be something involving an ironic twist. Typically, the twist I have in mind is one where a firmly established dom (female) is made into a sub. I know TTT can be a clishe for some but I just like it, especially when it is really well done.

Another sort of ironic twist I really enjoy is accidental H&MC. It's another cheesy cliche but it's one that I can certainly appreciate. Even more so when there's a good story to it. Sad thing is, there's probably less than about 10 of those kinds of images on the booru right now. I really feel that there should be more content like that. Hmm, maybe I'll do something about it.

I think I'm likely in the same boat with you there Lost. I find the blindside of MC to be extremely appealing. When someone who never expects or for whatever reason thinks they could never fall under someones thorough influence and then does in an inevitable yet unlikely way it's just... the best. I mean it's just not as god when they see it coming, right?
Tue, May 14 '13, 16:58
Stem_Cell said:
Yeah, regarding that, this is the reason I like sites with a good browseable structure like a booru. That site might have some nice content but it looks like it was all formatted and structured in MS Word 97 by a single person.

I think that's because it more or less was. You might want to try Svengali (, an enhanced tag/search engine. The site's still the same, but it's much easier to find what you want.

As for mine... My favorites tend to be super involved and "plot"-y. Neon Pink ( has one of the hottest climaxes I've ever read, even though I dislike a lot of elements in it, and it's a 41k word mystery (even if it breaks Knox's 4th rule).

Though, if I think it further, I suppose that the hottest thing for me is "consent". An intelligent, sympathetic woman, in control of her facilities, given a choice in the mind control and accepting (or at the least, not refusing). I think that's the core of what makes an erotic work in this fetish truly, memorably hot for me. A lot of other stuff can get me off, but I'm not going to remember it in 6 months.
Tue, May 14 '13, 19:13
Alien said:
I think that's because it more or less was.

Oh god, that explains things :D

As for that "MC story browser"... wow, such a nice find! I did not knew of it.
Tue, May 14 '13, 23:17
Alien said:
You might want to try Svengali

I love you.
I had no idea that existed. :D
Wed, May 15 '13, 00:31
00* said:
I think I'm likely in the same boat with you there Lost. I find the blindside of MC to be extremely appealing. When someone who never expects or for whatever reason thinks they could never fall under someones thorough influence and then does in an inevitable yet unlikely way it's just... the best. I mean it's just not as god when they see it coming, right?

Agreed :) I'm glad there's at leas one person out there who gets me. In my case however, I'm more into the instances when I (the viewer) don't expect MC or hypnotism to befall a character. Don't get me wrong, I love it when the character doesn't see it coming but in most cases when the plot takes an sudden or subtle left turn into an MC theme with a good bases it's just awesome. It's a little like... opening a gift...
Wed, May 15 '13, 02:18
Perfect setup... huh... good question.

I guess... for me... college kid that is asked by a close friend to listen to an audio track they put together, to send off an see if they can get signed. Of course, they listen, and become addicted. After wards, every time that they listen tot hat track, they find themselves succumbing more and more. Subtleyat first, until it's just a complete mindwipe of them, where they're nothing more than what their friend wanted.

Or something. I actually don't know for sure.
Wed, May 15 '13, 03:18
Lunakiri, you seem to have put some deep and thorough thought into this. I don't suppose you do any writing?
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