Sat, Dec 15 '12, 16:22
Hypnosis Props and Manip Help
There were two threads like this on Hypnochan before it went down. One for hypnosis props and another for manip advice. The threads were short but I know that I personally got a lot of help from them. So I decided to make one like them here.

So please, if you have any questions regarding how to make a manip or any requests for a certain prop or set of props ask for them here.
Tue, Dec 18 '12, 21:28
Do you happen to have any Ray Guns from the first-person viewpoint? And of course, I can always use more pendants (both the kind suitable for anime and photo manips).
Sun, Feb 03 '13, 04:48

because I lost all my files... T_T
Sun, Feb 03 '13, 05:18
Lost+Name said:

because I lost all my files... T_T

Lol, what you do? XD
Sun, Feb 03 '13, 06:29
"Lol" he says... T_T'

Well, if you must know, my hard drive suffered physical damages which impaired its ability to store and process data. Hence, all that I had is now gone. Which means; I'm essentially starting over with everything. So any help with props and such would be greatly appreciated.
Sun, Feb 03 '13, 07:09
In the words of Mindwipe...

That kinda brings up the "what did you do?" question again.

Anyway, I figure I can share what little I have. I recently put together a small "prop map". It's just various props I've found throughout time placed onto a transparent background for convenience.

Sun, Feb 03 '13, 15:12
Mon, Feb 04 '13, 06:21
deathwish said:
Let's see if this works:

Looks like it did.
Wed, Feb 27 '13, 05:25
Here is a link to the zip file that was posted to Hypnochan. It's in .psd format and contains a good number of layers with different props:
Wed, Feb 27 '13, 06:05
HypnosisIsGreat said:
Here is a link to the zip file that was posted to Hypnochan. It's in .psd format and contains a good number of layers with different props:

This is awesome. You're the greatest HIG.

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