Fri, Dec 07 '12, 03:17
Your Favorite Anime Character?
This is just a random run-of-the-mill topic to keep things fairly active. I curious to know what anime characters have your fandom and what it is about them that captures you so. Please share! You can mention anyone! (Although, I'll probably only know about the newer ones!)
Fri, Dec 07 '12, 04:34
Belldandy ranks up there for her pure perfection. I don't admire her character depth or anything... she is just Perfect. And I adore that.

For character depth I love Yuki Nagato from Haruhi and Homura from Madoka for the same reason. They are woobie loveable determinators who are full of angst and sadness and have a moetastic glasses version of themselves to hug and squeeze.
Fri, Dec 07 '12, 05:42
Hm...I have NO idea. XD Changes depending on what I'm watching.

Currently, I have to say it's Kirito from Sword Art Online.
Fri, Dec 07 '12, 06:14
Revy from black lagoon is nice. I love a tough girl turned tame.

Fri, Dec 07 '12, 07:54
Ah man, this is so hard. Here's a few characters I like, for reasons I may not fully understand, myself:

Moka Akashiya from Rosario+Vampire. I just find her to be such a lovable character. And that gorgeous, long, pink hair of hers. <3 (Hilariously, the manga says she has brown hair, but ALL official art of her, save one cover image, depicts her with pink hair).

Kurumu Kurono, also from Rosario+Vampire. Perhaps less "lovable" than Moka, but a very fun character who underwent some of the best character development in the manga (imo). Of course her big boobs, blue hair, and the fact that she's a succubus with hypnotic powers doesn't hurt. XD

Yukiko Amagi from Persona 4. For some reason, I instantly fell in love with her when I started playing P4. I really love her character development through the course of the game. She would've been my character's only girlfriend had the game not tricked me into a relationship with Rise (not that there's anything wrong with Rise).

Tsukiumi from Sekirei. Almost purely because of the fact that she speaks the King's English in the English dub. XD

I'm sure if I was less tired, I could think of a few more (maybe some that aren't female), but that'll have to wait.
Fri, Dec 07 '12, 18:39
Well, there's a couple of video game characters I really like, but they're very old. One of them is Roll Caskett from Megaman Legends/Rockman Dash.

What I like about her is that she puts a lot of effort into helping Megaman/Rockman (the main character), who goes out into the adventure while Roll communicates with him to give him advice, and also builds/fixes mechanical things for him. I really like the idea of a nerd girl. Also she's green-eyed blonde, dresses in red yet is shy and cute, and doesn't mind getting dirty to help people out. (Oh, and don't confuse with the other Rolls from Megaman/Rockman series, they are much less interesting).

From anime, I can think of Yuki Nagato too... she's emotionless and mechanic on the outside, yet you can feel he's not like that on the inside...
Plus, she can type hacker-level C++ into several command prompt windows *at the same time*. Which other girl can do that? lol.
And she's also pale, has a terribly cute face with that hair and those glasses, her voice is nice, and just makes you want to feel how soft her skin is to touch.
Fri, Dec 07 '12, 23:23
I haven't really delved into any fandoms besides Type-moon and Touhou for a long time, so if I tried to make a comprehensive favorite characters list it would just be a laundry list of those two series :p
I guess my overall favorite is Yukari Yakumo from Touhou, because I like the idea of a lazy, mysterious asshole sitting on a pile of horrible things from another dimension and mainly using them to troll people.
Sat, Dec 08 '12, 00:49
petal said:
I guess my overall favorite is Yukari Yakumo from Touhou, because I like the idea of a lazy, mysterious asshole sitting on a pile of horrible things from another dimension and mainly using them to troll people.

And she's hot! Even if she is older than dirt. XD
Sun, Dec 09 '12, 10:35
Are we talking about favorites in general or favorites we'd like to see hypnotized?

I guess in general it would have to be Aoi Misato from Tokyo Majin. Not sure why since I usually dislike preachy "fighting is wrong" characters like her. something about her just...clicks.

As for who I'd like to see hypnotized, right now it's a toss up between Shino from .hack, Selvaria from Valkyria Chronicles and Fumi from Devil Survivor 2.
Sun, Dec 09 '12, 17:53
*Swoons* I'm adding another vote on Selvaria. She's a total domme ballcrusher in a military uniform (I have a thing for military uniforms) on the surface but is a self-less submissive towards the king to an absolute fault. Seeing her go back and forth between those personas is delightful and plus she has large... tracts of land.

Oh and Lady Une from Gundam Wing for the same reason <3
Mon, Dec 17 '12, 04:45
Since I started watching Steins;Gate, I'll add Rintaro Okabe...err...I mean "HOUOUIN KYOUMA!!!"

Those beautifully articulate/insane ramblings... Magnificent.

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