Fri, Nov 30 '12, 02:44
Deleted comic
Hello, sorry about using this in the forum but an issue has cropped up that I feel needs to be addressed, for some reason the meesh comic I uploaded is no longer available.

I've tried to use photobucket to reload the images but they also come out smaller and of lesser quality due to recent changes and I feel as though before I undertake this masssive endevour I should make sure that the comic is truely gone and not just put into child posts.
Fri, Nov 30 '12, 03:19

Mindwipe said:
"Short Cut" Removed
I removed the comic "Short Cut" due to it being from the "Members Only" section of a subscription site. This was not due to a DMCA or request from the artist.

It should go without saying, but it's best not to upload anything that's normally locked behind a pay wall.
Fri, Nov 30 '12, 06:39
While I can understand that I have to point out that I did not get meesh's comic from a membership site, I got it from a free u-18 site where people uploaded the pages for months without it being taken down. And even considering that the enitre comic is available for free in so I really do not see the point in deleting it here when other websites can have it for free.
Fri, Nov 30 '12, 06:50
These other websites might have special cirumstances behind the fact that they still have it up. For example, some might be hosted in countries that aren't so friendly to US copyright law.

In any case, it's just safer this way.
Fri, Nov 30 '12, 06:52
Digitalgame said:
While I can understand that I have to point out that I did not get meesh's comic from a membership site, I got it from a free u-18 site where people uploaded the pages for months without it being taken down. And even considering that the enitre comic is available for free in so I really do not see the point in deleting it here when other websites can have it for free.

It was expunged from E-Hentai for being "actively exploited commercially" (yes, you can still access expunged galleries, but that's not the point). That was the first red flag. The second was the watermark on every page that read "Club Stripes .com DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE", which obviously violates our rule about watermarked images, not to mention puts the images squarely in DNP territory. It had to come down.

It doesn't matter where you got it from or who else is hosting it. I can guarantee you they do not have permission to do so. I recently had to delete one of my own manips, because I realized that the source image came from a paysite's member section (not sure why I didn't notice it straight away). It sucks, but it's better than having the copyright holders go over our heads to the admins. I'm sure I don't have to remind everyone that posting content from paysites is what got Hypnochan shut down. I'd rather not have the same thing happen here.
Fri, Nov 30 '12, 10:00
Fair enough, I suppose.
Fri, Nov 30 '12, 10:06
Man, this whole copyright thing... I can understand it for the artists, but it sucks.

Not to mention it wasn't designed with the artists in mind, rather things like DMCA are meant for big companies only (which do abusive things like mass DMCA request flooding with automated tools, often barking at the wrong tree).

I just wish copyright, patents and all that stuff would be gone :(

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