Tue, Nov 27 '12, 08:16
Did I do that right?
Posting "Cult Prisoner" I mean.
Tue, Nov 27 '12, 08:28
Sorta. It's better if you upload the pics in reverse order so that they show up in the correct order in the child posts, but it's a short manga, so it doesn't matter too much here. The tags needed work, but I fixed 'em (and was ULTRA thorough >.>) Also, you don't need to tag every page, just the parent. The only other thing I would like to have on manga/doujin posts is a link to the E-Hentai gallery, since some people may prefer to read manga there instead of here.

You correctly made the pages into child posts. That was what the anon from a few days ago didn't do, which left me with a mess to clean up.
Sun, Dec 02 '12, 05:39
Should I post the parent first and then the child-posts in reverse order, childing them in another window as each one gets posted, or post all the pics in reverse order and hope they're not deleted for not being child posts before I finish?
Sun, Dec 02 '12, 05:56
To get them to show up in the correct order, you need to upload all the pages in reverse order. Start with the last page and end with the cover (or first page, if there's no cover). No one should delete them.

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