Mon, Nov 26 '12, 15:45
The 'HC Project v2.0'
I recently read a few posts here in the forum and I think we might need to start really thinking about planning how to revive the old Hypnochan!
I read about that the booru is not as talkative as the chan...(You look on a pic..maybe comment..BAMF!...In a year somebody may read it..)...I saw the community is already trying to establish their own try of Hypnochan...either with Sleepychan or with *cough*Hidden HC*cough*(Mindwipe is going to sue me...<.<')but I think we may need a central 'control station' where we discuss where to host,how to program etc. even as it seems someone may have the access to HC's source code!
It's also nice what you build(?) here ,Vanndril and Mindwipe, and I know how difficult it is to program (try Assembler ;p) but I think the booru should just be a temporary solution till we got our beloved HC back!
And as now Spongebob has his Sandy back ( we may be able to make a new start towards 'HYPNOCHAN 2.0 - NOW & FOREVER'! :)
Mon, Nov 26 '12, 16:55
My two cents:

[shameless plug]First of all, the Hypnochan IRC channel is still up and running! Visit us at![/shameless plug]

Now that's out of the way, let me say that I like the booru. I like the booru style. Boorus are simply better than imageboards for cataloging and maintaining large collections of images (see: Rule34, Gelbooru, Danbooru, etc.). The tag search is very useful. The images are permanent and won't get bumped off the end of the site when some idiot decides to spam the place. The booru is great, the admins are doing a great job, and it should stay.

That said, the imageboard style is better for discussion. Although the booru has a forum, and although there IS an easy way to view all comments in chronological order, nobody seems to want to use either. So even though it will probably consist entirely of images lifted and transferred from the booru, an imageboard for discussion of said images is a good thing to have.

THAT said, "someone having access to HC's source code" is as easy as downloading KusabaX directly from their website. I'm not sure but I think Taz just plopped the basic Kusaba code directly into his server and never touched it ever again (nor looked at ever again, nor gave a shit about what happened to it ever again...cough). Anybody could do that.

THAT said, Sleepymaid already has done it. Sleepychan is up and running. Sleepy has years of experience running her own website. Sleepy is active in the community (unlike other, previous chan admins...cough). I see no reason not use Sleepychan permanently. All she has to do is promote a few moderators, take that silly "possibly a replacement" message off the title, and maybe eventually get a dedicated domain name ( instead of

So there's my thoughts. Keep the booru, it's great. Use Sleepychan, it will be great. Sleepy, get serious about Sleepychan, you're great ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mon, Nov 26 '12, 19:20
Twilight_Sparkle said:
[shameless plug]First of all, the Hypnochan IRC channel is still up and running! Visit us at![/shameless plug]

I went there once when Hypnochan 404'd. Everyone just talked about random stuff or idled. =/

Now that's out of the way, let me say that I like the booru... and it should stay.

Good, because we weren't planning on going anywhere. ;)

I'm not sure but I think Taz just plopped the basic Kusaba code directly into his server and never touched it ever again (nor looked at ever again, nor gave a shit about what happened to it ever again...cough).

Hypnochan was hosted by Dreamhost. If Taz used his own server, wouldn't we still have Hypnochan? And it's incorrect and unfair to say that Taz never looked at it or cared about it. He and the mods worked hard on the site, but the problem areas were too persistent and the copyright holders were too quick for them.

I see no reason not use Sleepychan permanently.

My personal reasons:

-No /base/
-Threads have a time limit

The first because it's the only content that was posted on Hypnochan that can't be posted here. The second because it limits discussion, and imo, inconveniences users. There's also the mysterious ban on Jimryu art, but I'm not sure how I feel about that.

I applaud Sleepymaid's effort, but I don't like Sleepychan as a replacement for Hypnochan.
Mon, Nov 26 '12, 19:50
I went there once when Hypnochan 404'd. Everyone just talked about random stuff or idled. =/

No, it's not "All Mind Control, All The Time". It's a community center where like-minded people gather to chitchat. There's a separate RP channel if that's what you're looking for.

Hypnochan was hosted by Dreamhost. If Taz used his own server, wouldn't we still have Hypnochan? And it's incorrect and unfair to say that Taz never looked at it or cared about it. He and the mods worked hard on the site, but the problem areas were too persistent and the copyright holders were too quick for them.

"His" server meaning the server he paid Dreamhost for. And going from personal experience, myself being active and involved with the site, on the channel, in the general community, and attempting several times to communicate with Taz, I found him to be...a bit on the apathetic side. Personal experience, your results may vary.

My personal reasons:

-No /base/
-Threads have a time limit

I agree wholeheartedly. Sleepy draws /base/ content, no reason not to have a /base/ board. And the time limit thing...I need to find out what's up with that, there's no reason for that unless it's to keep space costs down, and I think many people would be happy to contribute for extra storage space (I would).

There's also the mysterious ban on Jimryu art, but I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Another thing I need to ask her about. I'd imagine Jimryu either asked her personally not to post it, or she banned it preemptively just to keep him quiet. IIRC, he's one of the more vocal artists regarding his copyrighted works.

I applaud Sleepymaid's effort, but I don't like Sleepychan as a replacement for Hypnochan.

Certainly not in its current incarnation, but it would take relatively few changes to bring it up to par (or better).
Mon, Nov 26 '12, 20:18
Straight from the maid's mouth to your ears:

Why the time limit?
<sleepymaid> so threads don't hang around forever cluttering up the place. And like if someone chooses a dumb OP, everyone has to live with it forever. But with a limit it'd be more like the weekly haigure threads on 2ch. Reposts, but also new stuff if any has appeared
<sleepymaid> But the traffic may not be enough. It may end up that I'd just reduce the number of pages and let things fall off the end instead. Or keep increasing the time to a few months or something. Whatever seems to work best

Reasonable, but I personally don't like the time limit. Active threads dying after 30 days scares me. I do like the idea of severely limiting page numbers though. Keeps things fresh while allowing active threads to remain. Then, if the community grows enough, increase the page numbers as needed.

Why the ban on Jimryu?
<sleepymaid>I just remembered he has watermarks on small versions and had heard of complaints elsewhere.

Preemptive strike, as I thought.

Why no dedicated domain, such as
<sleepymaid> because it's a test. I said if it works by christmas or so I'll get a domain for it

Fair enough.

Why no loli or /base/?
<summarized from sleepymaid/sleepymaid's server owner/#hypnochan et al> is hosted in Glorious People's Republic of America and owned by a filthy Canadian, and neither country technically allows drawn depictions of minors. However, were a move to a dedicated domain considered (see above), moving to a place that has no such problems would be an option.

(Parties involved, correct me if I'm wrong about any of that}
Again, fair enough. I'm pushing for a server that allows /base/.

So there you have it. The site in its current incarnation is perfectly serviceable for posting and discussing 80% of MC material, but if more people voice their support Sleepy will be expanding. What we don't need to be doing is poo-pooing someone for setting up a possible replacement for Hypnochan. We should be actively offering constructive criticism and support.
Mon, Nov 26 '12, 21:12
KaraK said:
No, it's not "All Mind Control, All The Time". It's a community center where like-minded people gather to chitchat.

That's fair, but my whole reason for wanting to chat with like-minded people is to discuss the one interest we all share.

Sleepy draws /base/ content

I wonder if this is changing, because Sleepymaid's loli/shota site currently has a message saying to save everything you want, because the site may be going away.

Active threads dying after 30 days scares me. I do like the idea of severely limiting page numbers though.

I can see the use in limiting the number of pages. Though, honestly, that scares me a little too. I'd fear that it would force threads to compete with each other to stay alive. Not to mention that each new thread created would push another one close to deletion. It could still work, for sure, it would just be a matter of settling on the right number of pages.

I'm pushing for a server that allows /base/.

I as well. Aside from the conversation (which I REALLY wish would change), it's the only thing missing from this site. Without Hypnochan, there's been no good place to post things like loli manips.
Mon, Nov 26 '12, 22:48
Unless she's changed her policy about "absolutely no copyrighted content period," it's not really an adequate replacement of the old chan for me. I'd like to be able to discuss stories that show up in magazines, games, or animated films and provide, as I did on the old imageboard, at the very least one or two sample pictures to clue people in to what the artwork looks like. You can hold a discussion about Van Gogh paintings without having any Van Goghs in front of you but it's pretty darn difficult, I think we can all agree. And it's borderline impossible to get others interested in Van Gogh if all you can do is tell them in puretext "oh yeah man he's the greatest" but you can't actually show them samples.

I guess it would still be better than the booru though since the booru's current policy seems to be "don't make threads that have nothing to do with the booru" and that would pretty much be the case for any of the new things that've come out between when the chan went down and today. I mean, I understand the booru's policy, it makes sense, but even if I couldn't post sample pictures I guess Sleepychan would still have a leg up over Hypnobooru when it came to discussing copyrighted materials.
Mon, Nov 26 '12, 23:14
sctoagn said:
Unless she's changed her policy about "absolutely no copyrighted content period," it's not really an adequate replacement of the old chan for me.

That rule was reworded some time ago. Now it just bans content from paysites and Jimryu art.

I guess it would still be better than the booru though since the booru's current policy seems to be "don't make threads that have nothing to do with the booru"

Huh? We have no such policy. What exactly do you mean?
Mon, Nov 26 '12, 23:51 phone ftw I seem to have lost the sentence to support sleepy etc. ^^'
But I also see a risk in limiting the number of pages on sleepychan...If I remember those stupid 'bump' threads on could easily destroy all content by making multiple empty sh*t threads till max count of pages is reached :/ To prevent such actions sleepy may need a protection module like IP tracker or max number of threads per day (or 24/7/365-admins <.<).
Tue, Nov 27 '12, 02:24
Mindwipe said:
Huh? We have no such policy. What exactly do you mean?

I asked a long time ago about having general discussion threads here and I thought you guys said you'd prefer it if threads had something to do with the booru (obviously), so for example, no discussing an eroge in a thread here if there are no pictures of that eroge in the booru. If I'm wrong, then cool. I may start making more threads if that's the case.
Tue, Nov 27 '12, 02:36
sctoagn said:
I asked a long time ago about having general discussion threads here and I thought you guys said you'd prefer it if threads had something to do with the booru (obviously), so for example, no discussing an eroge in a thread here if there are no pictures of that eroge in the booru. If I'm wrong, then cool. I may start making more threads if that's the case.

I honestly don't recall that. I remember this: , but I even said that you could discuss those things here in the forums if you wanted. It wouldn't hurt to have discussion threads for things like eroges, manga/doujinshi, movies, or whatever. Sharing those things (as in posting download links) could cause problems, depending on the content, but discussion is A-OK. In fact, I've been tossing around the idea of a general manip discussion thread for the past few days.
Tue, Nov 27 '12, 07:35
I just wanted to ask,
Mindwipe said:
Sleepymaid's loli/shota site currently has a message saying to save everything you want, because the site may be going away.

What site? I've never seen it :P

Also, I agree 100% with this:
Twilight_Sparkle said:
[...]let me say that I like the booru. I like the booru style. Boorus are simply better than imageboards for cataloging and maintaining large collections of images (see: Rule34, Gelbooru, Danbooru, etc.). The tag search is very useful. The images are permanent and won't get bumped off the end of the site when some idiot decides to spam the place.

A chan is super nice for talking, but a booru is so much more convenient for browsing pics.

Also, this may be a dumb question because I never hired hosting yet, but isn't it possible to hire a host in some place outside of the US where there's more freedom?
Tue, Nov 27 '12, 07:49
Stem_Cell said:
What site? I've never seen it :P

yay[dot]sleepymaid[dot]com (not sure if I should link directly to a site hosting loli/shota pics)
Tue, Nov 27 '12, 17:21
Mindwipe said:
(not sure if I should link directly to a site hosting loli/shota pics)

Link...? There's no link, there's just some characters.

Just like you can't download a movie with just 40 hex numbers:

Hehe. Thank you :)
Tue, Nov 27 '12, 18:44
Stem_Cell said:
isn't it possible to hire a host in some place outside of the US where there's more freedom?

Aye indeed it is. I've recommended Leaseweb to Sleepy and his current server admin. They're mostly based in the Netherlands and they're the host that 7chan uses. The owner of 7chan says that they probably allow /base/ content.
Tue, Nov 27 '12, 23:50
I don't know how good the technology in the Netherlands is but maybe there's also a host aviable in Frankfurt on the Main 'cause it's the central technology point of Germany and maybe whole Europe!
Wed, Nov 28 '12, 01:29
Well, I'm pretty confident that the more free the country is, the more free hosting is.

I'm pretty sure the situation in Germany is just as bad as USA, think about the fact that you can't even Grooveshark there. The Netherlands is probably quite ahead in the freedom department.

I'd either go for a very civilized country from the north of Europe, or an "anti-america" one like Russia.
Fri, Nov 30 '12, 11:42
See if you can host it in that Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan country Herman Cain kept talking about during the presidential race.
Fri, Nov 30 '12, 19:48
Uzbekistan? (I'm not from the US so I have no idea if that's what you mean)

You know, I also don't live nowhere close to the -stan area, but that statement could seem a little racist, people there are people too :P And it's not like the US is some sort of "first world" country to be snobbing and bragging.

Besides, those "middle-of-nowheres" sometimes provide things like oil to make your country run. And they might even be handy now that US has freedom issues. So don't proliferate the idea that "american = self-absorbed".
Fri, Nov 30 '12, 20:12
Stem_Cell said:
(I'm not from the US so I have no idea if that's what you mean)

You probably could've ended your post right there. :P

He was making a reference to an interview with former Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, in which he showed the world just how lousy he was at foreign policy (and coming up with the names of foreign countries).
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