Wed, Nov 21 '12, 03:08
A new chan is born: Sleepychan!

Let's hear it for the sleepiest of maids, and everyone that helped get this up and running.

Have fun everyone :3
Wed, Nov 21 '12, 03:13
Oh my goodness this is fantastic
Thank you so much sleepy, and everyone else involved! :D

Edit: Seeing as this is pretty big news, should someone make an announcement about this in the comments section? No one ever really visits the forum. :/
Wed, Nov 21 '12, 03:35
"Copyrighted content such as videos, audio files, comics, imagesets, etc. are not allowed. Posting them, linking them, telling or asking how/where to get them will result in a ban. This is what killed Hypnochan; Don't try your luck."

So basically no doujinshi, no eroge CG sets, no eroge software, no eromanga tankoubons, ...

Yeah, not much of a replacement for me. Seems like it's just a chan that will collate DeviantArt and Pixiv stuff which ... I don't really need/benefit from since I handle my own affairs much to my own satisfaction. But I guess for people who like DA and Pixiv image dumps, this is better than nothing? ^^;

Also, unless I'm much mistaken, hasn't Sleepy copyrighted her own stuff? But the way the current rules are worded, you couldn't even post those. Maybe they should be amended to at least allow for the posting of copyrighted materials WITH DEMONSTRABLE PERMISSION from the copyright holder.
Wed, Nov 21 '12, 03:37
Doesn't appear to be a /base/. =/

Sleepychan rules said:
Threads have a maximum life of 7 days.

Don't like the sound of that at all.

Sleepychan rules said:
Copyrighted content such as videos, audio files, comics, imagesets, etc. are not allowed. Posting them, linking them, telling or asking how/where to get them will result in a ban.

ALL comics and image sets? As in, linking to e-hentai galleries or CG sets wouldn't be allowed? I'm sure that can't be right.

I'm...concerned. But it does say this is a trial run. So, maybe my concerns would be addressed in a final version.
Wed, Nov 21 '12, 04:09
Eh, this place can handle pic uploads. Only thing I miss from chan is the ability and encouragement to comment on images. Feedback has always been a big motivator for me and the wife and without hypnochan about there's seldom any lasting/worthwhile comments/view counts/grade system in the community.
Wed, Nov 21 '12, 04:15
bellchan said:
Eh, this place can handle pic uploads. Only thing I miss from chan is the ability and encouragement to comment on images. Feedback has always been a big motivator for me and the wife and without hypnochan about there's seldom any lasting/worthwhile comments/view counts/grade system in the community.

Yeah, I wish more people would comment here. =/

But, it's admittedly a double-edged sword, since the more comments we get, the more difficult it is to sort through them.
Wed, Nov 21 '12, 07:47
Mindwipe said:
bellchan said:
Eh, this place can handle pic uploads. Only thing I miss from chan is the ability and encouragement to comment on images. Feedback has always been a big motivator for me and the wife and without hypnochan about there's seldom any lasting/worthwhile comments/view counts/grade system in the community.

Yeah, I wish more people would comment here. =/

But, it's admittedly a double-edged sword, since the more comments we get, the more difficult it is to sort through them.

I would think the other edge of that sword would be people commenting negatively myself. Plus, it's very hard to draw comment out of our group for the most part it seems, but that is to be somewhat expected, this being a fetish and the place being the internet and all. People feel fine just looking at something, commenting to themselves and leaving, or are too introverted to even begin typing. I'm not saying that's wrong, it's just the nature of the beast.

It's just sad that the creator/provider never gets to know their joy, feeling their work be for nothing. Or if they do get it it's usually quite small, and doesn't comment of anything in particular such as "great!". Not caring about going to any detail, leaving the person with a sense of empty happiness. Still, something's better than nothing 9/10 and one should be grateful for any support, especially from those that constantly support you.

On the other side of the looking glass, it's quite easy to feel your comment will have no impact, be over looked among others, or you can't articulate your words. Maybe you'll feel it's a waster of your time, or that you'll come off as a creeper, or fear feelings of further invalidation...

It's just a real pity for both parties. Well, that's my warped view anyways.

Cheers to Sleepymaid, may this one go better than the last.
Wed, Nov 21 '12, 08:28
SheShe said:
I would think the other edge of that sword would be people commenting negatively myself.

Nah. If it's negative to the point of trolling or flaming, we'd just delete the comment.

Anyway, I don't think I'll be posting on this new chan, at least for the time being. The sheer amount of forbidden content and the fact that threads have an expiration date have really turned me off. I'll wait and see if something changes my mind, but that's my stance for now.
Wed, Nov 21 '12, 08:39
I really like how there is a new chan. But the main reason why I went to the old chan was to lurk around for any doujinshi or text manips. Seeing how it kinda died with the user content thing I had to go looking elsewhere. Still though it's a nice gesture that it's up and hopefully will become more than it is today.
Wed, Nov 21 '12, 23:17
So, they updated the rules to make the forbidden content more sensible, but it also includes this:

Sleepychan rules said:
Do not post, link to, or ask for any of these things:

Works by Jimryu

Does Sleepymaid know something we don't? Does Jimryu not want his work reposted? Should we be deleting all the Jimryu pics from here?
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 01:16
I hope not... maybe he asked Sleepy in particular to blacklist it from the chan?
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 01:27
Saving off Jimryu art just in case...
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 01:39
bellchan said:
Saving off Jimryu art just in case...

Probably not a bad idea. I mean, I'm not doing anything until I find out one way or the other, but if I find out Jimryu doesn't want it here, then I'll have to take it down.
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 03:47
Does the paysite prohibition applies also to paysites which don't even have an english version? Because, japanese content was one of the things I liked from hypnochan.

I mean, if a publisher doesn't even care about making a paysite in english it should be ok, right? But I'm almost sure the answer is no...

That, along with the thread lifespan limit, makes me think that this chan will be mostly useful to content creators / manippers wanting feedback. That's fair and understandable (especially considering Sleepymaid is arguably the most prolific content creator of the genre), but it feels like... half of what Hypnochan was.

What can I say, what got me into hypnochan was googling for hypno content and finding threads there with links. If it was just allowed to have a thread with description, maybe thumbs or cover, and especially; discussion, I'd be happy enough.
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 04:28
Stem_Cell said:
Does the paysite prohibition applies also to paysites which don't even have an english version?

Well, at the very least, it seems like E-Hentai links and the like are allowed there now, which is a big step up from where it was.

That, along with the thread lifespan limit, makes me think that this chan will be mostly useful to content creators / manippers wanting feedback.

Artists, yes, since they can post in /art/ where threads don't expire, but as far as I can tell, we manippers would have to post our work in /nsfw/, since we simply modify the work of others. Maybe I'm being pessimistic, but I'm not convinced that we'd get much feedback in the short time before threads are deleted.
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 09:47
Mindwipe said:
Well, at the very least, it seems like E-Hentai links and the like are allowed there now, which is a big step up from where it was.

Ah, that's a bit better.

Mindwipe said:
Artists, yes, since they can post in /art/ where threads don't expire, but as far as I can tell, we manippers would have to post our work in /nsfw/, since we simply modify the work of others.

I didn't understand it that way - doesn't manipping also belong in /art/? That's what I understood from the rules. Manips are art too! (well, there are ones that suck, but that's what some constructive community feedback is for :)
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 16:32
I asked about manips on /meta/. Keep an eye there for a straight answer.

If manips go on /art/, I might have a reason to post there after all.
If they don't, I'm as likely as Mindwipe to ignore the new chan.
A shame, but that's just how it seems to me.
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 21:36
Vanndril said:
I asked about manips on /meta/. Keep an eye there for a straight answer.

As I thought, manips don't go in /art/. But, hey, they expanded the thread limit to 30 days...

Yeah, my stance remains the same. =/
Sat, Dec 22 '12, 13:51
Has everyone gotten a chance to use sleepy chan? If so how do people like it so far?

Kind of feel like there should be some sort of update. I know that I have been using it and there are some discussions found there that isn't here but I feel that the booru gets more in terms of new forums or posts that people make over the chan. Still I'll continue to use the chan. Anyone else?
Sat, Dec 22 '12, 19:43
I look there once in a while, but I've yet to post outside of my original /meta/ post.

None of the conversations there really strike my fancy. At least, not yet.
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