Sat, Nov 10 '12, 12:04
Did anyone ever come to a decision about doujins being posted on this site?
Sat, Nov 10 '12, 19:47
Not yet. Mindwipe is slow without me (:P), and my area is still recovering from Hurricane Sandy, so I hardly have a chance to hop on, let alone the time to spend hours in council to make decisions late, late at night.

Soon, though, I should be back in commission and able to talk some sense - one way or the other - into this decision.
Sat, Nov 10 '12, 20:35
Oh, Great Vanndril, tell me what my opinion should be. Free me from thought and responsibility. XDDD

I find it amusing that this topic popped up less than a day after I made a comment saying "I still haven't made a decision on manga/doujins". I HAVE thought about it, somewhat, but I've been distracted by a variety of things. Suffice it to say, I'm weighing the pros and cons of allowing doujins and considering alternatives and THEIR pros and cons.
Sun, Nov 11 '12, 00:36
Well I did make this topic as a way for the mods to openly discuss what should be done about the issue, because I have a few doujins and a comic by meesh that I would really like to see on hypnobooru but am holding off until a decision is made.
Sun, Nov 11 '12, 00:53
Unfortunately, having a topic doesn't do much for the mods.

It may sound fancy, but let me explain how a general "council" goes, between Mindwipe and I. He explains an issue that needs resolution, we think about it, I give him solution, he refutes solution...

At this point, there's a choice. Either:

A - I realize he's right, and that my idea was bad and that a better idea is needed.


B - We go back in forth, with me arguing why my idea would work and beating down his reasons to why it wouldn't work, and him trying to explain why he thinks my idea wouldn't work.

If option B, then another choice appears. He either:

A - Realizes my idea as at least good enough, and we work on polishing it.


B - Is still unsure about my idea, and either leaves it up to me or tells me he'll think about it.

If B is chosen here, he either caves in in a few days or we completely forget that we even had the conversation in the first place.

Reverse our roles if it's Mindwipe's idea.

TL;DR: With all the back and forth our decision making process involves, it'd take us longer to thoroughly handle it on the forums than it would to just wait for me to be available at night again.


All that said, I do have some ideas on how we could allow them and I'm pretty sure that my stance is to allow them, but just like Mindwipe, I'm weighing pros and cons.

We just work best with each other as sounding boards. Mindwipe would be outright lying if he claimed otherwise. :P
Sun, Nov 11 '12, 06:54
Update: I should have something to post on this sometime tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Mon, Nov 12 '12, 06:39
Err... I lied. But I'll have something tomorrow...

Tue, Nov 13 '12, 06:15
Okay, I promised I'd have word on this today, and here it is. Vanndril and I have conferred, and our decision is to allow doujins. But there are rules:

If a doujin/manga is longer than 5 pages in length, each page must be made into a child post of the cover image (or first page, if there is no cover). Because child posts do not show up in searches, the cover image (or first page) will have to be tagged with EVERY tag that is relevant to the manga. Bear in mind that you don't have to be super-detailed, but it helps. Also because child posts don't show up in searches, I don't see a need at this time to tag each individual page.

The reason for this decision is simple. We don't want to disallow doujins, because they're are great source of quality content. We don't want people to upload entire doujins normally, because that's spam-like and fills pages with what is essentially the same content (and also includes non-MC content).

For those who don't know how to make posts into child posts, here's how: Each post has an ID number. It's the first entry under the "Statistics" banner on the left side. When you click "Edit" on a post, you'll see a field labeled "Parent" (the 2nd field). To make a post into a child post, enter the ID number of the post you want to be the Parent into the "Parent" field. Click "Save Changes" and you're done. When you click on the parent post, there should be a banner above it indicating that it has child posts.

I would also recommend, if a doujin/manga has an E-Hentai gallery or similar, to put a link to it in the source field. Let's face it, our site is a little impractical for simply reading manga, especially those at particularly high resolutions. Still, some people may like the convenience of being able to download the full res manga without the need of a torrent.

I'm going to upload a doujin right now to demonstrate how it should look when it's done.
Tue, Nov 13 '12, 06:56
Here you go:

One thing to note: I may have goofed by uploading the pages from first to last, since that causes the pages to be backwards. You may want to upload from the last page to the first. I may end up redoing my upload of that doujin, but it would require me to re-save all the pages, so I don't know.

Anyway, I'll update the rules soon to reflect the new policy.
Tue, Nov 13 '12, 22:37
Rules now updated, at least somewhat.

Also, I realized that, since the pages of that doujin I uploaded are all PNGs, I can actually decrease their files sizes a bit by re-saving them. So, I may redo my upload after all. I can use InfranView to batch save all the images. That should work, and take a lot less time.
Tue, Nov 13 '12, 22:59
I took another look to make 100% sure and I can confirm with certainty that we can't change the background or text colors of the child post window...

If you don't know what I mean, you will. XD

Edit: I made a request on the support forums to have the color changed. We'll see if they're willing to do that for us.
Thu, Nov 15 '12, 01:14
Quick question -- is there a doujin tag so I can easily find doujin regardless of content?
Thu, Nov 15 '12, 01:15
There's a "comic" tag.
Thu, Nov 15 '12, 01:21
Oooh, awesome, thanks! That makes sense.
I never used a booru before nor have I figured out how to find a list of all the tags.
Thu, Nov 15 '12, 01:32
I'm contemplating adding a doujin tag or something similar, since the "comic" tag applies to anything in a comic format, even single page images. I'll get back to you on that.

And there's no list of tags...yet. I was trying to make a short dictionary of tags, but it's moving very slowly.
Thu, Nov 15 '12, 13:07
Mindwipe said:
I'm contemplating adding a doujin tag or something similar, since the "comic" tag applies to anything in a comic format, even single page images. I'll get back to you on that.

I was thinking that, too. But it seems strange to me. I mean, even 1-page comics are still comics, ya know?

Mindwipe said:
And there's no list of tags...yet. I was trying to make a short dictionary of tags, but it's moving very slowly.

More slowly than new tags are added, I might add. ;P
Thu, Nov 15 '12, 22:59
I just wanted to mention that a helpful forum member advised me on how to change the background color of the "this post has child posts, click here for stuff" box using the CSS file, using some little trick I'd never seen before. I did so, and uploaded it just now.

So, starting a few hours after this post, try clearing your cache every so often to see if it fixes itself. It should appear similarly to the quotes, but with a slightly brighter background color, so that it'll stand out a bit more.
Fri, Nov 16 '12, 00:43
Vanndril said:
I just wanted to mention that a helpful forum member advised me on how to change the background color of the "this post has child posts, click here for stuff" box using the CSS file, using some little trick I'd never seen before. I did so, and uploaded it just now.

So, starting a few hours after this post, try clearing your cache every so often to see if it fixes itself. It should appear similarly to the quotes, but with a slightly brighter background color, so that it'll stand out a bit more.

It worked, but there's a side-effect. Comments are surrounded by the same color and so is that counter at the bottom of the page, for some reason.

Can you make it the same color as the background? The box has a white outline, so it should still stand out.
Fri, Nov 16 '12, 02:19
Aw hell, you're right. *mumbles* This is why they shoulda added a class to that div...Oh well, I guess that's what happens when the version of the gooru software used is the final beta version. XD

Did so, wait a few hours again and clear cache.

Edit: HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! HOLY CRAP! Mindwipe! It updated instantly! (at least for me)
Fri, Nov 16 '12, 03:19
Things have been updating quicker lately. Anyway, all of that stuff looks right now, but there's one other side-effect I just noticed, though I don't know if it's really a problem.
Tell me if you can spot what's different.
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