Wed, Nov 07 '12, 22:53
What about Hypnochan's "Toy Slut"?
There was a topic at Hypnochan (which of course is now gone), about a very happy and hot hypnosis victim self-proclaimed "Toy Slut".

Needless to say, it's super sexy material, but it's gone. Someone has a backup of it? There were images (and a video) that I didn't even seen due to a lack of time and I wanted to.

There is the text-only version: http://webcache.googleuserconten...rceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

(Hosted elsewhere just in case: ).
Thu, Nov 08 '12, 00:42
Way to make me nostalgic for hypnochan. :(
Seriously though, I don't have anything from that saved. Hopefully someone in this big old Booru does, though.
Sat, Nov 10 '12, 01:02
Yeah, I also wonder if someone ever made a local copy of the site with something like httrack, it would be super cool. But this particular topic, somewhat recent, aww, the text in it makes me really want those pics/video.

Why doesn't the Wayback Machine crawl the sites I care about? :'(
Mon, Nov 12 '12, 06:19
Yeah, I have similar issues, especially stuff from /base/. Most of the cases, it was downloaded on my phone at some point or another, but I deleted it, then forgot to put it on my computer. I have so many of these issues. I say, any content we have from hypnochan, but isn't appropriate for, we put on hidden hypnochan. Yes, theres bad stuff there (Really none, now that /cake/ is gone), but we can put good stuff there, too. Then we'll have a safe place to put it.
Mon, Nov 12 '12, 06:37
You guys can do what you want, but I'm never going anywhere near that place. I'll just keep all my /base/ content to myself until someone makes a new Hypnochan.

And I'm leaving your post alone for now, but we did say "no more discussion about Hidden Hypnochan". So, seriously, no more discussing it.
Tue, Nov 13 '12, 02:48
Indeed. I already deleted a few posts about it just recently, but yours actually seems...relevant.
Tue, Nov 13 '12, 07:31
Ok, gotcha, no more discussing hidden hypnochan. I didn't think it was the best idea to actually say so in the first place, but it did seem relevant, as Vanndril noticed, so I decided against my better judgement. Will not happen again.
Thu, Nov 15 '12, 01:56
Well, "the place which shall not be named" is kind of a backup, but I understand why you guys wouldn't want to put backed-up content there. Still, this is a lesson to be learnt. I really didn't think it'd be gone like that, that's why I never thought of something like running httrack on it (I wish someone had).
Thu, Nov 15 '12, 02:03
If you want to backup your content, there are MUCH better places than there.

And to answer the question from the part of your post I deleted, it was apparently real-life little girls, and no, drawn loli images are not allowed here, just as the rules say.
Thu, Nov 15 '12, 11:17
Sorry, I get it that I shouldn't talk about that anymore. Still, I wasn't meaning a backup for myself, instead more of a collective thing, such as to make some of the lost content accessible between each other (and of course, a place to see what others had).

Oh well, having something like hypnochan back on the net (at least soon) is wishful thinking.

Still, what I was really into was that wonderful thread about Toy Slut and her story. I think someone might have saved the pics, and maybe sees this thread.
Wed, Nov 21 '12, 03:04
^ I do in fact have some of the toy slut pics saved, if no one else really doesn't.
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 02:53
That's awesome umbra :D

You could put them up in a file hoster (like Mediafire) or on this booru itself, I'm not sure about the policy on the latter but I think it would benefit everyone.
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 03:12
Stem_Cell said:
That's awesome umbra :D

You could put them up in a file hoster (like Mediafire) or on this booru itself, I'm not sure about the policy on the latter but I think it would benefit everyone.

The policy on the latter is very dependent upon the pics. Keep in mind that we require pics to be able to stand on their own as hypno/MC in order to be posted here. So, if it's not evident in the pics themselves that the person is hypnotized, they would likely be removed. Use your best judgment.
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 09:33
Mindwipe said:
The policy on the latter is very dependent upon the pics.

By the way, do we support RAR/ZIP uploads? Or something like that? For example on there is rudimentary support in the sense that the thumbnail just shows "download" (but I'm not even sure it supports anything other than the few flash mini-games present there).

Maybe a whole pack would warrant the post.

Or, there could be a "source" that points to a torrent/filehoster with all the pics in a RAR.

...But if someone finds more pics, updating the sources' RAR link could be tiresome, so all posted pics could point to this thread and have the links actually here.

Edit: to clear up, my idea is to post only relevant pics in the booru, and have the "source" link point here, with a filehoster/torrent link in this thread.
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 16:35
Stem_Cell said:
By the way, do we support RAR/ZIP uploads?

I...don't think so.
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 17:39
Stem_Cell said:
By the way, do we support RAR/ZIP uploads?

Supported file types are JPG, PNG, and GIF. Maybe BMP, but I know RAR and ZIP won't work.
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 20:57
I'm gonna post what I have over on sleepychan, so it will be preserved. Then you all can figure out what you wanna do here on the booru.
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 21:43
Thu, Nov 22 '12, 22:02
Yeah, I don't think any of those would work here.
Fri, Nov 23 '12, 07:00
Not to mention Spellbinder has appeared in the topic with new content, so it's a moot point :p.
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