Tue, Oct 23 '12, 19:58
More caption posts
Hey guys, love the progress being made here, I was wondering if we would see a return of captioned images on this booru. The collective has a lot of captioned images, but hypnochan had a lot of great ones that were posted only there, i was hoping they would come back?
Tue, Oct 23 '12, 20:01
They will if someone uploads more. Search "text manip" and you should find a fair number of captions. Not really sure if we have any of the ones you're looking for yet, but maybe soon.
Thu, Oct 25 '12, 09:11
Not to sound creepy or anything, but i have seen all the images up unto this point, it isn't like there is a million images. You're right, nothing exactly as to what i am looking for is up yet, except for a few. It almost makes me regret not saving them when I had the chance. We'll see what happens.

Edit: I tend to like the ones that are a duologue exchange between the tranced ant the 'tist and you see her transformation through how she talks... yeah you can guess the bimbo ones i like a bit. hah.
Thu, Oct 25 '12, 19:56
Yeah, always save pics you like, because you never know when they might disappear. I don't have any captions myself, not really being into them, so I can't help you out. All you can really do is keep an eye out to see if anyone uploads more. =/
Sat, Dec 01 '12, 10:36
I have almost a hundred. Most from /d or hypnochan. I have problems working the uploader or I'd post it :(
Sat, Dec 01 '12, 20:25
What sort of problems?
Sun, Dec 02 '12, 07:04
It starts uploadin but never finishs saying uploading #1
Sun, Dec 02 '12, 07:39
Oh, you're using the mass-uploader? I've never used it myself, and I generally frown upon its use, since I've only seen one person use it correctly (as in, in a way that didn't cause problems for the mod team) so far.

May just be easier to upload a few each day, one by one.
Sun, Dec 02 '12, 10:22
I would be interested in doing caption posts. But if I were to use the image from say here, would I need poster, original artist, both or neither people's permission to do captions?
Sun, Dec 02 '12, 14:32
Neither. If you find an image you like, just go ahead and caption it. :)
Sun, Dec 02 '12, 18:47
Neither, indeed. If you end up using a manip, though, it might do you well to give credit to the manipper for the image editing he/she did.

I've actually been thinking about this recently. I've been meaning to ask Mindwipe how this would be handled in tags. Would there be two _(manipper) tags? Would there be a new tag, such as _(captionist)?

In any case, just make sure whatever image you use isn't obviously locked behind a paywall (aka. from a paysite or paying-members-only section of a site). If eludes to the fact that it is a "private" or "pay-only" in the pic (such as a do-not-redistribute watermark) then, chances are, it'll be removed. Else, you're pretty safe until someone notices. :P If you're just taking images from this site already, you should be fine.
Sun, Dec 02 '12, 21:15
Vanndril said:
Neither, indeed. If you end up using a manip, though, it might do you well to give credit to the manipper for the image editing he/she did.

Definitely. In the same way, if you know the name of the artist whose pic you're captioning, it's a good idea to tag him/her as well. (And if you're captioning a pic from here, you could copy the tags that are already there).

I've actually been thinking about this recently. I've been meaning to ask Mindwipe how this would be handled in tags. Would there be two _(manipper) tags? Would there be a new tag, such as _(captionist)?

I'm not sure about adding a new tag for this. For the time being, I'd just use two manipper tags. I think we already have a pic that does this.

In any case, just make sure whatever image you use isn't obviously locked behind a paywall (aka. from a paysite or paying-members-only section of a site). If eludes to the fact that it is a "private" or "pay-only" in the pic (such as a do-not-redistribute watermark) then, chances are, it'll be removed.

One of my more popular manips! Gone! T_T (But my newer ones seem to be doing just as well.)

Speaking of, Vanndril pointed out to me that my quote from a month ago isn't exactly correct anymore. Funny how things can change.
Sun, Dec 02 '12, 22:07
Mindwipe said:
Speaking of, Vanndril pointed out to me that my quote from a month ago isn't exactly correct anymore. Funny how things can change.

This quote, to be precise.

Mindwipe said:
I don't have any captions myself, not really being into them

Both statements made there are now false. It's amazing what can happen when you start making your own. XD
Mon, Dec 03 '12, 07:04
Have fun taggin my pics XD
Mon, Dec 03 '12, 07:30
misterbenedict said:
Have fun taggin my pics XD

Alternatively, you could tag them yourself, since the rules state that you should. You don't have to be thorough, just do the basic stuff.

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