Sun, Oct 21 '12, 13:43
Am I the only one getting white-on-a-slightly-different-white whenever someone quotes a post here? Maybe we should just quote with greater-than signs instead.
Mon, Oct 22 '12, 00:16
This is a known issue right now. For some reason, the CSS on this site just refuses to update quickly. According to Slayerduck, the wait for the booru's cache to clear should be about 4 hours. In reality, it seems to take about a month (give or take).

In short, we've already edited the CSS to change the color of quote and note backgrounds, and we're just waiting for those changes to take affect.
Mon, Oct 22 '12, 00:24
Hell, we didn't only edit and upload the CSS to make these changes. We did it all TWICE, and it STILL hasn't fixed itself. If it isn't updated by December, which will probably be ONE more update attempt, I'm going to mail Slayerduck to see what's going on.
Mon, Oct 22 '12, 02:55
OK, so the note backgrounds are the right color for me again, but the quotes are still white.

-_- wtf

Edit: When I looked again a second ago, the note color went back to white, but hitting F5 corrected it. So... I hope that means it's fixed. But, F5 didn't do anything for the quote color.
Wed, Oct 24 '12, 08:57
This is fucking stupid. Now the note backgrounds are back to white for me and refreshing the page and clearing my cache does nothing to change it.

I'm getting pissed off with this bullshit.

Edit: Never mind. Apparently I just needed to refresh about 20 more times. Seriously, this is gonna drive me insane one day.
Wed, Oct 24 '12, 22:12
Too late for that Mindwipe.

I do honestly wonder what in hell is making it do that though. At least it's appearing properly for you sometimes at all. On my end, it's NEVER changed from white.
Sun, Oct 28 '12, 16:51
For the first time ever I am now seeing quotes with what I can only assume are the proper colors (white text on a dark gray background). A, I hope it lasts. B, I wonder if anyone else who's reported never seeing them before is now seeing them.
Sun, Oct 28 '12, 19:45
Yeah, I'm seeing them for the first time, too.

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