Sat, Oct 20 '12, 10:14
my tags vs tags blacklist
"My tags" seem to be stored in the account (still there even though I've closed Firefox). Why is the "tags blacklist" stored in cookies? Can this be changed?
Sat, Oct 20 '12, 15:41
That's stored in cookies!? *runs off to test*

Edit *after testing*:
Actually, both blacklist AND my tags are cookies. If you're having trouble with one but not the other, I don't know what to tell you.

I WISH I could change it from cookies to local storage, but as is the problem with a few changes I'd like to make, I don't have access to the HTML files. For those not in the know, the HTML files, essentially, are the inner workings of the site.

I don't think I could ask for access either, as chances are every booru is a subdomain on ONE account on the web host, so if Slayerduck (the dude who runs were to give someone access, they'd probably have access to EVERY booru's code.

It's annoying, but alas, there's nothing I can do.

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