Sun, Oct 14 '12, 01:53
Basement Content
Hello, I think it's great that so much content that was on Hypnochan is being backuped in here, but there was also some great content in Hypnochan's basement. I know loli and such content is prohibited by the host of this site, but we could use lolibooru.com as an alternative to upload the content under a unified tag, such as hypnochan_base or hypno_mc or something of the like. (I'm not good at doing this, as you can see...) So what do you guys think? Is it a good idea? If you think so, propose a tag we can use. Let's wait until we have enough feedback to start uploading content.
Sun, Oct 14 '12, 01:57
Wouldn't searching "mind_control" on lolibooru be enough?
Sun, Oct 14 '12, 18:58
Yeah, that makes sense to me. I mean, just upload any MC stuff to lolibooru and tag it as Mind Control. XD
Sat, Oct 20 '12, 03:39
has anyone heard anything more about the rags game Juno was developing. He posted details on the basement that it was at least still under development. no idea where he would post it now if it was ever completed.
Sat, Oct 20 '12, 06:29
I have no idea.

A shame, really. I was looking forward to that.
Tue, Oct 23 '12, 01:52
I wonder if the creator of Cordial Knot still has Juno's email address? If so I hope he reads this and directs him to this site.
Thu, Nov 15 '12, 20:09
Someone contact Juno, that development was awesome.
Fri, Nov 16 '12, 19:39
Does anyone have his contact info? I know he used to write for cordial knot so I checked to see if he might have had contact info there, but that whole site seems to have vanished.

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