Wed, Oct 10 '12, 23:43
Had A Name On Hypnochan? Tell Us Who You Are! Didn't? Talk Anyway!
Hey everyone,

Seeing that Hypnochan is down and out, and we probably won't be seeing a sight of its kind for a while I think it might be a good idea for us to try to make the most of Hypnobooru and get reacquainted with one another, in a since. So I'd like to encourage everyone to post a little about themselves (relevant to the theme of course) and if your alias on Hypnochan was different than it was on the booru feel free to mention it.

I know this site can't become another Hypnochan but I'm interested in seeing how many people from Hypnochan are here and learning about our members.
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 23:58
Having seen the members list, I know there's several folks from Hypnochan registered under their old aliases. :D

Hi, I'm Mindwipe. You may know me as Mindwipe. :P
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 03:49
Yo, I'm Vorp. I mostly lurked Hypnochan, but took up manipping a few months before its shutdown. I've yet to make a Collective account, so with Hypnochan gone, you guys'll be the first to see any new manips I make. :)
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 04:30
I always go by this name, or a close variant. ;)

Those who know me, well, know me. For those who don't...

I'm a manipper who started a sort of "empty eye manip revolution" on hypnochan way back when. While nothing really unique in and of itself, it did inspire a few new manippers to pick up the proverbial pen.

I take pride in my ability to manip the eyes, and I focus solely on the eyes for the most part. I suck at just about everything else (I'll leave expressions and posture to the crazy-quick learners like MMD [Lost+Name]).

My goal, though slowly worked on, is to develop new ways (to my knowledge at least) to manip the eyes in an image and to perfect the methods of eye manipulation I've already developed.

I suppose my reason behind this is that, to me, the proof of hypnosis/mind control is all in the eyes. Empty eyes, spiral eyes, glowing eyes, and more - without these, I feel hypnofetish pics are losing out on potential. That's just how I like it, I guess.
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 05:01
I'm Blue, I had my fair share of posts on Hypnochan. Sadly all of my stores of content were lost with my hard drive so there's not much for me to reupload on here.
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 05:52
I'm Bctytler. I've lurked on hypnochan regularly for most of its existance. I post occasionally, but almost always its just discussion. With the advent of the hypnobooru, I moved my entire operation here, and have uploaded several pictures, including the 1000th image on the board. I do some manips, but most are lame and I just keep them to myself. Also, I'm an amateur hypnotist in real life, mostly doing street hypnosis as party tricks, but occasionally doing some therapy for friends.

I could go on and write a whole biography so you can get to know me, but I think that's unnecessary. ;)
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 06:41
I guess I should post a little more than a joking reply, since this is about getting reacquainted and all. So, here we go:

I found Hypnochan a few months after it first opened, and it was an absolute godsend to me. I posted anonymously there for about a year, sharing various pics I had saved, until one night I got a weird idea to share a manip I made. I didn't expect to get a response, but I did. A very encouraging reply from Vanndril, who said I had potential and pointed me towards the GIMP editing software. I gave myself my current user name (after a Transformers character), and started posting more empty eye manips. Eventually I started the first empty eye manips thread, which got a great response and eventually spawned another. I became much less active there around the time I started working on this site, but before that I was kinda unhealthily addicted. XD Refreshing every 5 minutes, backseat modding more than I probably should have...yeah.
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 07:37
I was on HC from about day 1, usually as a lurker/anon though. I posted under an alias a couple times but you aren't missing anything. My main attempt at contribution is manipping, but I'm super perfectionist (i.e. bad at manipping) and usually spend over an hour on one picture before deciding it's terrible and giving up. I am also a decent writer, even put some hours into an English major before deciding it wasn't my thing, but I have very little experience with erotic fiction and have only published one story (on rb9's yahoo VIP). I would like to do more of that though, it's more interesting to me personally than making manips. I wish we had a place for more in-depth conversation, like a forum (or a chan, dohohoho), but I'm glad that Hypnobooru is around now. Thanks for putting it up and maintaining it, you guys.
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 18:54
I also was mainly a lurker on HC, but posted some manip material on the IRL section, mainly pantyhose hypno captions, I'm just glad I've putted them on DA before the site was down. You can check them there under this alias :)

It's good that there is still a place for the community to gather up. Will be coming to this website more frequently than before.
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 21:00
Yup. Former lurker here. I don't think I ever actually had a name on the chan, or posted anything... or really said very much for that matter. I think the most activity I ever had was in the Touhou thread when Vann posted the Touhous game, and I posted like... two or three comments of feedback about that (and about how bad I was at finding hidden stuff and progressing chapter 2).

Not really sure I'll be able to do much in the way of providing new content or anything, but at least what I can do is once I finally decide to go through everything on the booru and on my hard drive I can try to see if I can add some of the stuff I'd saved back from Hypnochan among other things possibly. Also tagging. I can do tagging now that I know how. Except tagging who made stuff, since I don't think I ever sorted manippers by name. I'll have to check. Either way long winded intro over with HI GAIZ.
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 22:49
Hi! I'm yakui, and no one knows me. But it's ok. -___-
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 23:09
I'm Argonisgema on hypnochan so i'm Argonisgema here the first part of my name came from my favorite race in Oblivion the Argonians my name was also the name of a kingdom in the nes game startopics i'm more of a lurker really i came to hypnochan with no skills or talents but that just makes me appreciate the stuff you guys who have skills and talents make more then others.
Fri, Oct 12 '12, 01:54
Hello, my name is MrGerp. I'm like a fair amount of people who posted here, a lurker. I found HC about two years ago and I've been visiting that site ever since. I spent a lot of my time looking at the MLP board (please no judging) and even posted a few of my own manips. Even two of the three found their way to derpibooru which made me happy to see people reposting my work. Anyway, just a fan of hypnosis and plan to visit now and then.
Fri, Oct 12 '12, 23:48
I'm RikaNeko, and I was mostly a lurker of Hypnochan...it saddens me to think that the side is down forever...they were so great images and interesting comments u_u
Sat, Oct 13 '12, 00:09
Hello everyone...

Im chimpunisher...author of batman mc,timmy turner, and other topics in hypnochan...

Some of you perhaps remember me

Sad of hearing the news about the closure of hypnochan...

Hope someday it will returns to his glory or maybe it could reborn in some other way...

Meanwhile, i hope we could share some of our stuff trough this gallerie so we can enjoy this harmless hobby...

I will try to upload some of my collection in the next days...

So, in the midtime im glad of hearing of you again...

See you soon...
Sun, Oct 14 '12, 04:36
I'm Thane. I was a anonymous lurker on Hypnochan since August. I'm interested in trying to create a few text manips (even if I don't have any idea on how to create glazed eyes or anything of the like yet...).
Sun, Oct 14 '12, 04:48
Well, empty eyes can be quite easy. It's a shame Hypnochan is gone, or I'd link you to the mini tutorial Vanndril made for them. You really just need an image editor with a smudge tool (GIMP is free), and you can make empty eye manips that are damn close to original content.
Mon, Oct 15 '12, 08:42
Well, I'm Daphnaie ^_^

I was a lurker on HypnoChan too, since just under a year ago. Obviously as a lurker I never really posted much, and sadly I didn't save nearly enough of the pictures I liked from HC before it was taken down. I wouldn't mind being a bit more active in posting this time around, so hopefully Hypnobooru stays around as well. Thanks very much Mindwipe for setting it up for us, and good timing too!

Also: I'm a fan of mind control (obviously), but I'm also a big fan of bimbofication and corruption/transformation as well.
Mon, Oct 15 '12, 11:22
Nimja here :)
Nimja here... Maker of the Interactive Induction Script. Anyone who ever glanced at /self/ will remember me...

I hope ;)
Tue, Oct 16 '12, 19:48
I'm Doctor How. I made some manips.

Hi again.

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